The American doctor told me! The product of these two substances whitens pigment spots very quickly.
Exposure to sunlight, hormonal and age-related changes can cause the appearance of pigmentation hands, back, neck and face. Pigmentation can also occur due to vitamin deficiency, genetic predisposition, or liver problems.
As a rule, age spots do not pose a threat to health (like moles, for example), but they look unattractive. "Site" known to be effective skin-bleacherwhich can be easily done at home.
How to remove pigment spots Ingredients
Preparation and application
Watch a detailed video about how you can forget about pigment spots forever.
Before starting any bleachingConsult a dermatologist to rule out the presence of melanoma. It will also be useful to conduct a test for sensitivity to the received funds.
And still remember that it is easier to prevent the appearance of pigment spots than then whiten them. Yours. cream It should have at least minimal sun protection. And if you're going to the beach, don't forget to use special protective equipment.
This recipe and friends can be useful, share with them!

As a rule, age spots do not pose a threat to health (like moles, for example), but they look unattractive. "Site" known to be effective skin-bleacherwhich can be easily done at home.
How to remove pigment spots Ingredients
- 1 red bulb
- 1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Preparation and application
- Cut the bow finely.
- Sliced onions place in a bowl of blender and pour apple cider vinegar. Grind it.
- The resulting mass of the strain. Soak in a cooked cotton swab and wipe the pigment spots. Repeat the procedure daily, after 2-4 weeks, the skin will acquire a uniform color.
Watch a detailed video about how you can forget about pigment spots forever.
Before starting any bleachingConsult a dermatologist to rule out the presence of melanoma. It will also be useful to conduct a test for sensitivity to the received funds.
And still remember that it is easier to prevent the appearance of pigment spots than then whiten them. Yours. cream It should have at least minimal sun protection. And if you're going to the beach, don't forget to use special protective equipment.
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