How to prepare tans with squarks

Today. "Site" It offers a recipe for a hearty Jewish meal called latkes. If you like potatoes, you will probably like them too. After all, latkes are almost the same pancakes made of potatoes, only with a number of features in the recipe.

Jewish latkes must be rosy and roasted, with thin openwork edges. In order for them to turn out exactly like this, the potatoes are rubbed on the largest grater, and then carefully squeezed to get rid of excess moisture.

Another important point is the well-heated oil, in which the pancakes are quickly roasted to a golden color. Previously, latkes were prepared on duck or goose fat. Today, ordinary odorless olive oil is used for this purpose.

Jewish tradition latkes It is customary to serve on the festive table during Hanukkah, or the Candle Festival, but, of course, no one forbids eating them all year round.

Preparation of danks Ingredients
  • 500g potatoes
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tbsp. flour from matzah (or wheat)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • chili
  • olive-oil

  1. Grid the potatoes on the largest grater and the bulb on the smallest.

  2. Put the resulting mass in a kitchen towel and squeeze all the liquid.

  3. Put it in a bowl, add the remaining ingredients and stir.

  4. Heat the pan well with a lot of oil (the layer of oil in the pan is 5 millimeters). Blind the flat cakes with your hands and put them on the pan.

  5. Fry for 5 minutes on each side until the pancakes roar.

  6. Put the latkes on a paper towel to get rid of excess fat.

  7. Bon appetit!

Latkes are served hot, and you can eat them in the same way as pancakes eat: with sour cream, yogurt or squarks. My choice is squarks. It is very tasty, but for the same reason and dangerous: it is impossible to stop in time so as not to overeat.

Potatoes are an integral attribute of Belarusian cuisine. Traditionally, they are made from grated potatoes with the addition of a small amount of salt. Yes, only potatoes and salt.

In European countries, this simple recipe has been diversified, adding eggs, onions, garlic and more. Do you want to treat your family to an unusual dish? Prepare your recipes for one of our recipes! Be sure they will like it.

"Bear paw" made of pork and potatoes is a traditional Mordovian dish, which is associated with a funny legend. They say that in the old days, a Mordovian young man could not marry without killing a bear and roasting his paw as a gift to the bride. Fortunately, in our time, to eat this dish, hunting is not necessary.

Editorial "Site" Asks you to find out the recipe for cabbage pancakes, which can be prepared in just 15 minutes. Eat even faster. We have this recipe with our hands!


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