WWDC 2014. The report for Thursday
In the penultimate day of WWDC 2014 session ended a little earlier. Was quite a bit of interest. Basically dorasskazyvali details. The main emphasis was placed on conversations with spices Apple's labs.
Arthur reports mc_murphy Sakharov, Redmadrobot
Session Prototyping: Fake It Till You Make It
B> UI designers told "how to transfer animation developers».
So, if you develop a product chain
→ idea of drawing / writing code → product i>, the application will eventually get not what was expected of him. What will it be uncomfortable, something to be odd, something is not polished to the end.
His colleagues at Apple and the rest of the teams they recommend about this process:
idea → → prototype drawing / writing code → product i>,
rather, it
idea to prototype → → → prototype prototype prototype → → drawing / writing code → product i>.
How to make prototypes to Apple?
Arthur reports mc_murphy Sakharov, Redmadrobot

Session Prototyping: Fake It Till You Make It
B> UI designers told "how to transfer animation developers».
So, if you develop a product chain
→ idea of drawing / writing code → product i>, the application will eventually get not what was expected of him. What will it be uncomfortable, something to be odd, something is not polished to the end.
His colleagues at Apple and the rest of the teams they recommend about this process:
idea → → prototype drawing / writing code → product i>,
rather, it
idea to prototype → → → prototype prototype prototype → → drawing / writing code → product i>.