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Discovery, scientists plunged into shock

"Change the conditions and everything will change».

The report "Aboriginal PHYSICS ALLATRA»

All of us since childhood knows that someone plants take root better, someone could "not serious" to plant the seedling in a pot, and after a short period of time to get a lush vibrant vegetation instance, and someone, observing all the difficult conditions and growing techniques , characteristic for this botanical species, for all his endeavors to observe the languid lazy sprawl, which can ultimately result in death of the plant prospector and disappointment.

Mystical "light hand", for not having a no scientific justification, since childhood is the subject of faith and take the steadfast position in the ideological concept of each person.

So what is at the basis of it? Can you explain this to the position of biology, chemistry, physics, quantum physics can be? It turns out you can! The analysis of the collected materials on the basis of current research and discoveries ALLATRA SCIENCE and research of a number of scientists since 1960, opened the curtain of the material world and the life of plants.

The probability of accidental origin of life is comparable to the probability that the encyclopedia is the result of an explosion in a printing house.

The biologist Edwin Conklin

Amazing, inexhaustible in their versatility fascinating world of plants, even with a light touch with his "secrets"! Openness to learning and sincere curiosity helps us to notice the amazing phenomenon, who live next to us, and when we look beyond the consumer thinking, to find answers to the main questions of modern society.

We give examples.

All vines are pulled toward the nearest support. If suddenly it disappears after a couple of hours the plant changes its direction of motion. Without the usual senses (hearing, sight, touch, smell) as they learn about it? Biologist Raul Frances said:

In plants, there are intentions. Their movement to the goal, so relentlessly and sometimes so surprising and inexplicable that it would be the envy of any science fiction writer.

Peter Tompkins

Anyone familiar amazingly pure air of pine forest. How high up in the mountains it is substantially free of microbes. The reason for this pheromones that produce pine. The question arises, what is the pines? What makes them stand out in huge numbers volatile?

A stunning. Pine Trees did not have enough nutrients poor sandy soils. For comparison - in a cubic centimeter of arable land contains several billions of microorganisms, and their total weight in a hectare of arable land - 4-5 tons. Therefore, the lack of nutrients absorbed by the roots of pine trees, is filled "fishing" germs from the air.

Mount Huangshan, China

Karpaty, Ukraine

Pine Macro

Biologists observed that in case of damage by pests plants increase the concentration of corrosive compounds - phenols. These materials are part of the wood tar, making inedible leaves.

Zoologist David Rose of the University of Seattle, noticed a curious phenomenon: the attack of caterpillars per plant defense reaction both in "alarm" is shown at the "neighbors", and all plants within a radius of 60 m as a team isolated caustic phenols, although caterpillars on them More not appeared.

According to the Viennese biologist Raoul France, the plants have previously unknown to us how to interact and communicate with the outside world, which largely exceed the usual human senses. Man, limited anthropocentric worldview, until today no idea of ​​their existence.

We are used to plant unfeeling machine guns, but now it is clear that they can distinguish between sounds that are inaccessible to the human ear, as well as to perceive infrared and ultraviolet waves, invisible to the human eye; plants are especially sensitive to X-rays and high-frequency radiation TVs.

Biologist Raul Frances

Why then, having five senses and a highly developed brain does not perceive that easily catch the plants?

In general, human subjective perception of reality. The human brain, despite its complexity, is significantly limited in their capabilities and can function only under certain conditions. Man learns the surrounding reality with the help of consciousness, acquired by associations belonging to the three-dimensional world. In other words, all of the processes and phenomena he "Merit" and the three-dimensional looking for a like. Therefore consciousness tuned in daily to the template perception of the world, many lose sight of, as a result of misunderstanding him unknown processes and phenomena.

The first surprising discoveries of plants were made in 1960 in the laboratory ... Clive Baxter, USA. These studies result in not only changed the fate of many scientists with an inquisitive mind from around the world, but greatly influence public opinion about the origins of the universe and the origin of the human condition in it.

First epochal discoveries with plants, plunged into shock SCIENTISTS

Advanced scientist 60s, Clive Baxter, an experiment with Massanzheana dracaena (Dracaena massangeana). During the experiment, after watering the plants in the leaves should have been recorded a decrease of electrical resistance and conductivity increase.

However, it was incredible! Curve recorder has issued a completely different unexpected result, similar to the short-term stimulation of the senses in humans. This forced the scientist to make an incredible assumption that the plant emotes!

As a test of this hypothesis, Baxter decided to set fire to a galvanometer connected dracaena leaves. Returning with matches, he said curve on the tape recorder, which was growing up. As he approached, a new peak. This indicated that the plant read his intentions and express emotions of fear.

The diagram on February 2, 1966 shows the plant response to the author's idea of ​​arson connected to galvanometer leaf of this plant.

1) Press the hand on PGR contacts.

2) Thinking of threat to the plant.

3) The first thought of setting fire to the sheet plant.

4) eksperementator leaves the room for matches.

5) At this point, no adjustment is made equipment.

6) Ignition match.

Experiment with dratsenu Massanzheana. Diagram of 2 February 1966

Baxter continued research for several months for his experiments using different plant species. Experiments have shown that they exhibit similar sensitivity to threats, the unspoken intentions of people, and, most surprisingly, rapidly react to potentially dangerous situations in the environment, such as appeared in the indoor dog or negative sentiment to them people. Through his research was able to show Baxter scientists from Yale University, the desire spider, persecuted man, reflected on the recorder, the recording signals the plant for a few moments, anticipating escape the spider!

It seems that the desire to escape the spider is transferred to the plant and causes a change in the electrical potential of its leaves.

Cleve Baxter

In order to determine what is the basis of the phenomenon of so-called "depth perception" Baxter screened plants from all electromagnetic radiation in a Faraday cage. In this and in another case, when a lead container was used, the link is not interrupted.

Baxter failed to solve, as a thought is translated and perceived by the plant, do not have anything like this even the rudiments of the nervous system. Scientist Experiments have shown that this ability is not lost or weakened at certain parts of plant tissue such as leaves, trimmed on the electrode shape, and even dropped through the screen and deposited as a cell mass on the electrodes of the galvanometer.

After reviewing the results of Baxter's research, physician-bacteriologist Dr. Howard Miller concluded that everything has a kind of "cellular consciousness." To ensure this, the researchers had to improve its technology to connect to the liquid medium of the human body (blood, semen, saliva) and liquids from single-celled creatures (amoebae, ciliates, yeast and molds).

All experimental environment showed no less crisp graphics and pronounced reaction. The most surprising results in experiments with semen in which the sperm is very rapidly react to the presence of his donor, and does not show any reaction to the other men.

Based on these results Cleve Baxter concluded that everything has a special memory of a comprehensive, while the human brain is not the keeper, and its receiver.

Apparently, the ability to feel is not limited to the cellular level, but extends to the molecular, atomic and subatomic levels - says Baxter. - We are accustomed to thinking of many inanimate objects. Maybe we have to reconsider our view of the nature of life.

Scientist, inventor of the polygraph Cleve Baxter

This landmark discovery until today could not find a proper explanation of the observed phenomena, however, provoked a wave of attention and interest in the study of "field", which unites everything in the material universe. And who would have imagined that the statement by Peter Tompkins that plants can combine physics and metaphysics, would not be so weird.

With the release of "ancestral PHYSICS ALLATRA" report, all studies on the "depth perception" of plants is given new life and new meaning. As indicated in the report of those missing elements of the "puzzle" - a previously unknown scientist tiny particles of the material universe - Septon, creating "a common field, which is the basis of all phenomena and of fundamental interactions of the material world»

. The report "Aboriginal PHYSICS ALLATRA" so it is written on this field:

Septon field - is the main component of the entire material universe. This field is everywhere. It forms the basis of all currently known and unknown official science fields and interactions of material objects, organic and inorganic compounds, and so on. Septon own field can be found in any "live" and "inanimate" objects, phenomena.

So what is the basis of "depth perception" thoughts plants, emotions, intentions, and changes in the environment? And how can you explain this indissoluble unity of all life, was captured on a tape recorder Baxter?

Lost since ancient times key that unlocks the mysteries of the true physics of the microworld, are the concepts and EZOOSMOSA EZOOSMICHESKOY grill. They give a three-dimensional picture of the processes occurring in the universe, of the discrete structure of matter, indivisible and education functions of divisible particles, understanding the basics of their interaction. At the level of all real ezoosmicheskoy lattice particles In spite of the fact that each exists in its ezoosmicheskoy cell, linked by a single common Septon field.

Septon field combines all fixed particles In a single integrated system, "leading part" of the material world, which functions as a single "control center." In Septon field the instant contact information and there is no time.

Septon field - this common universal field, which brings to all fundamental interactions in the material world. It lies at the heart of any phenomenon, process, object, and their components. Septon own field as an inherent objects of macrocosm and microcosm objects. This is a general field that integrates them into its core.

It is a universal field determines the behavior of complex systems. Knowledge about Septon field are key to understanding the material world at all levels of its existence. They are responsible for such questions, such as what time, space, gravity, electromagnetism, the nature of electrical current, that it causes the particles to move objects and to fight for life, interact with each other.

Knowing the principle of Septon field, we can understand how the transfer of information, its encoding and decoding of different systems and so on. With information, how the field Septon different objects, including humans, can be understood as the process of the birth of thoughts.

The report "Aboriginal PHYSICS ALLATRA»

Fragment ezoosmicheskoy lattice in three dimensions. Illustration from the report "Aboriginal PHYSICS ALLATRA»

Structure Septon. Illustration from the report "Aboriginal PHYSICS ALLATRA»

Clive Baxter also held interesting series of experiments in which plants were determined killer other plants respond to vivid emotions of people who are at a considerable distance. In particular, for the purity of the experiment provreki scientist invented a fully automated experience.

Specially designed car killed Artemia (crustaceans that live in salty waters) at random, those with no any regularity times. And on the tape recorder recorded the reaction of plants. Whenever the findings indicated the presence of consciousness as part of the overall sound field structure.

With knowledge, scientists open an international research group ALLATRA Science in the report, to date, it is clear much of what had previously been the subject of some humor and philosophizing - for others:

Septon field combines all fixed particles In a single integrated system, "leading part" of the material world, which functions as a single

"control center." In Septon field the instant information contact between the real (fixed) particles In. That is, in the information field of the real audio particles According to another instantaneously transmitted, regardless of how far apart they are ezoosmicheskoy lattice. In this field, there is no time.

Detailed hole in the knowledge contained in the report of the group of scientists ALLATRA SCIENCE, offers incomparably more than allow the anticipation and courage. Daring insight into understanding of the processes, which faced casual Cleve Baxter and a number of other scientists from around the world, will significantly expand the scope of our knowledge of ourselves and the world in general.

A scientific discoveries and explanations "ancestral PHYSICS ALLATRA" report will open new horizons for a variety of Sciences. Due to this we will be able to confidently step into a new era of scientific substantiation of intangible beginning of the universe and the primacy of the spiritual world.

The first publication in the United States studies with plants connected to the galvanometer, launched a wave, whereby:

California scientist Randall Fontes examined the movement of electrical potential between plant cells and called it

«simple nervous system." Sir Chandra WHO studying wonderful plant Mimosa pudica (Mimosa pudica), faced with the manifestations characteristic of the nervous sitsemy. In their experiments, he used an optical device that reacts to pulsing.

In the laboratory of Professor B. Pushkin (Institute of General Educational Psychology) experiments with all known Begonia we showed that the plant, producing electrical signals in the 50 mW, responds to the emotional state of a person.

Thanks to research conducted at the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, it became known that a plant can transmit "signal of danger", changing the electric potentials of leaves.

As a result, researchers working in this field, made at the time shocked the entire scientific community concluded: "plant, a fairly simple organism that has no nervous system, able to perceive signals of a more complex organism."

However, the scientists had to admit that "this process takes place on a completely unknown More science level (!), And the absence or presence of the nervous system in contacting objects does not matter, because the contact is carried out after a certain bioenergetic radiation perceived directly these living cells organisms. "

Today, the main theme of physics (as well as the ancient philosophers) was to discuss the "assumption" of the existence of general field, which is the basis of all phenomena and of fundamental interactions of the material world. At the heart of all these processes is pure physics. ИСКОННАЯ ФИЗИКА АЛЛАТРА не только отвечает на эти вопросы, но и даёт абсолютное пони­мание того, кто такой человек и каков его исконный смысл существования.


И если мы всё-таки захотим ответить на вопрос: «Что же лежит в основе «лёгкой руки»?», мы окунёмся в удивительный мир септонов и их взаимодействий в эзоосмической решётке, из которого проистекают все видимые проявления и реакции материального мира.

И вернувшись к вопросу о том, можно ли объяснить с позиции биологии, химии, физики то, что раньше было предметом веры, мы тоже придём к тому, что с Исконными Знаниями и незаангажированным в материи умом «нет ничего невозможного для жаждущей Души»!

Автор: Елена Урсал