Hereditary completion.

What troubles brings obesity, known to all who are present extra kilos. Without exception, all fat men are dreaming to lose weight, but on the way to the desired goal and then get up laziness, unwillingness to change their habits, lack of persistence, etc. However, there are people that do not take perseverance and hard work, but the weight did not decrease ... What is the reason?
The process of obesity, as we know, is reversible, at least for this purpose and requires a certain effort. However, in recent years, physicians have found that there is a gene completeness. This means that the fullness and is hereditary, and not just purchased. Therefore, if you can not lose weight despite diet heroically sustained and liters of sweat shed in the gym, perhaps inherited the fullness - this is your diagnosis.
However, we know that the fullness, inherited, affects only 1% of people suffering from obesity. The rest of the people have acquired this disease, leading unhealthy lifestyle. A child born in a family full of people, too, will probably be overweight. As parents, you might say. Not at all! Studies have shown that adopted children will certainly get better, if will be in a family where the adults are obese. But if you were among that small percentage of people who have received the fullness of their inheritance, do not despair and give up.
Remember that inheritance you do not own the fullness, but only predisposition. Take another attempt to lose unwanted weight, using the methods are particularly effective for eliminating this diagnosis.
• First of all, use a brisk walk.
• Be sure to consult with a specialist in physical therapy and master exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, because when overweight and suffers from weak muscles especially the spine, it should be saved from osteoarthritis.
• The ideal sport for you is swimming, which combines harmoniously distributes physical activity and hydro.
• To strengthen the muscles and joints regularly perform statistical program extensions.
• perfect dance for weight loss, but it is best to master them in the group, under the leadership of the coach.
• No starvation diets! The body after such a stress would do more active fat reserves in case of another of your hunger strike.
• For you especially true power on the principle that a little, but often. Such tactics will not allow the body to postpone anything "in reserve", and you will always be satisfied.
• Remember that it is not impossible to use fats, they are necessary for normal body function.
• Think about whether you're really stout? If you desire leads to health, it is commendable. However, it is possible that you want to achieve the results that your figure is not easy. Violence against the body does not make you more beautiful and pleasant rounded contours, femininity and tenderness rather plump figure caressing glance.
And remember that if you have the results, you will need the rest of his life to keep himself in "ezhevyh mittens," and we can not relax as opposed to those who by nature given to be fit.

People with impaired metabolism and energy with the environment.
Hereditary Completeness: is it possible to lose weight?