The unique healing properties of plantain simple
Forty five million five hundred ninety three thousand two hundred eighty five
Plantain is an excellent remedy for a person. It relieves inflammation, is antiseptic, heals and tightens wounds, has a positive effect on the secretory function of the stomach, relieves pain and also has an expectorant and blood purifying action. It is used as a powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. With the help of the infusion of leaves of plantain can be removed not only from the common cough or respiratory infections, but against such serious diseases as pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma and whooping cough.As a result of special phytochemical studies it was found that in leaves of grass plantain contains components that affect cholesterol metabolism and serve intezmeny means. And alcohol or an aqueous leaf extract of the plant is indispensable for particularly serious forms of ulcer. Also noted that padronizadas medicines and juice of its leaves (and the leaves themselves) contain antibacterial substances that help in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli, pathogenic germs of wound infection, hemolytic staphylococci, etc.
Psyllium is able to get rid of such stomach diseases as gastritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, ulcer of the stomach and intestines, and is not the whole list of diseases, which is able to heal psyllium. It successfully treated and inflammatory diseases of the bladder, hemorrhoids, malaria and many skin diseases – rashes, acne and sometimes blisters. And, of course, well-known and indispensable tool against skin damage is the plantain. This healing property is not none folk remedy.
In addition, the plantain juice speeds up the exit of pus from the wound and helps healing, reduces inflammation and promotes the growth of the granulation tissue. Juice of plantain is also indispensable for long drawstring wounds and boils, and also at first aid during an accident and generally.
Phytochemical studies have shown that the leaves of the plant contain substances that have anti-ulcer effect and affect cholesterol metabolism. Fresh leaves and especially the juice and its preparations are used as bacteriostatic drug which acts on the pathogenic microbes of the wound infection, hemolytic Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, E. coli.
When using the juice of plantain for the treatment of wounds, there is a rapid cleansing of the wound surface from purulent secretions, cessation of the inflammatory process, rapid growth of granulation tissue.
As shown by clinical observations, the fresh juice of plantain is very effective in the first processing, manufacturing or other injury, and also to get rid of festering wounds, abscesses, boils.
Plantain is part of natural extracts and essential oils, which is a combination of folk and scientific medicine. Such a Union provides the maximum benefit from the treatment of bronchitis, skin damage, dyspepsia, diarrhoea and dysentery. One of the most ancient plants are incredibly useful for systematic use.
Unique herb has a sedative effect, helps with milder forms of neuroses, irritability and insomnia. Its hypotensive property, prevents edema, reduces strain on the heart and blood vessels, reduces pressure.
The use of decoctions and syrups allows to intensify bronchial and excretory system, increases secretion of mucus in the bronchi, causing liquefaction of sputum. Traditional medicine is widely used plantain. Take it for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and lung cancer, anthrax and whooping cough. Products containing psyllium prescribed to women with inflammation of the internal mucous membrane and muscular tunic of the uterus, ovaries and the parameters.
Studies have shown that the herb useful in infertility if it is caused by the disorder of ovarian function. Effective treatment plantain uterine bleeding. Insist plantain for use externally in case of problems associated with diseases of the oral cavity. Fresh grass in powdered form is applied to areas of the body with bruises, wounds and cuts. Decoction treat chronic ulcers, relieve pain from burns. Lotions are suitable for removing boils, cleansing and disinfection of septic wounds.
Proponents of alternative therapies claim that using this healing plant can eliminate the tachycardia and the formation of large amounts of urine (polyuria). The use of psyllium husk helps to normalize the potency in men, relieves headaches, soothes toothache and Earache. There is evidence of medical effectiveness of the plant nephritis, enuresis, diarrhea.
In Russia folk healers plantain used since ancient times for the treatment of malignant tumors (in the form of compresses) inside for lung cancer and stomach. To do this, prepare this remedy: the leaves are washed, finely pulverized and mixed with an equal quantity of sugar, allow to infuse in a warm place for two weeks. Apply this infusion is necessary 3-4 times a day for one tablespoon 20 minutes before eating. Besides all this, plantain leaves is used to treat respiratory problems, infections, intestinal diseases, and as a styptic, enveloping, expectorant and wound healing.
Washed with boiled water, the leaves should be good to mash these and can be applied on the affected areas of the skin in erysipelas, wounds, ulcers, carbuncles, you can also treat affected areas with the infusion from the leaves of the plantain. The extract from the roots of plants to use inside at treatment of fever and cough of tuberculous origin, after insect bites, bees, snakes, as a painkiller and as a means of warning the formation of tumors.
Infusion of plantain 1 tablespoon psyllium zaparivat liter of boiling water, kept at slow heat for 10 minutes. One day after infusion of the composition must strain and take 1 dining bed 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating. This useful remedy for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract
To use the seed powder of the plants should be at 1.0 g 3-4 times a day for 20-40 minutes before eating.
The juice of plantainJuice from fresh leaves of plantain is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of wounds of the cornea. Due to the antiseptic properties it inhibits the growth of inflammatory processes, for example, when Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli. The use of the juice applicable in acute forms of gastritis, colitis and enterocolitis. You need to take 1 tablespoon of the juice 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating. Medical drug you can prepare for the winter by mixing the juice with vodka in equal proportions.
The juice of plantain leaves made from the top of a large plantain. Juice helps, if a person is chronically inflamed large intestine or the mucous membrane of the stomach (reduced acidity). Drink it three times a day for fifteen to thirty minutes before eating a tablespoon. The total duration of treatment is thirty days.
May-September is the best period for the harvesting of grass. Juice you can get a simple, known manner. To do this, take the leaves along with the cuttings, washed with water, scalded with boiling water and grind in a meat grinder. Raw materials squeeze through a cloth (if the juice is thick, it can be diluted with water in ratio 1:1), then boil for 1-2 minutes and take 1-2 tablespoons diluted in half a glass of water with honey. The course of treatment is 30 days.
Plantain syrup Winter – time to colds, viral diseases, it is important to stock up on remedies. An action differs plantain, from which you can make an incredibly useful syrup.
Natural liquid has superiority over synthetic drugs. For its preparation you will need fresh leaves and shoots of the plant.
Recipe 1: shredded raw shift layers, sprinkling with sugar. Then, the Bank with the workpiece tightly closed and stored in a cool place. The syrup will be ready in 2 months. It is decanted carefully, and it is given to children and adults.
Recipe No. 2: 2-3 tablespoons of raw materials must be mixed in the ratio 1:1 with honey or sugar, to hold a closed bowl with the mixture on a warm plate. After cooling, you can take 1 teaspoon means 4 times a day for half an hour before meals for peptic ulcer disease and gastro-intestinal diseases.
A decoction of plantainthe extract of plantain is widely used to treat ailments in the intestines and stomach, and in diseases of the Airways (bronchitis) with a normal cough. The broth made as follows: mix a Cup of boiling water with two tablespoons of the leaves of the large plantain (a variety), top with a lid and then placed on a steam bath with boiling and keep it for about half an hour. The tool must be allowed to cool and pass through a cheesecloth or strainer and drink it in ten or fifteen minutes before a meal for half or a third of a Cup of the decoction three or four times a day. The same composition is used to clean the wound and also to make a lotion.
Strong dry cough causes a lot of suffering and discomfort. To relieve seizures and softening of sputum are recommended broths, made of fees of various plants, including plantain.
Recipe No. 1 mix 3 tablespoons plantain leaves, leaves mother and stepmother, and pine buds. 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour 300 ml of warm water and boil for 5-10 minutes. Then the medication must be removed from fire, to insist 1 hour in a dark place and take 100 ml 2 times a day.
Recipe No. 2: must take 2 tablespoons plantain leaves, color black elderberry, and herbs common violets, mix well, add 250 ml of warm water, bring to boil and simmer cook for 5 minutes, then wrap well and leave to infuse for about 1 hour. Take this remedy 2 times a day for 100 ml.
Infusion of plantainInfusion of plantain is indispensable for the disease whooping cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis and asthma due to its expectorant effects. Aqueous extract of the leaves of the plant disinfects and heals sores, wounds, skin ulcers, boils and cuts. Derived from the leaves juice helps in chronic gastritis, ulcer and other diseases of the intestines and stomach. The recipe: raw insist on vodka, taking in the same amount of yarrow and plantain, and use it to stop the bleeding, to disinfect and tighten different wounds.
The infusion is prepared usually from delicate parts of plants – leaves, pouring warm water and infusing for necessary for the saturation time, or survive a few minutes in a water bath, and then insist.
Recipe No. 1: will need 3-4 tablespoons of crushed leaves and drinking half a liter of very hot water. Composition infuse for about 1.5 hours and take 1-2 tablespoons several times a day.
Recipe No. 2: 25 g of raw pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
Plantain leafplantain Leaves help to decontaminate the wound, and are also styptic. For this purpose the leaves of the plant need to be cleaned, and then either fully applied on wounds, or chop and put on her. The result will be the weakening of the pain and stopped the blood. Plantain is a sedative used for insomnia and for allergies. Remedy of psyllium: it is required to mix the glass of very hot water with three tablespoons of leaves of a plant and leave for about four hours, and then pass through a strainer or cheesecloth, after which the medication you can drink three times a day for a third Cup.
Leaves contain the glycoside aukubin, ascorbic acid, carotene and vitamin K. Enough of them bitter and tanning substances called methylmethanamine. Fresh leaves are flavonoids, mannitol, sorbitol, citric identified and oleanolic acid. The raw material is hygroscopic, so it should be stored in airtight containers. Tools of the leaves of plantain is rich in pectin, saponins and other nutrients, a positive effect on the male gonads. Good to use the leaves colitis, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, well as preparations from the leaves of plantain are used for the treatment of cholecystitis.
Studies conducted in the USSR and abroad, have revealed the pharmacodynamic activity of the leaves of plantain. Fresh leaves of plantain squeeze out the juice, prepare the infusion and extract, which is used as a hemostatic, bacteriostatic, wound healing, expectorative and hypotensive agent. In severe forms of peptic ulcer disease very well help water and alcohol extracts of leaves of plantain.
Infusion of plantain leaves: 1 tablespoon of herb brewed in one Cup of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes. Medication is recommended for an hour before eating, dispensing the entire quantity on the day.
Experiments have shown the influence of such means to oppress the motor activity of the stomach, the antispasmodic action of the drug, its ability to normalize cholesterol, b-lipoproteins, lipids, phospholipids, blood pressure.
The crushed or ground leaves of the plant are also used in order to stop the bleeding. You need to remember that before using the funds, stopping the blood needed for analysis of prothrombin, as well as preliminary consultation of the doctor, otherwise it may cause harm by increasing index, the result may be a stroke
Psyllium seedpsyllium Seed is used for tightening the cracks on the nipples of mothers who breastfeed, as well as on the basis of the seed make a poultice to relieve popularnosti in diseases of the skin or mucous membranes. To do this, seeds are placed in hot water, and then, making it swell, crushed. For the treatment of diabetes mellitus or female infertility use decoction of the seeds, taken three times a day for one or two months a tablespoon.
In the seeds of various species podorozhnikom contains mucus. They also found fatty oil, oleanolic acid and nitrogenous substances. Daily intake of seed helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Psyllium husk cleanse the bile acids from the body, reduce sugar level in blood. A decoction of the seeds used in hormonal deficiency in women.
Recipe infusion No. 1: 1 tablespoon of seeds is poured into 250 ml of water, boiled for five minutes and leave for 30-40 minutes. Apply the remedy 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. The broth is suitable for men to prevent impotence and prostate after 35 years.
Recipe infusion No. 2: 25 g of raw pour 200 ml of boiling water for a long time shaken, and then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. Indigestion can be treated with the powder of the seed having the fastening property.
Decoctions and infusions of seeds are used at ahilii, constipation, and chronic spasm of the smooth musculature. In this case should be taken on an empty stomach 1 tablespoon of the seeds and drink warm water.
Husk is the result of the splitting of the seed of the plant. She is used to from constipation, for the treatment of skin irritations, widely used by Chinese and Indian doctors and healers to troubleshoot problems with the bladder. Treated husks diarrhea, hemorrhoids. The husk helps to reduce the pressure and restore the function of the cardiovascular system. The husk is a rich content of insoluble fiber is a mild laxative, the husk of the seeds contains alkaloids, amino acids.
The husk is used along with the seeds as a thickener in cooking and cosmetology. Combines with water, it swells, forming a glandular mass, the excellent effect of stimulating the gastrointestinal tract, perfect to eliminate the irritation of the colon and hemorrhoidal symptoms. The use of such a natural purifier promotes the release of toxins, reduces the risk of cancer.
Husk supports the proliferation of beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria recommended for the normal functioning of the intestine. It includes trendy diets: the property that causes a feeling of satiety, helps reduce weight. Healing the husk should always be taken with water. During the day you should drink approximately 6-8 glasses of water to prevent constipation and bloating.
.ContraindicationsPsyllium is contraindicated in hyperacidity and excess production of gastric juice, as well as in certain types of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Also there are some kinds of ulcerative diseases of the intestines and stomach, in which preparations of psyllium is contraindicated. Therefore, before the use of drugs based on psyllium should consult a doctor.
Contraindicated for the treatment of this plant will be increased blood clotting, the presence of blood clots. Long-term use of drugs from psyllium can cause high blood clotting and cause a tendency to thrombosis.
Another contraindication is individual intolerance of this plant or an allergic reaction to it. For this reason allergies and asthma should be especially careful to start the treatment from psyllium. For starters, you can take a small dose to get your body accustomed to the new medication, and thus avoid severe allergic reactions.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/tvtravnik_podorojnik.php
Plantain is an excellent remedy for a person. It relieves inflammation, is antiseptic, heals and tightens wounds, has a positive effect on the secretory function of the stomach, relieves pain and also has an expectorant and blood purifying action. It is used as a powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. With the help of the infusion of leaves of plantain can be removed not only from the common cough or respiratory infections, but against such serious diseases as pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma and whooping cough.As a result of special phytochemical studies it was found that in leaves of grass plantain contains components that affect cholesterol metabolism and serve intezmeny means. And alcohol or an aqueous leaf extract of the plant is indispensable for particularly serious forms of ulcer. Also noted that padronizadas medicines and juice of its leaves (and the leaves themselves) contain antibacterial substances that help in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli, pathogenic germs of wound infection, hemolytic staphylococci, etc.
Psyllium is able to get rid of such stomach diseases as gastritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, ulcer of the stomach and intestines, and is not the whole list of diseases, which is able to heal psyllium. It successfully treated and inflammatory diseases of the bladder, hemorrhoids, malaria and many skin diseases – rashes, acne and sometimes blisters. And, of course, well-known and indispensable tool against skin damage is the plantain. This healing property is not none folk remedy.
In addition, the plantain juice speeds up the exit of pus from the wound and helps healing, reduces inflammation and promotes the growth of the granulation tissue. Juice of plantain is also indispensable for long drawstring wounds and boils, and also at first aid during an accident and generally.
Phytochemical studies have shown that the leaves of the plant contain substances that have anti-ulcer effect and affect cholesterol metabolism. Fresh leaves and especially the juice and its preparations are used as bacteriostatic drug which acts on the pathogenic microbes of the wound infection, hemolytic Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, E. coli.
When using the juice of plantain for the treatment of wounds, there is a rapid cleansing of the wound surface from purulent secretions, cessation of the inflammatory process, rapid growth of granulation tissue.
As shown by clinical observations, the fresh juice of plantain is very effective in the first processing, manufacturing or other injury, and also to get rid of festering wounds, abscesses, boils.
Plantain is part of natural extracts and essential oils, which is a combination of folk and scientific medicine. Such a Union provides the maximum benefit from the treatment of bronchitis, skin damage, dyspepsia, diarrhoea and dysentery. One of the most ancient plants are incredibly useful for systematic use.
Unique herb has a sedative effect, helps with milder forms of neuroses, irritability and insomnia. Its hypotensive property, prevents edema, reduces strain on the heart and blood vessels, reduces pressure.
The use of decoctions and syrups allows to intensify bronchial and excretory system, increases secretion of mucus in the bronchi, causing liquefaction of sputum. Traditional medicine is widely used plantain. Take it for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and lung cancer, anthrax and whooping cough. Products containing psyllium prescribed to women with inflammation of the internal mucous membrane and muscular tunic of the uterus, ovaries and the parameters.
Studies have shown that the herb useful in infertility if it is caused by the disorder of ovarian function. Effective treatment plantain uterine bleeding. Insist plantain for use externally in case of problems associated with diseases of the oral cavity. Fresh grass in powdered form is applied to areas of the body with bruises, wounds and cuts. Decoction treat chronic ulcers, relieve pain from burns. Lotions are suitable for removing boils, cleansing and disinfection of septic wounds.
Proponents of alternative therapies claim that using this healing plant can eliminate the tachycardia and the formation of large amounts of urine (polyuria). The use of psyllium husk helps to normalize the potency in men, relieves headaches, soothes toothache and Earache. There is evidence of medical effectiveness of the plant nephritis, enuresis, diarrhea.
In Russia folk healers plantain used since ancient times for the treatment of malignant tumors (in the form of compresses) inside for lung cancer and stomach. To do this, prepare this remedy: the leaves are washed, finely pulverized and mixed with an equal quantity of sugar, allow to infuse in a warm place for two weeks. Apply this infusion is necessary 3-4 times a day for one tablespoon 20 minutes before eating. Besides all this, plantain leaves is used to treat respiratory problems, infections, intestinal diseases, and as a styptic, enveloping, expectorant and wound healing.
Washed with boiled water, the leaves should be good to mash these and can be applied on the affected areas of the skin in erysipelas, wounds, ulcers, carbuncles, you can also treat affected areas with the infusion from the leaves of the plantain. The extract from the roots of plants to use inside at treatment of fever and cough of tuberculous origin, after insect bites, bees, snakes, as a painkiller and as a means of warning the formation of tumors.
Infusion of plantain 1 tablespoon psyllium zaparivat liter of boiling water, kept at slow heat for 10 minutes. One day after infusion of the composition must strain and take 1 dining bed 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating. This useful remedy for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract
To use the seed powder of the plants should be at 1.0 g 3-4 times a day for 20-40 minutes before eating.
The juice of plantainJuice from fresh leaves of plantain is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of wounds of the cornea. Due to the antiseptic properties it inhibits the growth of inflammatory processes, for example, when Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli. The use of the juice applicable in acute forms of gastritis, colitis and enterocolitis. You need to take 1 tablespoon of the juice 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating. Medical drug you can prepare for the winter by mixing the juice with vodka in equal proportions.
The juice of plantain leaves made from the top of a large plantain. Juice helps, if a person is chronically inflamed large intestine or the mucous membrane of the stomach (reduced acidity). Drink it three times a day for fifteen to thirty minutes before eating a tablespoon. The total duration of treatment is thirty days.
May-September is the best period for the harvesting of grass. Juice you can get a simple, known manner. To do this, take the leaves along with the cuttings, washed with water, scalded with boiling water and grind in a meat grinder. Raw materials squeeze through a cloth (if the juice is thick, it can be diluted with water in ratio 1:1), then boil for 1-2 minutes and take 1-2 tablespoons diluted in half a glass of water with honey. The course of treatment is 30 days.
Plantain syrup Winter – time to colds, viral diseases, it is important to stock up on remedies. An action differs plantain, from which you can make an incredibly useful syrup.
Natural liquid has superiority over synthetic drugs. For its preparation you will need fresh leaves and shoots of the plant.
Recipe 1: shredded raw shift layers, sprinkling with sugar. Then, the Bank with the workpiece tightly closed and stored in a cool place. The syrup will be ready in 2 months. It is decanted carefully, and it is given to children and adults.
Recipe No. 2: 2-3 tablespoons of raw materials must be mixed in the ratio 1:1 with honey or sugar, to hold a closed bowl with the mixture on a warm plate. After cooling, you can take 1 teaspoon means 4 times a day for half an hour before meals for peptic ulcer disease and gastro-intestinal diseases.
A decoction of plantainthe extract of plantain is widely used to treat ailments in the intestines and stomach, and in diseases of the Airways (bronchitis) with a normal cough. The broth made as follows: mix a Cup of boiling water with two tablespoons of the leaves of the large plantain (a variety), top with a lid and then placed on a steam bath with boiling and keep it for about half an hour. The tool must be allowed to cool and pass through a cheesecloth or strainer and drink it in ten or fifteen minutes before a meal for half or a third of a Cup of the decoction three or four times a day. The same composition is used to clean the wound and also to make a lotion.
Strong dry cough causes a lot of suffering and discomfort. To relieve seizures and softening of sputum are recommended broths, made of fees of various plants, including plantain.
Recipe No. 1 mix 3 tablespoons plantain leaves, leaves mother and stepmother, and pine buds. 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour 300 ml of warm water and boil for 5-10 minutes. Then the medication must be removed from fire, to insist 1 hour in a dark place and take 100 ml 2 times a day.
Recipe No. 2: must take 2 tablespoons plantain leaves, color black elderberry, and herbs common violets, mix well, add 250 ml of warm water, bring to boil and simmer cook for 5 minutes, then wrap well and leave to infuse for about 1 hour. Take this remedy 2 times a day for 100 ml.
Infusion of plantainInfusion of plantain is indispensable for the disease whooping cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis and asthma due to its expectorant effects. Aqueous extract of the leaves of the plant disinfects and heals sores, wounds, skin ulcers, boils and cuts. Derived from the leaves juice helps in chronic gastritis, ulcer and other diseases of the intestines and stomach. The recipe: raw insist on vodka, taking in the same amount of yarrow and plantain, and use it to stop the bleeding, to disinfect and tighten different wounds.
The infusion is prepared usually from delicate parts of plants – leaves, pouring warm water and infusing for necessary for the saturation time, or survive a few minutes in a water bath, and then insist.
Recipe No. 1: will need 3-4 tablespoons of crushed leaves and drinking half a liter of very hot water. Composition infuse for about 1.5 hours and take 1-2 tablespoons several times a day.
Recipe No. 2: 25 g of raw pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
Plantain leafplantain Leaves help to decontaminate the wound, and are also styptic. For this purpose the leaves of the plant need to be cleaned, and then either fully applied on wounds, or chop and put on her. The result will be the weakening of the pain and stopped the blood. Plantain is a sedative used for insomnia and for allergies. Remedy of psyllium: it is required to mix the glass of very hot water with three tablespoons of leaves of a plant and leave for about four hours, and then pass through a strainer or cheesecloth, after which the medication you can drink three times a day for a third Cup.
Leaves contain the glycoside aukubin, ascorbic acid, carotene and vitamin K. Enough of them bitter and tanning substances called methylmethanamine. Fresh leaves are flavonoids, mannitol, sorbitol, citric identified and oleanolic acid. The raw material is hygroscopic, so it should be stored in airtight containers. Tools of the leaves of plantain is rich in pectin, saponins and other nutrients, a positive effect on the male gonads. Good to use the leaves colitis, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, well as preparations from the leaves of plantain are used for the treatment of cholecystitis.
Studies conducted in the USSR and abroad, have revealed the pharmacodynamic activity of the leaves of plantain. Fresh leaves of plantain squeeze out the juice, prepare the infusion and extract, which is used as a hemostatic, bacteriostatic, wound healing, expectorative and hypotensive agent. In severe forms of peptic ulcer disease very well help water and alcohol extracts of leaves of plantain.
Infusion of plantain leaves: 1 tablespoon of herb brewed in one Cup of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes. Medication is recommended for an hour before eating, dispensing the entire quantity on the day.
Experiments have shown the influence of such means to oppress the motor activity of the stomach, the antispasmodic action of the drug, its ability to normalize cholesterol, b-lipoproteins, lipids, phospholipids, blood pressure.
The crushed or ground leaves of the plant are also used in order to stop the bleeding. You need to remember that before using the funds, stopping the blood needed for analysis of prothrombin, as well as preliminary consultation of the doctor, otherwise it may cause harm by increasing index, the result may be a stroke
Psyllium seedpsyllium Seed is used for tightening the cracks on the nipples of mothers who breastfeed, as well as on the basis of the seed make a poultice to relieve popularnosti in diseases of the skin or mucous membranes. To do this, seeds are placed in hot water, and then, making it swell, crushed. For the treatment of diabetes mellitus or female infertility use decoction of the seeds, taken three times a day for one or two months a tablespoon.
In the seeds of various species podorozhnikom contains mucus. They also found fatty oil, oleanolic acid and nitrogenous substances. Daily intake of seed helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Psyllium husk cleanse the bile acids from the body, reduce sugar level in blood. A decoction of the seeds used in hormonal deficiency in women.
Recipe infusion No. 1: 1 tablespoon of seeds is poured into 250 ml of water, boiled for five minutes and leave for 30-40 minutes. Apply the remedy 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. The broth is suitable for men to prevent impotence and prostate after 35 years.
Recipe infusion No. 2: 25 g of raw pour 200 ml of boiling water for a long time shaken, and then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. Indigestion can be treated with the powder of the seed having the fastening property.
Decoctions and infusions of seeds are used at ahilii, constipation, and chronic spasm of the smooth musculature. In this case should be taken on an empty stomach 1 tablespoon of the seeds and drink warm water.
Husk is the result of the splitting of the seed of the plant. She is used to from constipation, for the treatment of skin irritations, widely used by Chinese and Indian doctors and healers to troubleshoot problems with the bladder. Treated husks diarrhea, hemorrhoids. The husk helps to reduce the pressure and restore the function of the cardiovascular system. The husk is a rich content of insoluble fiber is a mild laxative, the husk of the seeds contains alkaloids, amino acids.
The husk is used along with the seeds as a thickener in cooking and cosmetology. Combines with water, it swells, forming a glandular mass, the excellent effect of stimulating the gastrointestinal tract, perfect to eliminate the irritation of the colon and hemorrhoidal symptoms. The use of such a natural purifier promotes the release of toxins, reduces the risk of cancer.
Husk supports the proliferation of beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria recommended for the normal functioning of the intestine. It includes trendy diets: the property that causes a feeling of satiety, helps reduce weight. Healing the husk should always be taken with water. During the day you should drink approximately 6-8 glasses of water to prevent constipation and bloating.
.ContraindicationsPsyllium is contraindicated in hyperacidity and excess production of gastric juice, as well as in certain types of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Also there are some kinds of ulcerative diseases of the intestines and stomach, in which preparations of psyllium is contraindicated. Therefore, before the use of drugs based on psyllium should consult a doctor.
Contraindicated for the treatment of this plant will be increased blood clotting, the presence of blood clots. Long-term use of drugs from psyllium can cause high blood clotting and cause a tendency to thrombosis.
Another contraindication is individual intolerance of this plant or an allergic reaction to it. For this reason allergies and asthma should be especially careful to start the treatment from psyllium. For starters, you can take a small dose to get your body accustomed to the new medication, and thus avoid severe allergic reactions.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/tvtravnik_podorojnik.php
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