How to prepare Greek salad according to the rules

If you come to sunny Greece and order a Greek salad there, the waiter is likely to be confused - there is no Greek salad there! In its homeland, this classic dish of Mediterranean cuisine is modestly called village salad, or choriatic.

Whatever it is called, Greek salad remains a simple, tasty and very healthy dish. It has become a traditional food in the homes of many domestic housewives and a popular treat in most fashionable restaurants.


"Site" It will tell you what is good for a real "Choriotics", How to prepare Greek salad at home And don't turn a delicious Mediterranean dish into a simple vegetable cut.

How to prepare Greek salad Greek salad - a national dish, simple, delicious! There is nothing superfluous in it, only the usual products that are in abundance in every Greek house: fresh vegetables, feta cheese, olives, olive oil and fragrant Greek herbs - oregano, fresh basil and fragrant peppers.

It would seem nothing complicated - mixed all the ingredients in one plate and proudly called it a Greek salad. But often in pursuit of original tastes, many chefs and hostess can distort the composition of the dish beyond recognition, removing some ingredients and replacing them in their own way. Unfortunately, this is how a tasty and bright salad turns into a primitive vegetable slice.



Traditionally, vegetables for Greek salad are cut in large pieces, refusing to cut neatly. Often, the ready-made salad is not even stirred before serving - served right like this, and the ingredients are mixed already during the meal. From vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers and shallots are used, and olives are laid black, fleshy, with seeds.

Due to the high content of vegetables, Greek salad has a low calorie content, and feta makes a light dish very hearty. It is cheese, onions and spicy herbs that give the salad an original and savory taste, and the beautiful variety of vegetables in the plate improves appetite and lifts mood!


Subtleties of preparation
  1. To make Greek salad really tasty, use only quality ingredients! Tomatoes should be ground, homemade, like cucumbers. Greenhouse vegetables dull the bright taste of the dish, and ordinary onions will steal that very highlight.
  2. The correct taste of the salad will give a real Greek feta from sheep or goat milk. In no case should you replace it with brynza or, worse, hard cheeses!
  3. Olive oil should be used if not Greek, then the first cold press for sure. A thick, golden green product with a bright aroma will give the dish a unique taste. The oil, by the way, is not mixed with anything - a generous amount of fresh product is added to the salad.
  4. Salt salad during cooking is not recommended, because vegetables will immediately let the juice, and the finished dish will lose its presentation. The salt shaker is usually placed on the table so that each guest can salt the finished salad to taste.
  5. But spices, unlike salt, are added directly to the salad. Moreover, oregano is used dry, basil is laid fresh, and scented pepper is crushed immediately before cooking.


There is no exact recipe for salad, Greek housewives are accustomed to focus on the appearance of the dish: red, green and white in a salad bowl should be approximately equal, and purple onions and black olives are designed to harmoniously complement the appetizing composition. Use our simple recipe.To please relatives and guests with salad, which is served in hospitable Greek houses!

The ingredients
  • 1 ripe tomato
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 sweet red bulb
  • 10 large olives with seeds
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 150g feta
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • salt

  1. First, prepare dishes in which you will cook and serve salad. The plate should be deep and spacious. Cut the tomato in medium slices, not very small, but not too large. Put it in a prepared bowl.

  2. Many people argue that the cucumber must be cleaned of the skin before it is put into the salad. But you do this: swipe a fork on the sides of the cucumber so that it leaves deep marks on the skin, and then cut it into thick slices and send it to a plate to the tomato. Add olives to the plate to the other ingredients, do not mix.

  3. Chop the peeled onions with moderately thin rings and add to the bowl.

  4. Add to the vegetables a little olive oil, a pinch of salt at will and quickly mix everything with your hands. On top lay out a whole scrap of feta (thickness of 1.5-2 cm), sprinkling oregano and splashing with olive oil. Serve like that. salad To the table without stirring. Bon appetit!


Choriatics are not one of those salads that can wait for their finest hour in the refrigerator for days. It is prepared immediately before serving, and tucked on the table before handing out. It is no coincidence that residents of the regions where they love this healthy vegetable salad live a long time and almost do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases. And if the restaurant Greek salad has neither taste nor smell, then cooked at home from fresh products will please the taste and brightness of colors.

Light, fresh and delicious Greek salad has revealed all the secrets before you, so hurry to bring them to life! If you liked this article, don’t forget to share it with your friends. And if you are a true fan of Greek cuisine, you will definitely love our cool recipe of puffed moussaki in Greek with eggplant.


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