Apple secrets

Apple or love, or are extremely skeptical. But all who are somehow familiar with the company, pay tribute to her for the revolutionary thinking, audacity and, of course, financial success.
On May 13, 1991 the corporation «Apple» began selling the famous «Macintosh System 7.0», today the company occupies the position of leaders in the field of computer technology. What is the reason that Apple is so different from all other IT-companies? And indeed from all companies? What is the reason that Apple became the most valuable company in the world? Where many millions of fans and connoisseurs? What this did Steve Jobs with his child, that it continues to function properly in the same spirit, despite the absence of passionaries?
Editorial AdMe.ru, part of which also powers the devices with bitten apples most tender feelings, try to understand what has been done to Apple for what it is, and found the 10 secrets of success of the company. In addition to Steve Jobs, of course.
Money is not so important
Jobs never really cared about the financial well-being of the company and did not set this goal in the first place. One of the main things in his life were the "future" and the creation of revolutionary products.
Apple's chief designer Jonathan Ive - an adherent of the same approach: "We are very pleased with our revenues. But we do not have the goal to make money. Let it sounds a bit frivolous, but it's true. Our only goal that really excites us - the invention of the ideal product. If we find an understanding of the people, if they appreciate our product, then we will work on this ».
This is, for example, says the creation of an educational institution Apple University, where Steve Jobs hired dean of the Yale School of Business Joel Podoyli. The group also includes professors who teach management, and veterans of Harvard, who was said to have written a series of books to prepare employees for life at Apple after Jobs's departure or death. These books describe business strategy and internal political culture of Apple.
«Apple vs. PC», «Apple vs. Microsoft» and «Apple against all." And the instigator of this holivara none other than the actual Apple. The strategy of the opposition itself all the way Jobs was adopted initially, and largely because of its contentious nature and his own opposition to the world.
"Big Brother" in 1984, "Think different" in 1997, «Mac vs PC» two thousandth - the brightest examples of open confrontation. A simple demonstration of iPhones and aypadov advertising end of the last decade - a veiled statement, "We have a very different and advertising." Everything is different, everything is different - one of the basic principles of Apple. And this otherness - The underground is not, not a Linux. She is beautiful, stylish and deliberately simple. And because commercially successful.
Consumer wringing hands
Apple has never let anyone worried about the generally accepted norms, standards and even well-established consumer expectations. Again they went to the contrary - no computer "designer", no licensing of the operating system, there is no "hard - alone software - separately." Only single product, a fully interconnected inside, fully compatible with all other products of Apple. Do not like it - do not buy, but here we are at Apple know what you need, even if you do not yet understand.
Demand creates supply, according to the company thus settling misconception among manufacturers and sellers.
The company can not stand when consumers climb their little hands inside the device, which is why an autopsy Apple device represents a significant challenge. For example, a series of MacBook Air in 2012 came out with a new artful case screws by a screwdriver, which is only in the official service Apple.
"Use what give, and do not climb inside" - oddly enough, but this hard and to some extent also unethical law is one of the secrets of success of Apple.
Just a good product
The main principle of the devices Apple - they just work. All that is needed is to get them out of the box and turn. Device, be it a computer, phone, tablet, completely ready to use. It is not necessary to set up, it is not necessary to install additional applications - everything you need is already there. It captivates those for whom dancing with a tambourine around devaysa denied all sorts of delights, and the majority of people.
"I want to be a good thing was simple in design performance and did not require high production costs," said Jobs. This was part of the philosophy of Apple and one of their main secrets of success.
At the dawn of the history of personal computers - at the time of founding Apple Computers - about the design as such there was no conversation. This product has not been massive, and its customers, in general, did not care what it looks like their computer. After a few years the situation has changed dramatically. PC sales have grown like an avalanche, and growing competition. It was then at Apple realized that a computer that looks better, be better and buying. Attention to the design of their products has become one of the key strategies of the company. As an example, the very first model Macintosh, issued in 1984. The competition novelty looked amazing.
Emotional and tactile communication
Emotions - almost half of Apple as a brand. "Yabloko" take aim on the feelings and work on the relationship. And this a win-win strategy as much as dangerous. All the products Apple has a strong emotional charge. This allows it to clearly fall into the consumer. Apple love. But it also causes other rejection. Apple does not like.
Rigid pricing policy makes the "maquis" more than almost everything else is working with all his paradoxical.
Apple lovers overpay for sensation in the fingertips when they hold the device in their hands; for the degree of tension of muscles when they open Makovsky laptop for how fulfills the touchpad, for all the sensations that they get when working with the products Apple. And, of course, for the ownership to the great brand.
Top secret
Privacy policies and strict confidentiality is one of the key principles of corporate life inside the campus Apple. Such an atmosphere would envy party leaders irrevocably bygone Soviet Union.
The company in an effort to protect their developments and trends taking the most unusual measures. For example, confiscates all equipment journalists writing about prototypes, makes testers unreleased gadgets to send a special pin number every 12 hours, and sends its partners future trends in special boxes.
Brian Hoshi, a former Apple employees said: "Having worked at Apple for several years, I realized one thing - the need for secrecy is rooted in corporate culture create revolutionary products. Choosing evolutionary markets, Apple strives to maintain maximum secrecy to keep competitors at a distance.
Who exactly provides this closeness I never knew. But I know that this will have a separate structure composed of people watching you almost anywhere. You work and understand that through your shoulder watching your work. Even minor violations are cause for dismissal. But Apple is not afraid of no one and no such thing as "fear" in the command does not exist. Simply everyone understands the importance of their roles and easy to follow all the rules of conduct ».
Sometimes leaks do happen - we all remember forgot the bar iPhone. But where is the guarantee that he was not "forgotten" specifically to whet your interest.
Strange corporate culture
Start selling iPhone 3G in 2008 was accompanied by the launch of the service is extremely problematic MobileMe - remote repository mail, notes, and other data owner technology Apple. Users log in and pay for a subscription, faced with constant disconnects, server crash, and extremely slow sync speed. Steve Jobs called the entire team working on MobileMe, on the carpet, and said to them, literally: "You have to hate each other for something that is not justified the trust of others. Can anybody tell me what to do MobileMe? »
When a team mumbled memorized list of features, Jobs said, "What is x ** it does not do?»
And these stories were not something surprising for the employees of the company. Each new Vice President summoned to the office of Steve Jobs, where he read the beginner lecture on "The difference between a janitor and Vice President».
Apple has never there are no questions about who and what is responsible. The names of those responsible in advance sounded at each meeting to after the participants knew who to call for an explanation.
Director of Apple's online store does not have control over all the images that are placed on the sponsored resource. Each picture is approved by the department of graphic art.
At the time of departure from the post of CEO Steve Jobs at the company had about 60,000 employees, but important decisions are always made in a narrow circle of leaders. At meetings of the Apple impossible to find third-party rights. 90% of employees Apple, the company in the era of Jobs, never seen him in person.
The concept of retail
The famous glass cube on Fifth Avenue in New York, the ideal in terms of design and ergonomics shops and infinitely friendly consultants, ready for you at all. Their strange name - "geniuses" - as part of the retail concept that provides total immersion in an incredibly convenient buyer world Apple. Any customer at the Apple Store drown care and attention, all carefully spelled out in the standards and regulations.
Gizmodo edition miraculously became the owner of "bible" Genius of Apple, but the site AppleInsider stated instructions are in Russian:
In his manual Apple described the many subtleties of behavior store employees up to the words that you can and can not say the conversation with the client.
It is curious that paramount to the Apple Store employee considered his psychological qualities and technical education is considered already in the second turn. Apple has made a bet on the emotional state of the person and staff communication with the buyer. After all, a happy buyer - someone who bought what he wants.
Before you will be given a blue shirt employee Apple Store, you'll have to pass a 14-day course of education and training. You will learn how to use the diagnostic services, component isolation and sincerely sympathize with people.
The main part of the course - "The work of genius" and "Nature of Genius" - will teach you to think like a real employee of Apple Store and answer questions from the buyer on a predetermined schedule. You will have to memorize words and phrases such as "I understand you", "respect", "recommend", "sympathize", and learn how to communicate with the client so that moving away from you, he was pleased with the visit to the Apple Store, or carried away with itself brand new MacBook or iPhone. The term «empathy» (in the lane. From English. - "Sympathy") is found in the manual for employees of Apple Store on each page. It is understood that with the client the seller must go all the way, which begins from the entrance of the store and ends at the cash register.
If a girl is crying because of the fact that the hard disk of its "MacBook" erased all the data, it is necessary to appease, to express sympathy and say how you know it. "I am sorry that you are so upset. I sympathize with you. Sorry for the sweet tea spilled on the keyboard "MacBook". I had the same situation, and I perfectly understand your feelings now ».
One section of the manual for employees and Apple Store Genius Bar is dedicated to the peculiarities of non-verbal communication with the client. Page is divided into two columns, in which it is written good and bad gestures by which one can recognize the identity of the client and to take note of. For example, if a man scratching his nose, so he has something to hide, and if smiles, it is a sign of its openness in communication.
Negation of something - a mortal sin employee Genius Bar. Customer is always right, even if he is wrong. It must be not correct, but simply to give their point of view. For example, customers are saying that he is not right in the Apple Store is accepted with the words «it turns out» (in trans. From English. - "Turns"). This gives the client a false impression that he remained true to his principles, but in fact it is only very subtly corrected.
The word "bug" in the Apple Store made to replace "question" or simply "the state."