Overweight and genetic predisposition.

Sometimes we hear phrases like: "I'm so fat his father" or "the fullness of my - from my mother." Overweight and a genetic predisposition to it are studied by many experts. Trying to answer the question of whether or not to write off in the fullness of inherited genes from their parents or genetics is not to blame, scientists have made a surprising finding. It turns out that in 90% of cases of so-called "gene completeness" depends on the person.
What genes are to blame?
Many discoveries in the field that studies how genetic predisposition influences obesity, have been made recently. British researchers conducted the next stage of the multi-year series of experiments. They studied human genes that affect his appetite, and as a result of mutations that feeling of saturation does not occur. So, there is a gene responsible for production of the hormone leptin. It transmits our brain signals about saturation, and then "turn off" a sense of appetite. If this gene is not all right, signals to the brain stop coming, people have constantly and rapidly gaining weight. The disease is fairly easy to diagnose a blood test that can determine the level of the hormone is zero.
Geneticists have created an artificial hormone leptin. There are also positive results of treatment. As a rule, on the third day begins to decrease appetite and reduced weight.
It is interesting that all over the world showed only 12 people who have had a congenital absence of leptin. In our country, such cases have been recorded, but it does not mean that such people in Russia. Maybe they just have not found yet.
Furthermore, a genetic predisposition to obesity appears as a result of proopiomelanocortin gene defect responsible for the production of a number of hormones, including those associated with a feeling of appetite. Among Europeans, the people with the disorder can be identified by the following characteristics: bright red hair color (even if the parents are dark-haired man), pale skin tone, fatigue. Fully defect proopiomelanocortin registered only 11 patients in the world.
The above referred monogenic forms of obesity, since it leads to a defect in a gene. Today, science knows 11 monogenic forms of obesity. The proportion of people suffering from these statistics in the world full of people is negligible. According to the World Health Organization, on our planet is home to about 1, 2 billion (!) People with excess weight. Among them, 350 million diagnosed with obesity. The problem with most of these billion is not "break" a single gene, and other factors, has to excess weight. Scientists there are about 430 of these factors, and the list is likely to grow.
About monogenic forms of obesity, it is important to know that they manifest themselves immediately after birth. Such children have a year there is an uncontrolled appetite and weight. If the excess kilos recruited later, at the age of 5 years, the genetic predisposition is likely to do with it. This is the action of one or more of the 430 factors.

Factors completeness
Dr. Claude Bouchard at the research center in Lausanne have been carried out interesting experiments with twins. Initially, several pairs every day gave food to 1,000 calories more than necessary. Weight twins began to grow, and within each pair - the same way. And when comparing different pairs appeared that some added noticeably larger than others. That is an increase of food at the same low physical activity led to a different weight gain in different families.
Then the twins sat on a diet. Again the same results demonstrated: a pair of lost weight equally, and in comparison with other pairs - differently. The conclusion of the scientist was clear: those who are rapidly gaining extra weight and worse lose weight, there were more programmed for completeness.
What does it mean to be "programmed to be complete"? For example, cause the completeness ozhzhet be slow metabolism. His speed is laid into us genetically. Or in the family from one generation to another passed the altered gene responsible for the production of a certain protein that is involved in the production of the food enzyme. This enzyme is less active, and the human digestive system does not work as good as slim people.
Provided such factors as the gene FTO. In science adopted the term "polymorphism", indicating that the gene is capable of existing in more than one form, but in a different, working not as an ideal counterpart, but without creating health problems. It is estimated that the FTO gene polymorphism leads to an increase in weight of 1, 5 kg. If one of the parents of the man has got the perfect gene FTO, and from the other parent - polymorphic, it would be better at 1, 5. Accordingly, if both parents pass on to their child imperfect genes, its weight will be more than 3 kg.
You can give another example. There are people with high levels of the hormone ghrelin birth. This means that they have a strong sense of the nature of appetite. Contributing to the fullness are also a variety of defects in the insulin gene. And there are even more factors 400. As we have seen, their effect can be manifested in different ways. By the way, and the response to stress, which is jammed full of people and from which slender lose their appetite, too, is the nature. On the same can be said about the extent of mobility: someone active and smart, and someone - slow.
The question arises: what about those who are destined to be overweight? Doctors say: have to change your lifestyle. 430 These factors do not prevent us to lose weight, because obesity provoking factors may be present and slender people, but they live and eat differently, and therefore do not gain extra weight.