People with impaired metabolism and energy with the environment.

Those who want to lose or gain hateful kilograms of normal weight may have heard that a lot depends on what a person's metabolism. Indeed, one can eat pounds of chocolate and jam-calorie cakes - and the weight will not jump, the other quite a bit to break the power supply system, exceed the daily caloric - and the next day is weight gain. It's a shame. Why is this happening? Because many people have disturbed metabolism and energy with the environment.
If you make an effort to comply with the rules of supply that will help regulate this process to load the body physical activity feasible, to clean it, then the question of how to restore the metabolism will be irrelevant to you.
Try to understand what your metabolism, from which it is dependent on what to look for those who want to restore - faster or slower - the metabolism.
How is your metabolism?
When a person can not lose weight, they say that he slow metabolism when a person can not get better, they say, that he had a fast metabolism.
Why is this such exchanges? What is what is changing? And how to achieve a "golden midway", so as not to slow or fast, this exchange took place?
Before you start to solve the problem, let's briefly look at what is metabolism and what is involved in this process in the body? Given what you need to pay attention, we will know how to restore the metabolism.
From school, we hear three words - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. They even somehow made to say, in that order.
They get us into the body with food.
Further, the cells begin their "transformation and conversion." Under the action of enzymes, hormones and other substances they begin to enter into complex chemical reactions - decompose into simpler, and then converted to new substances which are necessary for the life of the organism. There is an exchange process that can be broken with a shortage or an excess of the necessary elements for metabolism.
Substances with a lack of enzymes or hormones can not decay, and synthesized (accumulated) in the body - then talk about obesity or overweight, or vice versa to disintegrate very quickly - when it comes to underweight.
The first thing you need to do to those who suspected at the disturbed metabolism, - to hand over the analysis on hormones.
Perhaps the problem of excess weight or excessive thinness lies precisely in this, and you need hormone therapy, which will help restore the hormonal metabolism.
But according to statistics, 98% of people with weight problems in another hidden reason - violation of metabolism due to malnutrition. Exchange is necessary to speed up those who dream to lose weight; slow for those who want to get better; and improve those with normal weight.
Symptoms suggestive of impaired metabolism
In addition to problems with weight, the following symptoms indicate that you need to look for ways to restore the metabolism:
Tooth decay, the structure of hair and nails.
Unnatural color skin.
Loose stools.
Shortness of breath.
Swelling and so forth.
How to restore your metabolism?
Just note: in order to restore the body's metabolism, we need time. We are sure that you have already tried all the diets and happy results, but unfortunately short-lived. You can also hear from those who want to improve on that and eat a lot, and gorge on the night, but the weight is not reached.
I will not gain, because you do not work the metabolic processes: it is necessary to establish the work of the body - to restore the disturbed metabolism.
If you eat a lot of the time - the body will get a lot of "extra" energy that will not be able to use up until the end, so part of it will remain on the sides of your body fat in the form of wrinkles.
If you eat and do not uniformly follow the diet, the energy will not be enough to place in the body metabolism - the effect the lack of the necessary enzymes, trace elements, that enter the body with a balanced diet.
Power to restore the metabolism must be right for those who want to speed it up - to gain weight, and for those who want to slow it down - reduce weight.

So the first thing to do for those seeking how to restore metabolism, - to establish the power. Well established in the system of fractional and separate power supply.
Fractional power to normalize the metabolism and restore
The basic principles of such fractional power:
Do you often - every 4 hours, but few - no more than 200 grams. Long intervals between meals disrupt metabolism.
Breakfast is needed in order to start the process of metabolism in the body. Instantly it will black coffee without sugar and green tea.
Caloric intake should be at least 1,200 kilocalories to 1,500 for those who need to speed up the metabolism, and in 2000 - 2500 kcal for those who need to slow down your metabolism.
It leads to excess weight excess fats and carbohydrates in the body. Prefer products that contain complex carbohydrates, which are needed for the absorption of energy - porridge, vegetables. Limit cakes and white bread. Eat preferably vegetable fats, oil from the fruit of the avocado, olive oil, walnuts.
Those who wish to speed up the metabolism, you need to make the menu so that the main component of your diet has become a protein. Ideal lean meats - poultry, rabbit, beef and fish. The protein is difficult to digest by the body, it means that he will need for this energy. Admission lean normalizes metabolism by 50%!
Those who want to slow down the metabolism, protein intake should be limited, and to give preference to fats and carbohydrates.
Trace elements and vitamins, which contain whole grains, restore the disturbed metabolism in the body. When choosing breads, cereals, pasta, look for those that are made of whole grains.
The calcium contained in dairy products, up to 70% faster metabolism. So eat kislomolochku who want to lose weight!
Of course, water. You can follow the diet, but if it is broken drinking regime, the metabolism will be disturbed. 8 glasses of water every day - at least, you have to increase if looking for how to restore your metabolism.

Separate food to restore metabolic disorders
Proponents of a separate food argue that the metabolic disorder is due to the fact that the wrong diet (not separately) into the body fall incompatible products.
Nutrients enter the blood with food. At the cellular level, there is an exchange process - the substance decomposes share - necessary for the body is taken, digested, and unnecessary falls back into the blood for further withdrawal.
If at this time in the blood have been the remains of food from the previous meal, the exchange process is broken. Therefore it is necessary to make products in a strict time sequence, that all they could be absorbed by the body.
To do this, first you need to eat foods that contain simple carbohydrates - fruits. Suffice it to 2:00, so that they are fully understood, then complex carbs - are digested in 4 hours, and finally proteins - 8 - 10 hours. Just taking the products in the sequence, you do not look for how to restore your metabolism - so say the proponents of a separate food.
Whatever system you supply does not choose, the main thing - remember that in the recovery process of metabolism leading role is assigned to the power supply.

Traditional recipes
Restore metabolism folk remedies you can try too. There are recipes that normalize and start sharing. There are many products that will help to cope with it.
We'll start with a walnut. It is rich in natural protein (we talked about its importance for those who want to speed up the exchange), polyunsaturated fatty acids that improve metabolism. Take a handful of nuts a day, but do not get carried away - they are high in calories.
You can take 4 times a day half a cup of decoction of the leaves of a walnut. It is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of raw pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist at least one hour.
Well improves metabolism Kalina red. Brew it in a cup of boiling water, leave for at least 2 hours, take 2 times a day.
Scientists have found that spicy foods accelerates the exchange of 25%. Spice Island, brings tears to our eyes, - pepper, curry, ginger - speeding up the metabolism. Add them to your favorite dishes, and power consumption.
Metabolism is restored if you regularly cleanse the body of toxins. You can pick out a recipe for cleansing of the body, and can use the one that liked sympaty.net: 4 lemon Grate or mince. Add to the mix a glass of honey. Take 2 weeks before each reception food 1 tablespoon. Tasty and healthy!
It is interesting
Those who are looking for how to restore your metabolism, will be interested in the following facts.
It's not hormones!
Only 2% of people are poor metabolism observed in hormone levels, at 98% - the problem of poor nutrition and lack of exercise.
For those who are looking for how to restore the metabolism that is associated with hormonal disorders, it should be noted that this process is often influenced by thyroid hormones, so the first doctor to be addressed - the endocrinologist.
No dieting!
If we decrease the amount of food consumed, the body begins to "stock up" calories, protect, and save power. Strict diets slow metabolism, so when he returned to the familiar for the body diet after diet, you get better quickly and strongly. Reduce caloric below 1200 kcal pointless.
Exchange fat people have recovered better
In the metabolism of obese people better at what hudyshek. For information on how to speed up the metabolism, we told you earlier on the site.
No tablets for normalization of metabolism
Tablets, normalizes metabolism, does not exist. Unchanged fundamentals and principles of nutrition metabolism improves. Extracts of green tea, pepper and coffee, which are often referred to in the advertising, only time can accelerate the metabolism and can not be restored. When used in large amounts action weakens, and the weight increases again.
Exercise ...
10 - 15 minutes of intensive exercise every day activates the metabolism better than a visit to three times a week fitness club.
When orgasm in oxygen enters the blood, from which speeds up metabolism.
The muscles of the masses!
Muscle tissue consumes up to 45 calories a day, and all the accumulated fat 2. help us build muscle training with gantelkami and protein foods. Unfortunately, over the years, become muscles into fat tissue. So watch fiznagruzki.
Oh, this age ...
Every 10 years after the age of 20 is reduced metabolism. Therefore, over the years, to lose weight is becoming increasingly difficult.
Hormone fun!
One of the forbidden foods in the diet - chocolate - is able to run faster and metabolism. Only buy should not be tiled and natural chocolate. It contains useful for metabolism and trace elements.

And all the running, running, running ...
For an active metabolism enough 1:00 intensive walking and 15 minutes of daily laughter .... Perhaps those who are looking for how to restore your metabolism, you need to have a treadmill? Engage in it and watch the comedy - that's the secret of success!
In fact, the question of how to restore the disturbed metabolism, very serious. And, perhaps most importantly, on which it depends, - food. Enrich your diet with vitamins, useful carbohydrates, vegetable fats and proteins.