Plantain: 15 healthy recipes

Plantain, like many other plants, is used not only in medical but also for food purposes, which creates a double effect of its usefulness. It acquires a special significance in the spring, when we often lack in vitamins and plantain contains one of the most important vitamin C.
Herbs do not grow in Russia all year round, its crop accounts for some spring and summer months than should be used for the enrichment of our diet, especially now, when there is a deficiency of nutrients experiencing the majority of the population because of all, including and economic difficulties.
And if you consider how expensive was the treatment, not to use the services of nature that provides them for nothing, it would be a big mistake.
It's simple: we only need to wash the plantain, separate the leaves, take in equal shares with him a sorrel, and green onions, plantain leaves and other greens – chopped, season with vegetable oil, lightly salt and eat, please.
The use in food of this plant has a long history in cooking plantain – not the beginner, as well as dandelion, sorrel, sorrel and other plants with which it is combined in cooking a variety of dishes, ranging from salads and ending with hot kesaniemi.
In common parlance refers to two types of plantain, the most common: the large plantain, medicinal part of which are leaves, and plantain vulgaris – this species is in the use of the grass plants. For the benefit of tell you that the leaves of the great plantain collected during all three summer months and even in September, but the grass Plantago vulgaris – only in June-July.
The juice contained in the leaves of plants, prevents inflammatory process that occurs in the bronchi, anti-inflammatory effect in bronchial asthma; laryngitis and bronchitis it clears the Airways and reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes. Of course, we mean those properties of the juice of plantain, recommending you dishes.
Plantain leaves are used in treatment of inflammatory processes of the respiratory system as an expectorant.
Plantain it is good to eat in spring, when vitamin is not enough. However, let's be honest: we miss them always, even in summer. So there are salads using plantain all year round, reinforcing your stomach and lungs, improving the immunity of your body and preventing thereby all the misfortunes that lie in wait for us everywhere, just get out of the house.
A lot of first courses – soups, cabbage soup and borscht can be cooked with plantain, which will give them their usefulness, will help to support the health of people with weakened respiratory system.
And if you keep in mind that the plantain is included in combination herbal medicinal products used in the treatment of diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an infectious nature, is used in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, it becomes evident the use of this plant, which in small doses will make it more useful many of the dishes and improve their taste.
What dishes can be specifically prepared with plantain?
Soup "Bent Grass"
It is prepared at the time when the court – early spring and no garden herbs and vegetables have not kept up. You need to take herbs wild plants: nettle, white edible quinoa, goutweed, cow parsnip, sorrel, wood sorrel ("rabbit cabbage"), plantain, mallow, fireweed, clover.
The sorrel and Oxalis plants a rather sour should not be more than a third of the entire collection of greenery. You can use only the young plants. The leaves of sorrel and nettles pre-scald with boiling water once, and quinoa – twice. So, taking all need for soup greens, wash them clean, finely chop, and then pour boiling water and better than – boiling mushroom broth.
Separately lightly fry the vegetables and onion, and put them in the broth, greens; add the diced potatoes and cook until tender, 5 minutes before the end put in a pan Bay leaf, salt, pepper; if the soup is pretty sour, season it with a teaspoon of sugar. Serve the soup, season it with sour cream or fresh yogurt.
You will need:
nettle – 50 g
white edible quinoa – 40 g
ground – 40 g
cow parsnip – 40 g
plantain – 50 g
mallow – 40 g
Ivan-tea – 40 g
clover – 50 g
sorrel – 25 g
Oxalis – 25 g
Soup "Cook"
Young shoots of nettle and plantain drench with boiling water, chop, add finely chopped sorrel, carrot, parsley, onion, and green onion. Greens a little put out, and the vegetables and lightly fry.
Then put all ingredients in boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes. Shortly before readiness put in the soup Bay leaf, cloves, pepper and mashed potatoes. Before eating, pour the soup with sour cream and place according to your taste slices of boiled eggs.
You will need:
nettles – 100 g
sorrel – 50 g
plantain – 50 g
carrots – 10 g
parsley – 10 g
onions – 20 g
green onions – 15 g
Bay leaf – 2-3 PCs.
cloves – 1 PC.
one mashed potato
pepper – to taste
Soup Vegetarian
Cut small slices of carrots, celery, parsley and onions boil in salted water, bringing the vegetables until almost cooked. Add to the soup potatoes, cut into small cubes, but for a few minutes before end of cooking, cut selenometionina. Soup before eating, top with sour cream, violating, thus, the vegetarian standards.
You will need:
water – 1 l
carrot – 1 PC.
celery root – 1 PC.
parsley root – 1 PC.
onion – 1 PC.
potatoes – 1-2 PCs.
plantain – 50 g
salt and sour cream – to taste.
Soup Green
Beautiful and very healthy dish, have long been popular with lovers of healthy and tasty food. Sort through the leaves of sorrel and plantain, wash them thoroughly and cover with boiling water, leaving in this state for 5 minutes. Then drain the water, and the green mince.
In boiling water put the potatoes, cut into cubes, boil it until tender, 10 minutes before end of cooking, put in the soup prepared sorrel, plantain, and fried onions and green onions. Don't forget to add salt at the end. Eat the soup with sour cream, season them with egg, cooked hard-boiled and finely chopped, and garnish with parsley.
You will need:
sorrel – 500 g
plantain – 200 g
potatoes – 300 g
onions – 2 PCs.
green onion – 100 g
butter to sauteed onions – 30 g
sour cream – 50– 100 g
egg – 3-4 pieces.
greenery – 30 g
salt – to taste
There is a recipe for the famous Frankfurter salad, which I loved Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the great German writer, author of the immortal "Faust."
Salad "German"
Finely chop the herbs: dandelion, plantain, nettle, watercress, sour sorrel, borage, parsley, chives, dill and lovage. To the salad add sliced hard-boiled eggs, and chopped onions. Pour in the salad dressing made from yogurt, pepper, juice and rind of lemon and salt. Sauce pour the salad, carefully, slowly. This salad can be eaten as a separate dish, but you can submit as a wonderful complement to boiled in their skins potatoes, boiled beef or fish.
You will need:
dandelion – 1.5 tbsp
nettle – 1.5 tbsp
psyllium – 1 tbsp
sour sorrel – 1 tbsp
borage – 1 tbsp
parsley – 1/2 tbsp
green onions – 50 g
fennel – 1/2 tbsp
lovage – 0,5 tbsp.
boiled eggs – 2 PCs.
onions – 50 g
For the sauce:
yogurt – 1 Cup
juice and rind of 1/2 lemon
pepper – to taste
Salad "The World"
Very useful in the period of spring avitaminosis, for the prevention of pulmonary diseases. Is based on an old Italian recipe. Take a wooden bowl, RUB its inner surface with a slice of fresh garlic. In a bowl put the leaves of dandelion and plantain, add greens, fresh tarragon, cupira, pour vegetable oil and lemon juice, lightly season with salt.
You will need:
dandelion – 50 g
plantain – 50 g
garlic – 1 clove
tarragon – 1 tsp.
Kupari – 1 tsp
vegetable oil – 1 tsp
lemon juice – 1 tsp
salt – 1 pinch
Salad "Saga"
Take watercress, tender shoots of nettle, parsley and plantain, young dandelion and lettuce salad. All ingredients wash, give water to drain. Chop, sprinkle also chopped dill, parsley, borage and season with lemon juice and vegetable oil. As a dressing you can use other products like yogurt or sour cream. Add the salad a little sugar and salt.
You will need:
the watercress – 50 g
nettle – 50 g
plantain – 50 g
dandelion – 50 g
iceberg lettuce – 50 g
dill – 30 g
parsley – 30 g
borage – 30 g
vegetable oil – 1 tbsp
lemon juice – 1 tsp
sour cream – 2 tbsp
(yogurt – 3 tbsp)
salt and sugar – one pinch.
Salad "Poem"
Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes wash and cut finely, mix with chopped green onions and herbs plantain (leaves or large grass common), a little salt, pour over the salad with vegetable oil and sprinkle with greens of dill and parsley.
You will need:
tomatoes – 300 g
cucumbers – 300 g
green onions – 60 g
plantain – 50 g
vegetable oil – 2 tbsp
dill – 20 g
parsley – 20 g
salt – to taste
Salad "Spring miracle"
Clear red radishes from the leaves, wash it thoroughly, gently scald with boiling water and cut into slices. Mix the radish with finely chopped greens and plantain green onions, salt and season the salad with vegetable oil.
You will need:
radish – 500 g
plantain – 50 g
green onion – 100 g
vegetable oil – 50 g
salt – to taste
Salad "Nightingale"
This is a very useful product cooking, able to support the body during the spring weakening. Spinach, sorrel and plantain leaves cut in the form of straw and green onion slice. Add in sour cream, salt and pour over all the greens. It is desirable to pour the cream, when the salad is in the bowl. The dish cover top with slices of radish.
You will need:
spinach – 100 g
sorrel – 100 g
plantain – 100 g
sour cream – 4 tbsp
salt – to taste
Salad Is "Good"
Boiled potatoes cut into small cubes. Plantain leaves, sorrel, spinach, green onion, dill chopped up small, mixed with salt and sugar. All the greens put in the sour cream and pour the resulting sauce is already cooked potatoes. Salad mix and garnish with green onions and parsley.
You will need:
plantain – 100 g
sorrel – 200 g
spinach – 100 g
boiled potatoes – 200 g
sour cream – 150 g
green onions – 50 g
dill – 50 g
salt and sugar – to taste
Stuffed "Roadside"
Boil the carrot and cut it into small cubes, mix with boiled rice and raisins. The prepared stuffing spread on washed and dried plantain leaves, wrap the cabbage rolls and place them in intended for the preparation of the dishes, the bottom of which pour sour cream, diluted with water in the ratio of one to one. Stew the cabbage for about 15 minutes, you can also bake them in the oven until crisp.
You will need:
young plantain leaves – 10 PCs.
boiled rice – 1 tbsp.
carrot – 1 PC.
raisins – 1/2 Cup
sour cream – 1 Cup
water (for dilution of sour cream) – 1 tbsp.
In addition to all these dishes, plantain is part of the delicious and most importantly healthy teas, whose recipes we offer to you and.
Tea "Caro"
For its preparation needed plantain leaves, licorice root and the leaves mother and stepmother. 1 tablespoon of the mixture brew 2 cups boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, then strain. Drinking vitamin tea should be in the form of heat half a Cup every three hours (instead of water and tea to quench your thirst).
You will need:
plantain leaves – 300 g
licorice root – 300 g
leaves mother and stepmother – 400 g
Tea Healer
The tea is recommended in chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, is prepared as follows: 4 h. L. minced collection of elder flowers, grass, sundew, plantain leaves and grass violet tricolor pour 1 Cup of boiling water and infuse for 1 hour. Then strain. Drink it three times a day for 1/3 Cup.
You will need:
elder flowers – 100 g
grass sundew – 100 g
plantain leaves – 100 g
grass viola tricolor – 100 g
Tea "Riddle"
2 tbsp of knotweed grass, herb Potentilla goose and plantain leaves to brew 2 cups boiling water, 1 hour to insist, then strain. It should drink half a Cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
You will need:
this herb – 100 g
Potentilla goose grass – 100 g
plantain leaves – 200 g
I must say that the dishes with the use of plantain is very useful in gastric disorders. If given us recipes any components you do not qualify for health reasons, then do without them or replace such: for example, pepper and do not use butter substitute plant, etc. published
From the book I. Dubrovina "Healing plantain"
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pervorod.ru/blogs/eto-interesno/tselitelnyy-podorozhnik
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