What is useful plantain with sugar

Plantain is a weed grass that is famous for its unusual healing properties. It grows on the sidelines and along roads, hence the name.

Even in childhood, everyone was taught even to the smallest wound to immediately apply a plantain to make it easier. This plant has hemostatic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.


The benefits of the plantain is an excellent remedy for internal use. Its leaves and fruits contain mucus and substances that have a positive effect on the work of the stomach and intestines, removing inflammation and enveloping them from the inside.


Plantain leaves contain potassium, citric acid, phytoncides, glycoside aucubin, invertin and emulsin frements, alkaloids, bitter tannins, vitamin C, carotene. And the seeds are oleic acid, saponins and carbohydrates. The plant has a ranosed effect due to the presence of a vitamin-like substance S-methylmethionine - vitamin U. Health Benefits of Plantain It's huge.

In addition to the above, preparations from plantain have diuretic and hypotensive properties. They are often used for atherosclerosis, hypertension, chronic diseases of the respiratory system, gastritis, ulcers, enteritis.

DepositPhotos is also an excellent folk remedy used to treat cancerous tumors. Here's how to make a special decoction.

First way.. Take a kilogram of plantain leaves and a kilogram of honey. Cut the leaves and rub them. Add a small amount of water and bring it to a boil. When the leaves cool without filtering, mix them with honey. In case of a cold, cough, fever, take 1 tsp. funds every hour.


The second way.. The leaves are washed, dried and laid out in layers in a pan, each layer pouring sugar. Wrap the pan and put it in a dark place for 3 weeks. The result should be a mixture of dark swamp color. Strain it and put it in the fridge.

For gastritis, colic, colitis, take one tablespoon of the mixture 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.


Tincture of plantain leaves has a general immuno-strengthening effect. After a month of regular use, you should take a break and look at the reaction of the body. In another month, the course can be repeated.


Raw leaves of plantain can be applied in crushed, mushy form to sore places: damaged skin, wounds, trophic ulcers, eczema. Do not do this only in the case of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Fresh juice will have a bacteriostatic, wound-healing and calming effect.


Plantain is also used in cosmetology: hair is rinsed with a decoction of leaves, the face is wiped with frozen infusion cubes. And even used in cooking, adding fresh spring leaves to salads.

The benefits of plantain for the body It is undeniable, but it is not a panacea. Taking it as a cure for any disease, you also need to eliminate the cause that causes it.

DepositPhotos On how to make tea from plantain and other ways of its application, read our next articles. Follow the links.


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