What is useful husk of plantar seeds

In recipes on sites dedicated to healthy eating, you can often find such a mysterious and little-known ingredient in Russia as psyllium. It is also called isfagula, spagol, but in Russian it is husk or flour from the shells of flea seed (Plantago psyllium L).

This is not the plantain with which we treated broken knees as children, but its rare relative, growing in Transcaucasia and India. This plant produces valuable food additives, and supporters of a healthy lifestyle are increasingly calling it a unique superfood.

So what's unique? "Site" will tell about the composition, properties and application of plantain seed husks in folk medicine, cooking and nutrition.

Psillium seed husks have almost no taste of their own and are 80–85% cellach. Of particular value is that for the most part (71%) it is soluble fiber, which serves as an excellent food for beneficial intestinal microflora. For comparison: popular oat bran contains only 10-15% fiber, and only 5% soluble.

In psyllium there are practically no digestible carbohydrates, this is another advantage over oat bran, in which carbohydrates are more than 62%. The main culinary property of psyllium, making it a key component of low-carb and gluten-free baking, is its ability to absorb moisture and turn into a gel-like mass.

One gram of pure plantain flour absorbs an incredible 45 (!) milliliters of water (as you can see in the video below). The calorie content of such flour is only about 30 kilocalories per 100 grams.


We have already written about the calorie content of various types of flour. Recall: 100 grams of wheat flour contains 334 calories, and 100 grams of rye flour - 298 calories. Against this background, the use of plantain flour promises a real breakthrough in dietary baking.

The high content of dietary fiber in psyllium determines its therapeutic properties. The mucous mass formed as a result of the interaction of husks with liquid, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, acts in several directions at once.

  1. Reduces blood sugar, preventing the development of type II diabetes.
  2. Removes harmful toxic substances from the body, being the most powerful enterosorbent.
  3. Gently envelops the intestines, helping to accelerate the healing of ulcers and erosions.
  4. Creates a nutrient medium for the intestinal microflora and thereby relieves dysbiosis.
  5. Reduces bad cholesterol.
  6. Improves bowel motility.
  7. Slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, preventing the gain of excess weight.


  1. In medicine.
    The main area of application of psyllium in medicine is associated with the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Namely: constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, irritable bowel syndrome.
  2. To lose weight on Dukan.
    Psillium is especially valuable for weight loss, including Dukan. It is known that this food system is based on a complete rejection of sugars and carbohydrates in favor of protein products. And in this case, the role of psyllium is difficult to overestimate. It performs two important functions at once. First, it allows you to avoid constipation, which often accompany a protein diet.

    And secondly, the husk of plantain seeds allows you to prepare bakery products exclusively from permitted dietary products. And psyllium is allowed even at the most aggressive stage of the Dukan diet - attack.

  3. In cooking.
    Most adherents of the Dukan diet loved the husk of plantain seeds precisely because it is indispensable in dietary baking. Psillium in baking. perfectly absorbs moisture, it gives the dough viscosity, actually acting as gluten. That is why psyllium is perfect for the preparation of products based on low-carbohydrate almond or sesame flour. At the same time, the husk of plantain seeds is a kind of baking powder and gives baking a soft porous structure.

How to take plantain husk

In order for the effect of using psyllium to be maximum and not harming health, you need to know how to take it correctly.

  1. Before the first use of psyllium, it is important to carefully study the attached instructions. As a rule, the dosage is determined by the concentration of soluble dietary fiber.
  2. Plantain husk reduces the absorption of drugs. Therefore, if you are taking any medications, call your doctor before buying this product.
  3. Add this valuable fiber to your diet gradually to prevent discomfort and bloating.
  4. Use psyllium is worth stirring in a glass of water or juice. Immediately after that, until the mixture has become gel-like, you need to drink it. Important! Becoming gel-like, the husk of the plantain increases significantly in volume. If you take it in a semi-solid form, you can choke.

  5. Due to the fact that psyllium absorbs liquid very well, it should always be washed down with plenty of water. The amount of liquid drunk per day should be increased to 5-8 glasses, otherwise the use of this food additive can cause severe constipation.

  6. See a doctor if your condition does not improve or you experience side effects from taking psyllium.

Psillium, as we have already written, is especially valuable for losing weight according to Pierre Dukan. Learn about the stages and features of this French dietitian’s popular protein diet. It is known that she helped to lose weight many celebrities, including the Duchess of Cambridge and Jennifer Lopez.

Folk healers are convinced that the benefits of plantain for health are invaluable. "Site" will tell you why you should not neglect the healing properties of inconspicuous weed and why harvest its leaves from the summer.

Since ancient times, man has widely used plant seeds for nutrition and treatment. We have prepared for you a list of 10 seeds that contain the most protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibers and beneficial acids.


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