What is the danger of uric acid and how can you reduce its amount?

Uric acid is a substance that is produced in our body during the decomposition of purines (proteins), it consists of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Most of the uric acid is dissolved in the blood and enters the kidneys, which excrete it through urine.

Excessive amounts of uric acid can cause significant harm to the body: it contributes to the formation of kidney stones and the development of gout, in addition, uric acid accumulates in the joints and crystallizes, and this causes inflammation and severe pain. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the level of uric acid in the body and, if necessary, reduce its amount.

In principle, no one is immune to high levels of uric acid in the body, it can happen to any of us, but, as a rule, men suffer from this phenomenon more often. If your relatives have suffered from a disease such as gout, you live in constant stress and stress, suffer from overweight, obesity or diabetes and you often have high blood pressure, then you should be especially attentive to yourself.

Foods That Are Harmful to You

To begin with, you need to try to exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • Red meat

  • Seafood

  • By-products

  • Alcoholic drinks

  • Carbonated drinks

Foods that help regulate uric acid levels in the body


Apples can really help you keep your uric acid levels in check due to their high water content. This is a good diuretic and a natural antioxidant, apple reduces blood pressure, protects the intestinal mucosa, can even prevent the development of cancer (due to its phytochemical properties), in addition, regular consumption of apples helps to reduce blood cholesterol, prevents asthma and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, for example.


This plant also has diuretic properties, which means it helps to remove uric acid from the body. In addition, artichoke has other health benefits: it reduces cholesterol, fights excess triglycerides, treats diseases such as anemia, diabetes, gout and gallstones.

Onions of reptile

Onions also help cleanse the body of unnecessary substances and help reduce uric acid in the body. It is in principle very useful for health, as it improves blood circulation, prevents thrombosis and slows down the aging process of arteries. In addition, onions are used in the treatment of anemia (due to its high content of iron, phosphorus and vitamin E).

The composition of onions also includes potassium, this allows you to remove excess fluid accumulated in the body, and also fight hypertension, gout and kidney stones.


Cherry is a very effective tool for reducing the level of uric acid in the body, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Regular consumption of cherries helps prevent the development of cardiovascular disease and even cancer, cherry has a beneficial effect on sleep cycles, it is rich in vitamins C, E, magnesium, iron and dietary fiber (fiber). According to some studies, cherries also help prevent memory loss and reduce inflammation in the body in diseases such as arthritis and gout.


Strawberries are among the most recommended natural products to neutralize uric acid in the body. This excellent diuretic and a powerful antioxidant, strawberries have anti-inflammatory properties, helps regulate digestive processes, provides the body with vitamins C, B, K and potassium and at the same time gives a feeling of satiety. Strawberries are also good for vision and eye health. Well, the “cherry on the cake”: strawberries slow down the appearance of signs of aging, prevents sagging skin and the formation of cellulite. Excellent product in all respects, and what a taste!

And remember...

We all have uric acid in the body, this is normal, the main thing is to ensure that its amount is within the normal range, otherwise serious health problems may arise. And remember: it is always better to prevent the disease than to treat it later. Bless you! published

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

Source: steptohealth.ru/v-chem-zaklyuchaetsya-opasnost-mochevoj-kisloty/


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