7 foods that are banned for gout
Gout is the most unpleasant ailment, which is familiar to mankind since ancient times. This disease is characterized by metabolic disorders, in which a large amount of uric acid accumulates in the body. Gout attacks lead to terrible suffering. But from this can save proper nutrition.
Despite the fact that gout is incurable, its attacks can be minimized. How? It is enough to simply remove some products from the diet. And the newsroom. "Site" tell you, what not to eat with gout What products are strictly prohibited?
As soon as there is a violation of purine metabolism, a person begins gout. The amount of uric acid in the body is simply skyrocketing. This process leads to the fact that urates begin to accumulate in the periarticular tissues. And the main problem is that the process is not limited only to the joints: the deposition of urate occurs in the internal organs, especially in the kidneys.
To avoid damage to internal organs, the patient must follow the necessary rules. It is necessary to remove from the diet foods that increase the level of uric acid. Let’s find out what products are on this list.
Here is a list of foods that are banned. After all, they lead to bouts of disease that cause hellish pain and suffering. Yes, gout cannot be cured, but it can be contained by eating only the right foods that lower uric acid levels.
And do not forget about home remedies for gout, which will help to cope with sudden attacks. You just need to find the right products. Follow the rules and stay healthy!
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Despite the fact that gout is incurable, its attacks can be minimized. How? It is enough to simply remove some products from the diet. And the newsroom. "Site" tell you, what not to eat with gout What products are strictly prohibited?
As soon as there is a violation of purine metabolism, a person begins gout. The amount of uric acid in the body is simply skyrocketing. This process leads to the fact that urates begin to accumulate in the periarticular tissues. And the main problem is that the process is not limited only to the joints: the deposition of urate occurs in the internal organs, especially in the kidneys.

To avoid damage to internal organs, the patient must follow the necessary rules. It is necessary to remove from the diet foods that increase the level of uric acid. Let’s find out what products are on this list.
- Meat products
A patient with gout should follow a strict diet. And the first thing that should be excluded from the diet is meat products. This is especially true for offal: heart, liver, kidneys. Under the ban of pork and goose meat, it is better to completely exclude them from the diet. Famous and beloved ham is also famous for its high content of uric acid, but chicken breast in this regard is much safer. It is impossible to stay without meat, so chicken fillet can be left. Just severely restrict its use.
DepositPhotos - Fish
There are types of fish that contain a lot of purines and are not at all suitable for a gout diet: herring, trout, sprats and sardines. You will also have to forget about canned fish. It is important to note that fish can not be completely excluded from the diet, because it just has a huge amount of nutrients necessary for the body.
DepositPhotos - Vegetables
Vegetables with gout can be consumed in unlimited quantities, but among them should not be cabbage and sorrel. Radish and horseradish should also be excluded. Spinach is also prohibited.
DepositPhotos - Legume
Legumes are high in purine, so their consumption should be minimized. Although legumes, and especially peas, are rich in protein. But one plate of pea soup can cause an attack of gout and a sharp deterioration of the patient's condition.
DepositPhotos - Fungi
As a result of expert studies on the content of purines, white mushrooms received the 1st place. The product is strictly not recommended for use in patients with gout. The amount of purine in mushrooms can reach 12.8% of the total weight of the product. Champignons and white mushrooms fresh contain 5.5% of the prohibited component. The use of mushroom soups, sauces and broths causes an exacerbation of the disease.
DepositPhotos - Spices
Spices are a special issue. Some people cannot imagine their lives without them. But it is important to know that with gout, spices are strictly prohibited. There are also healing tinctures, which include spices. Such tinctures can aggravate the disease instead of the desired improvement.
DepositPhotos - Alcohol
The most important prohibition for gout is alcohol. Any alcohol, without exceptions and indulgences. There is a myth that gout is treated with red wine. But it's a myth! Any alcoholic beverages are contraindicated for a patient with gout. Wine increases the amount of uric acid in the body and causes painful attacks of gout in the patient.
Here is a list of foods that are banned. After all, they lead to bouts of disease that cause hellish pain and suffering. Yes, gout cannot be cured, but it can be contained by eating only the right foods that lower uric acid levels.
And do not forget about home remedies for gout, which will help to cope with sudden attacks. You just need to find the right products. Follow the rules and stay healthy!
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