Technical Museum Tatra
Before visiting the Technical Museum Tatra Kopřivnice brand I have been associated exclusively with trams and trucks. However, countries Czech genius produced cars, rolling stock and aircraft. If railway equipment and the aircraft took a modest niche, the passenger automobile technology was introduced over.
And most surprising, that the tram to the Tatra brand Tatra irrelevant and produce Czech CKD engineering corporation. Live and learn, that's really truly. In the meantime, a brief history of the Tatras.
The company was founded in 1850 by Ignaz Shustaloy called «Schustala & Company». The company produced wheelchairs and chaise. In the 1860s, the company had a plant not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Berlin, Vienna, Wroclaw, Kyiv and Chernivtsi.
All photos, except the first two, I posted in chronological order of appearance models. I apologize for any flaws in automotive terms.
49 photo source.
In short - it is a very interesting museum. The photo installation automobile repair shop of the last century. Although the date I could be wrong here.
In 1882, he began producing railway cars. In 1891 the company was renamed «Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau-Fabriksgesellschaft».
In 1897 he released the first passenger car in Central Europe and one of the first in the world - the "President" (Czech. Präsident).
In 1918 a new name - «Kopřivnická vozovka as», and in 1919 the company began to use the badge with the inscription «Tatra» - in honor of the Tatra mountain range.
After World War II the company was nationalized. The company manufactures trucks and cars Class "luxury" (until 1989).
March 15, 2013 the company was sold at an auction for the company's Truck Development 176 million kroons.
The exhibition is widely presented cars and trucks, sports and other exotic items.
1897. Präsident - the first Czech car and the first car in central and eastern Europe with a gasoline engine. It is a replica and the original is kept in Prague.
1897 Engine President - Kontra Motor-BENZ. The world's first boxer engine ("contra engine") development Carl Benz. Two cylinders 6, 6 horsepower at a volume of 2, 7 liters. Water cooling.
1906. NW type S. are produced in different versions from 1906 to 1917. Total production 62 cars. Equipped with an engine capacity of 3, 3 liters and output of 20-30 horsepower, depending on the modification. It was a four-speed gearbox + rear. Weight 1 1 - 1, 3 tons. It is surprising that such a weight was enough engine in some miserable 20 horses.
Typ T. 1914. The engine produces from 1914 to 1926. Four cylinders, 3, 6 liters of 45 horses. Water cooling.
1924. Tatra 13. A small truck, which was manufactured from 1924 to 1932. With its own weight about ton could carry 800 - 1000 kilogram, depending on the modification. Equipped with two-cylinder horizontally opposed air-cooled engine of 1, 1 liter capacity and 12 hp
1925. The six-cylinder engine for the model of Tatra 17. Produced from 1925 to 1928. Water cooling, volume 1, 9 liters and output of 35 horses.
1927 6x4 chassis of the truck Tatra 26/30. Various modifications of this model were produced from 1927 to 1933. It is alleged that he had extreme off-road ability, in particular able to climb stairs (it is written in the English wiki!). Mounted four-cylinder boxer engine air-cooled (generally to Tatra trucks tried to put air-cooled engines is, I do not know the truth, for all models or not) of 1, 7 liters and output of 24 horsepower.
1927. Equipped with a 4-speed gearbox and transfer box. All rear wheel drive and used the half-line. Mechanical drum brakes on all four wheels. As you can see «Tatra backbone tube» - hrebtovitaya hollow tube connecting the chassis into a single unit, where he was rear axle drive shaft. As you can see the drive shaft was fixed, and heave the suspension is only implemented half-line.
1931. The chassis of the car Tatra 54/30. This model was produced from 1931 to 1936. In all there were 928 machines. It comes with four-cylinder boxer engine air-cooling capacity of 1, 7 liters and output of 24 hp
1933. Further, the design of machines is changing dramatically as a concept. Look at this kid! Tatra V570 - the second prototype of cheap people's car with an aerodynamic body. But the company's management decided that revolutionary ideas must first be introduced on luxury cars. A design and concept of this car illegally appropriated by Hitler and Ferdinand Porsche to Volkswagen to make the famous Beetle, which has sold more than 21, 5 million copies, which is the mass production car in history. Wikipedia about the bug on this silent, but in the history of Tatra models the following is written: «he second V570 was built in 1933, two years before the first Volkswagen, which bears a strong resemblance to the Tatra - it was misappropriated by Hitler and Dr. Porsche in circumstances about which the German company remains intensely sensitive ».
1933 Chassis Tatra 72. All the same four-cylinder boxer engine air-cooling capacity of 1, 9 liters and power. 32 hp Equipped with an 8-speed (+ two reverse speeds) transmission.
1935. Tatra 57A. Popular kabrirolet made on the basis of the base model of the 57th. The people called him «Hadimrška». Sorry, but the Google translator does not know the word. Can anyone suggest how this can be translated? Equipped with engine capacity of 1, 2 liter and 20 hp The maximum speed of 90 km / h!
1936. Tatra produced aircraft. Two models under license and four own development. The photo Tatra 131 - licensed version of Bücker Bü 131. Besides Tatra produced aircraft engines.
1936. Tatra T77 - the world's first production car with an aerodynamic body. For its time, the car was unique and perceived almost as a "wonder of the world", especially considering the cost comparable to the "Maybach" and "Rolls-Royce". T77 osnaschalacya V8 engine with air cooling. Transmission is in front of the rear axle. Driving performance "Tatra" difficult to describe in a few words. On the one hand, thanks to the good aerodynamics of the car developed a very solid year for the speed - up to 150 km / h - with an engine capacity of just 75 liters. s., and thus spend about 15 liters of gasoline per 100 km, which was an outstanding exponent: other cars in this class spent one and a half to two times more fuel. On the other hand, accelerating dynamics heavy car with wooden body on the frame and a thin power unit not been impressive, and handling at speed because of the imperfection of the chassis and supercharged rear part (which accounted for more than 60% of the total weight of the car) was by modern standards, and all life-threatening the driver and passengers. And at high speed the car was badly affected by crosswinds.
1936. Tatra T87 - passenger car class, an advanced version of Tatra 77. Model famous grand mileage Jiri Hanzelka and Miroslav Zikmund Africa, South and Central America in 1947-1950. Tatra T87 was another representative of the "Tatra concept" launched car Tatra 11 - hrebtovidnaya pipe instead of the frame, air-cooled engine, all wheel independent suspension, swinging the leading axis. The engine block and gearbox was positioned behind the rear wheels. It was the first Czechoslovak car with all-metal body: the rejection of a wooden frame significantly reduced weight of the vehicle. With the same purpose had been to reduce the size of the car, including the base of the wheel, the engine received aluminum cylinder head and oil pan made of magnesium alloy, cast iron block itself was ribbed. In addition, many others have been introduced technical innovations.
1936. Tatra 68 - Rail motor coach class M 290.0. There were built two rail bus for the route between Bratislava Slovak boom and Prague. This distance they overcame four and a half hours with a maximum speed of 130 km / h. Since the beginning of the war, they were taken out of service and then used only occasionally in the local routes. The car with the number two (in the photo) taken out of service in 1960. The first car was not preserved.
1936. Tatra T97 - the car of the middle class. Produced for a short time before the war, from 1936 to 1939. Tatra T97 was developed in 1936 as a smaller version of the Tatra T87. Instead of V8, the vehicle was a 4-cylinder 1, 8-liter boxer engine. When engine power 40 hp. from. the car a top speed of 130 km / h. The design has also been simplified, instead of three headlights were two, single windscreen, the body as a whole has decreased. Production ceased after the annexation of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis in order to avoid competition with the Volkswagen Beetle. At the time it was produced 508 cars. A production resumed in 1946, but the communist government chose the 97th Tatra more "democratic" and easy-to-manufacture "Tatraplan."
1937. The streamlined body and performance, especially boxer engine, air-cooled, rear-mounted, making T97 is very similar to "Volkswagen Beetle." It is believed that the use of Porsche Design "Tatra", as had to build a car quickly and cheaply. According to the book "Tatra - the legacy of Hans Ledvinka" and "Car of the war," Hitler said, "Tatra" - the car for my roads. " Ferdinand Porsche later admitted that the design of "Bug", "peeped over his shoulder Ledvinka." «Tatra» Porsche filed for court. But Hitler intervened, saying that resolves this issue. When Czechoslovakia was invaded by the Nazis (cardinal settlement, is not it?), The production of T97 was immediately stopped, and the suit was left unsatisfied. After the war, «Tatra» resumed lawsuit against the company «Volkswagen». In 1967, the issue was resolved when the «Volkswagen» has paid the company «Tatra» three million German marks in compensation.
1942. Tatra V855 - a prototype of the "battle" for the Russian winter snowmobile made by order of the Nazis. It is based on the T87, just built two prototypes.
1942. Equipped with air-cooled V8 engine capacity of 2, 9-liter and 75 hp Driven by a giant screw and snow drum, which also acts as a brake.
1946. The engine on model T107 - the predecessor T600 «Tatraplan». The four-cylinder boxer engine air-cooling capacity of 1, 8 and 38 hp power
1946. Tatra 600. One of the most popular Czech cars (produced more than 6,000 pieces). The name "Tatraplan" he received in honor of the new Communist planned economy. Six-body - a streamlined monocoque with a drag coefficient of about 0, 32. Equipped with a four-tsillindrovym opposed air-cooled engine of 1, 9 and 59 hp power
1949. Tatra 600 kabriolet. This convertible was built in the singular as a gift to Stalin on the seventieth anniversary. Most likely it Stalin never traveled. Soon, this gig was the property of one of the Moscow doctor. In the 70s, the doctor turned to the factory for assistance in the recovery of the vehicle. As a result of the negotiations the unique convertible was changed to "new" Tatra 603 (which was discontinued in 1974). The convertible returned to the factory where it was carried out the restoration. (Používal ho diktátorův řidič, pak se dostal do majetku jednoho moskevského lékaře, který v 70. letech 20. století kontaktoval Tatru Kopřivnice s dotazem, zda je možné tento vůz přestavět na Tatru 603. Dočkal se záporné odpovědi a nabídky na výměnu kabrioletu za Tatru 603. Tak se dostal vůz zpět do Česka a po rekonstrukci byl vystaven v Technickém Muzeu v Kopřivnici, kde se nachází dodnes.)
1949. Tatra 601 Monte Carlo - a two-door sports version was built in a single copy.
1953 Czech "hippie-mobile» - Tatra 805. Light truck military. In Czechoslovakia, the car has received the popular name «kačena» - «a duck." The car in the picture participated in the expedition in Asia from April 1959 to November 1964.
1955. The first prototype Tatra 603 - class car, produced in 1956-1975, respectively. The machine was designed to be the service for the top party and political leaders of the Warsaw Pact and of friendly countries, although some items were sold to private individuals abroad.
1955. Motor air-cooled, 95 hp I had a four-stage, fully synchronized transmission. Power is supplied by two compact two-chamber carburettors firm "of physicists." I had petrol heater independent of the engine (the previous model 87 Tatra suffered a lack of heat). Engine Location Rear allowed to round the front of the car, resulting in a drag coefficient of just leaving 0, 36. The suspension is independent, with coil springs and hydraulic shock absorbers on all wheels. The front suspension used McPherson, rear - on swinging half.
1957. Tatra 605 - training sports car.
1959. In the foreground Tatra 805 fire (?) Modification.
1959. Transmission and razdatka the truck Tatra 138. The two reverse gears and ten front.
1959. As you can see on the first truck could climb the hill with a slope of 46, 6%.
1962. The prototype limousine Tatra 603A.
1964. Based on the model 603A was offered wagon, primarily for ambulance. But Tatra 603A Ambulance remained in one piece.
1964. Tatra Delfín 1100 - a racing car class "Formula Junior". Developed by designers at its own initiative in his spare time. Compiled from various units of machines, such as the clutch is on the Volga 21.
1966. Tatra 603 X - limousine prototype developed in the Bratislava branch of Tatra.
1967. Tatra 603 B5 - racing version of Marathon de la Route 1966. In his class carriages Tatra won all the prizes. In the overall standings, they occupied the third to fifth place. In one of the races a car hit a deer and damaged lights, for which he received penalization.
1967 Classic truck Tatra 138. The museum is T138 VN 6x6, which in 1967 took part in a student expedition through Africa.
1972. Tatra 148 - the next generation of trucks. On this chassis as on the T138, there have been many different cars nazancheniya.
1980. And then something went wrong. Maybe this design trends of the time, but to call it a beautiful car I do not dare. The photo Tatra 623 built for quick help in the race. Eight of these machines in 1986 participated in the first F1 race in Hungary as an aid. (to secure assistance - sefeti car or something?)
1981. Tatra 613 - the car class. First of all, this car was designed for members of the party and government organs of Czechoslovakia and the other socialist countries, as well as the Directorate of large enterprises. The party of these machines were sold in the Soviet Union for the needs of the KGB and the range of mid-level service, which no longer satisfies the comfort and status of "Volga", but have not yet had the opportunity to receive an official "Seagull" and "ZIL". The assembly of these machines has been exclusively hand. The issue lasted until 1996 and 4 model was modified.
1984. Tatra 613 K - convertible.
1988. From left to Tatra 162 - a prototype of the 163rd model truck. In the center of T815 - the first victory of the Tatra Mountains in the Paris-Dakar Rally in 1988. Right - T805
1993. Fear and horror. Tatra 613-4 Mi Long Mobicom - mobile office. Telephone, fax, computer, printer and other whistles and perdelki.
Something like that.
1994. Tatra T613-Prezident. Prototype. It looks like an attempt to rectify the situation and to make people's car again.
1996. Reinforced Tatra 613-4.
The story ends on a car model Tatra 700. The last copy was released in July 1998 ... equipped with engine V8 c collapse of the 90-degree air-cooled. Volume 3, 5 liters or 4, 4. capacity of 200 and 234 hp
Since then, it deals only with the Tatra trucks.
1999. Tatra 163. Produced now.
PS. Hitler during his visits to occupied Czechoslovakia enjoyed using the "Tatra" to travel around the country. This futuristic car which looked (we are talking about models 77 and 87) Hans Ledvinka he found the perfect vehicle for the imperial highways, bringing the light appeared "Volkswagen Beetle" and many others based on the same concept of the German model.
"Tatra" T77 shot in the car of the future role of the British sci-fi film The Tunnel 1935, dedicated to the construction of the trans-Atlantic tunnel.
The development of body shape T77 used wind tunnel at the factory equipment Zeppelin airships
And most surprising, that the tram to the Tatra brand Tatra irrelevant and produce Czech CKD engineering corporation. Live and learn, that's really truly. In the meantime, a brief history of the Tatras.
The company was founded in 1850 by Ignaz Shustaloy called «Schustala & Company». The company produced wheelchairs and chaise. In the 1860s, the company had a plant not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Berlin, Vienna, Wroclaw, Kyiv and Chernivtsi.
All photos, except the first two, I posted in chronological order of appearance models. I apologize for any flaws in automotive terms.
49 photo source.

In short - it is a very interesting museum. The photo installation automobile repair shop of the last century. Although the date I could be wrong here.

In 1882, he began producing railway cars. In 1891 the company was renamed «Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau-Fabriksgesellschaft».
In 1897 he released the first passenger car in Central Europe and one of the first in the world - the "President" (Czech. Präsident).
In 1918 a new name - «Kopřivnická vozovka as», and in 1919 the company began to use the badge with the inscription «Tatra» - in honor of the Tatra mountain range.
After World War II the company was nationalized. The company manufactures trucks and cars Class "luxury" (until 1989).
March 15, 2013 the company was sold at an auction for the company's Truck Development 176 million kroons.
The exhibition is widely presented cars and trucks, sports and other exotic items.

1897. Präsident - the first Czech car and the first car in central and eastern Europe with a gasoline engine. It is a replica and the original is kept in Prague.

1897 Engine President - Kontra Motor-BENZ. The world's first boxer engine ("contra engine") development Carl Benz. Two cylinders 6, 6 horsepower at a volume of 2, 7 liters. Water cooling.

1906. NW type S. are produced in different versions from 1906 to 1917. Total production 62 cars. Equipped with an engine capacity of 3, 3 liters and output of 20-30 horsepower, depending on the modification. It was a four-speed gearbox + rear. Weight 1 1 - 1, 3 tons. It is surprising that such a weight was enough engine in some miserable 20 horses.

Typ T. 1914. The engine produces from 1914 to 1926. Four cylinders, 3, 6 liters of 45 horses. Water cooling.

1924. Tatra 13. A small truck, which was manufactured from 1924 to 1932. With its own weight about ton could carry 800 - 1000 kilogram, depending on the modification. Equipped with two-cylinder horizontally opposed air-cooled engine of 1, 1 liter capacity and 12 hp

1925. The six-cylinder engine for the model of Tatra 17. Produced from 1925 to 1928. Water cooling, volume 1, 9 liters and output of 35 horses.

1927 6x4 chassis of the truck Tatra 26/30. Various modifications of this model were produced from 1927 to 1933. It is alleged that he had extreme off-road ability, in particular able to climb stairs (it is written in the English wiki!). Mounted four-cylinder boxer engine air-cooled (generally to Tatra trucks tried to put air-cooled engines is, I do not know the truth, for all models or not) of 1, 7 liters and output of 24 horsepower.

1927. Equipped with a 4-speed gearbox and transfer box. All rear wheel drive and used the half-line. Mechanical drum brakes on all four wheels. As you can see «Tatra backbone tube» - hrebtovitaya hollow tube connecting the chassis into a single unit, where he was rear axle drive shaft. As you can see the drive shaft was fixed, and heave the suspension is only implemented half-line.

1931. The chassis of the car Tatra 54/30. This model was produced from 1931 to 1936. In all there were 928 machines. It comes with four-cylinder boxer engine air-cooling capacity of 1, 7 liters and output of 24 hp

1933. Further, the design of machines is changing dramatically as a concept. Look at this kid! Tatra V570 - the second prototype of cheap people's car with an aerodynamic body. But the company's management decided that revolutionary ideas must first be introduced on luxury cars. A design and concept of this car illegally appropriated by Hitler and Ferdinand Porsche to Volkswagen to make the famous Beetle, which has sold more than 21, 5 million copies, which is the mass production car in history. Wikipedia about the bug on this silent, but in the history of Tatra models the following is written: «he second V570 was built in 1933, two years before the first Volkswagen, which bears a strong resemblance to the Tatra - it was misappropriated by Hitler and Dr. Porsche in circumstances about which the German company remains intensely sensitive ».

1933 Chassis Tatra 72. All the same four-cylinder boxer engine air-cooling capacity of 1, 9 liters and power. 32 hp Equipped with an 8-speed (+ two reverse speeds) transmission.

1935. Tatra 57A. Popular kabrirolet made on the basis of the base model of the 57th. The people called him «Hadimrška». Sorry, but the Google translator does not know the word. Can anyone suggest how this can be translated? Equipped with engine capacity of 1, 2 liter and 20 hp The maximum speed of 90 km / h!

1936. Tatra produced aircraft. Two models under license and four own development. The photo Tatra 131 - licensed version of Bücker Bü 131. Besides Tatra produced aircraft engines.

1936. Tatra T77 - the world's first production car with an aerodynamic body. For its time, the car was unique and perceived almost as a "wonder of the world", especially considering the cost comparable to the "Maybach" and "Rolls-Royce". T77 osnaschalacya V8 engine with air cooling. Transmission is in front of the rear axle. Driving performance "Tatra" difficult to describe in a few words. On the one hand, thanks to the good aerodynamics of the car developed a very solid year for the speed - up to 150 km / h - with an engine capacity of just 75 liters. s., and thus spend about 15 liters of gasoline per 100 km, which was an outstanding exponent: other cars in this class spent one and a half to two times more fuel. On the other hand, accelerating dynamics heavy car with wooden body on the frame and a thin power unit not been impressive, and handling at speed because of the imperfection of the chassis and supercharged rear part (which accounted for more than 60% of the total weight of the car) was by modern standards, and all life-threatening the driver and passengers. And at high speed the car was badly affected by crosswinds.

1936. Tatra T87 - passenger car class, an advanced version of Tatra 77. Model famous grand mileage Jiri Hanzelka and Miroslav Zikmund Africa, South and Central America in 1947-1950. Tatra T87 was another representative of the "Tatra concept" launched car Tatra 11 - hrebtovidnaya pipe instead of the frame, air-cooled engine, all wheel independent suspension, swinging the leading axis. The engine block and gearbox was positioned behind the rear wheels. It was the first Czechoslovak car with all-metal body: the rejection of a wooden frame significantly reduced weight of the vehicle. With the same purpose had been to reduce the size of the car, including the base of the wheel, the engine received aluminum cylinder head and oil pan made of magnesium alloy, cast iron block itself was ribbed. In addition, many others have been introduced technical innovations.

1936. Tatra 68 - Rail motor coach class M 290.0. There were built two rail bus for the route between Bratislava Slovak boom and Prague. This distance they overcame four and a half hours with a maximum speed of 130 km / h. Since the beginning of the war, they were taken out of service and then used only occasionally in the local routes. The car with the number two (in the photo) taken out of service in 1960. The first car was not preserved.

1936. Tatra T97 - the car of the middle class. Produced for a short time before the war, from 1936 to 1939. Tatra T97 was developed in 1936 as a smaller version of the Tatra T87. Instead of V8, the vehicle was a 4-cylinder 1, 8-liter boxer engine. When engine power 40 hp. from. the car a top speed of 130 km / h. The design has also been simplified, instead of three headlights were two, single windscreen, the body as a whole has decreased. Production ceased after the annexation of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis in order to avoid competition with the Volkswagen Beetle. At the time it was produced 508 cars. A production resumed in 1946, but the communist government chose the 97th Tatra more "democratic" and easy-to-manufacture "Tatraplan."

1937. The streamlined body and performance, especially boxer engine, air-cooled, rear-mounted, making T97 is very similar to "Volkswagen Beetle." It is believed that the use of Porsche Design "Tatra", as had to build a car quickly and cheaply. According to the book "Tatra - the legacy of Hans Ledvinka" and "Car of the war," Hitler said, "Tatra" - the car for my roads. " Ferdinand Porsche later admitted that the design of "Bug", "peeped over his shoulder Ledvinka." «Tatra» Porsche filed for court. But Hitler intervened, saying that resolves this issue. When Czechoslovakia was invaded by the Nazis (cardinal settlement, is not it?), The production of T97 was immediately stopped, and the suit was left unsatisfied. After the war, «Tatra» resumed lawsuit against the company «Volkswagen». In 1967, the issue was resolved when the «Volkswagen» has paid the company «Tatra» three million German marks in compensation.

1942. Tatra V855 - a prototype of the "battle" for the Russian winter snowmobile made by order of the Nazis. It is based on the T87, just built two prototypes.

1942. Equipped with air-cooled V8 engine capacity of 2, 9-liter and 75 hp Driven by a giant screw and snow drum, which also acts as a brake.

1946. The engine on model T107 - the predecessor T600 «Tatraplan». The four-cylinder boxer engine air-cooling capacity of 1, 8 and 38 hp power

1946. Tatra 600. One of the most popular Czech cars (produced more than 6,000 pieces). The name "Tatraplan" he received in honor of the new Communist planned economy. Six-body - a streamlined monocoque with a drag coefficient of about 0, 32. Equipped with a four-tsillindrovym opposed air-cooled engine of 1, 9 and 59 hp power

1949. Tatra 600 kabriolet. This convertible was built in the singular as a gift to Stalin on the seventieth anniversary. Most likely it Stalin never traveled. Soon, this gig was the property of one of the Moscow doctor. In the 70s, the doctor turned to the factory for assistance in the recovery of the vehicle. As a result of the negotiations the unique convertible was changed to "new" Tatra 603 (which was discontinued in 1974). The convertible returned to the factory where it was carried out the restoration. (Používal ho diktátorův řidič, pak se dostal do majetku jednoho moskevského lékaře, který v 70. letech 20. století kontaktoval Tatru Kopřivnice s dotazem, zda je možné tento vůz přestavět na Tatru 603. Dočkal se záporné odpovědi a nabídky na výměnu kabrioletu za Tatru 603. Tak se dostal vůz zpět do Česka a po rekonstrukci byl vystaven v Technickém Muzeu v Kopřivnici, kde se nachází dodnes.)

1949. Tatra 601 Monte Carlo - a two-door sports version was built in a single copy.

1953 Czech "hippie-mobile» - Tatra 805. Light truck military. In Czechoslovakia, the car has received the popular name «kačena» - «a duck." The car in the picture participated in the expedition in Asia from April 1959 to November 1964.

1955. The first prototype Tatra 603 - class car, produced in 1956-1975, respectively. The machine was designed to be the service for the top party and political leaders of the Warsaw Pact and of friendly countries, although some items were sold to private individuals abroad.

1955. Motor air-cooled, 95 hp I had a four-stage, fully synchronized transmission. Power is supplied by two compact two-chamber carburettors firm "of physicists." I had petrol heater independent of the engine (the previous model 87 Tatra suffered a lack of heat). Engine Location Rear allowed to round the front of the car, resulting in a drag coefficient of just leaving 0, 36. The suspension is independent, with coil springs and hydraulic shock absorbers on all wheels. The front suspension used McPherson, rear - on swinging half.

1957. Tatra 605 - training sports car.

1959. In the foreground Tatra 805 fire (?) Modification.

1959. Transmission and razdatka the truck Tatra 138. The two reverse gears and ten front.

1959. As you can see on the first truck could climb the hill with a slope of 46, 6%.

1962. The prototype limousine Tatra 603A.

1964. Based on the model 603A was offered wagon, primarily for ambulance. But Tatra 603A Ambulance remained in one piece.

1964. Tatra Delfín 1100 - a racing car class "Formula Junior". Developed by designers at its own initiative in his spare time. Compiled from various units of machines, such as the clutch is on the Volga 21.

1966. Tatra 603 X - limousine prototype developed in the Bratislava branch of Tatra.

1967. Tatra 603 B5 - racing version of Marathon de la Route 1966. In his class carriages Tatra won all the prizes. In the overall standings, they occupied the third to fifth place. In one of the races a car hit a deer and damaged lights, for which he received penalization.

1967 Classic truck Tatra 138. The museum is T138 VN 6x6, which in 1967 took part in a student expedition through Africa.

1972. Tatra 148 - the next generation of trucks. On this chassis as on the T138, there have been many different cars nazancheniya.

1980. And then something went wrong. Maybe this design trends of the time, but to call it a beautiful car I do not dare. The photo Tatra 623 built for quick help in the race. Eight of these machines in 1986 participated in the first F1 race in Hungary as an aid. (to secure assistance - sefeti car or something?)

1981. Tatra 613 - the car class. First of all, this car was designed for members of the party and government organs of Czechoslovakia and the other socialist countries, as well as the Directorate of large enterprises. The party of these machines were sold in the Soviet Union for the needs of the KGB and the range of mid-level service, which no longer satisfies the comfort and status of "Volga", but have not yet had the opportunity to receive an official "Seagull" and "ZIL". The assembly of these machines has been exclusively hand. The issue lasted until 1996 and 4 model was modified.

1984. Tatra 613 K - convertible.

1988. From left to Tatra 162 - a prototype of the 163rd model truck. In the center of T815 - the first victory of the Tatra Mountains in the Paris-Dakar Rally in 1988. Right - T805

1993. Fear and horror. Tatra 613-4 Mi Long Mobicom - mobile office. Telephone, fax, computer, printer and other whistles and perdelki.

Something like that.

1994. Tatra T613-Prezident. Prototype. It looks like an attempt to rectify the situation and to make people's car again.

1996. Reinforced Tatra 613-4.
The story ends on a car model Tatra 700. The last copy was released in July 1998 ... equipped with engine V8 c collapse of the 90-degree air-cooled. Volume 3, 5 liters or 4, 4. capacity of 200 and 234 hp
Since then, it deals only with the Tatra trucks.

1999. Tatra 163. Produced now.
PS. Hitler during his visits to occupied Czechoslovakia enjoyed using the "Tatra" to travel around the country. This futuristic car which looked (we are talking about models 77 and 87) Hans Ledvinka he found the perfect vehicle for the imperial highways, bringing the light appeared "Volkswagen Beetle" and many others based on the same concept of the German model.
"Tatra" T77 shot in the car of the future role of the British sci-fi film The Tunnel 1935, dedicated to the construction of the trans-Atlantic tunnel.
The development of body shape T77 used wind tunnel at the factory equipment Zeppelin airships
