These plants penetrate joints and repair cartilage 1000 times better than chemistry!
Elena Fedorovna Zaitseva - a famous herbalist, engaged in herbalism 8 years old. There is no such medicinal plant in our latitudes, about the properties of which it would not know: there are more than 1,100 species in total!
She is invited by the abbots of monasteries and temples for conversations and training. herbalism. Elena Fedorovna also gives lectures on herbal medicine to certified employees of medical institutions.
Elena Zaitseva says: “All weeds cure!” Do not want to get sick - dig yourself three roots - burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion. From these roots you will make a broth and drink it.”
medicinal roots of plants
The herbalist says that the greatest value roots They have early spring, but in autumn they can also be dug out. The excavated roots must be washed, dried, cut for convenience.
And root, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed roots and pour them 2 tbsp. boiling water. Boil 10 minutes, then insist 2 hours. Strain the broth and drink 1/2 tbsp. 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals.
You can prepare a collection of roots of burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion, mixing them in equal proportions, or you can take them separately: a week - burdock root, a week - dandelion, a week - wheatgrass.
The monastery herbalist has much to learn, just listen to her story.
According to Elena Zaitseva, plants are healed slowly, imperceptibly and sparingly, so they should be treated with them for at least a month. To avoid addiction, then take a break for about 5 days, and then drink further. The neglected disease should be treated for 3-5 months.
Remember that the keys to health are literally underfoot, once you notice them and apply them. Help your loved ones feel better, share an article with them!
She is invited by the abbots of monasteries and temples for conversations and training. herbalism. Elena Fedorovna also gives lectures on herbal medicine to certified employees of medical institutions.

Elena Zaitseva says: “All weeds cure!” Do not want to get sick - dig yourself three roots - burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion. From these roots you will make a broth and drink it.”
medicinal roots of plants
- wheatroot
There is no garden where this weed does not grow, and there is no disease that it does not treat. It is not for nothing that all wild and domestic animals are saved. Infusion and decoction of wheatgrass rhizomes are used for dropsy, various swelling, dysfunction and inflammation of the bladder, kidney stones and gallbladder, all pulmonary diseases, bowel diseases, diabetes, hypertension, ovarian dysfunction in women, osteochondrosis, exudative diathesis, furunculosis.
The root of wheatgrass is an excellent painkiller for gout, rheumatism, arthritis. - Dandelion root
Dandelion root helps with anemia, cancer of the stomach and liver, with its help, joint diseases, inflammation of the lymph nodes, diathesis are treated. - burdock root
Based on her many years of experience, Elena Fedorovna claims that burdock cures everything. cancer. In addition, it helps with diabetes, bronchitis, sinusitis, treats joints, vessels and the heart. Burdock root in 2-3 months can cure even persistent hepatitis C! Burdock gets rid of cholecystitis, crushes stones in the kidneys and gallbladder. He, like nothing else, regenerates the skin with burns, pressure sores, eczema, trophic ulcers, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, heals purulent wounds, stops hair loss.
The herbalist says that the greatest value roots They have early spring, but in autumn they can also be dug out. The excavated roots must be washed, dried, cut for convenience.
And root, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed roots and pour them 2 tbsp. boiling water. Boil 10 minutes, then insist 2 hours. Strain the broth and drink 1/2 tbsp. 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals.
You can prepare a collection of roots of burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion, mixing them in equal proportions, or you can take them separately: a week - burdock root, a week - dandelion, a week - wheatgrass.
The monastery herbalist has much to learn, just listen to her story.
According to Elena Zaitseva, plants are healed slowly, imperceptibly and sparingly, so they should be treated with them for at least a month. To avoid addiction, then take a break for about 5 days, and then drink further. The neglected disease should be treated for 3-5 months.
Remember that the keys to health are literally underfoot, once you notice them and apply them. Help your loved ones feel better, share an article with them!
The American doctor told me! The product of these two substances whitens pigment spots very quickly.
All diseases will pass by! Delicious preparation "Ban of health": "vitamin cocktail" for spring, summer, autumn and winter.