An interesting feature of celandine: Russian ginseng finds the root of any disease
Purity is big. (Chelidonium majus) is a perennial plant of the poppy family, in all parts contains orange milky juice. It is poisonous, so it is necessary to work with it in gloves. It is most effective during flowering with the formation of pods.
Translated into Russian, the Latin name celandine means “swallow grass”: even the ancient Greeks noticed that the plant blooms with the arrival of swallows and withers with their departure.
Our celandine is often called Russian ginseng. And for good reason. If “onions from seven ailments”, and “nine gives nine strength”, then celandine treats more than 250 diseases.
The benefits of celandine Swallow grass has one very interesting feature. She immediately finds the root of the disease. If celandine juice is placed on a biologically active point, then there is an instant transformation, its transfer to the source of the disease.
The popular name of this amazing plant is a wart, since since ancient times the juice of celandine man removes warts and cleanses the skin.
All parts of the plant are considered medicinal raw materials. The grass is harvested during flowering, dried and used to prepare infusions. From fresh grass and celandine root, juice is squeezed and used to remove skin growths - papillomas, warts, calluses.
On the basis of celandine, medicines are developed and produced against malignant neoplasms, creams and ointments, tinctures. Purity has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-tumor, choleretic, diuretic and antispasmodic properties.
Bitter and burning milky juice with a specific smell, contained in all parts of the plant, in the air acquires a red-orange color, and after hitting the skin leaves a brown trace. The coloring properties of celandine completely disappear after drying the plant.
In addition to dyes, alkaloids, vitamin C, provitamin A, essential oils, as well as flavonoids, tannins, saponins and organic acids are found in celandine milk juice: amber, citric, chelidonic and apple. The fruits of the plant contain up to 40% fatty oils.
Particular attention should be paid to helidonin and its derivatives: oxychelidonin, homochelidonin and methoxychelidonin. This alkaloid is a direct relative of morphine, which is not surprising, because celandine is a relative of the poppy.
Folk healers advise to start treatment with weak infusions and eat fermented milk products and milk during treatment to reduce the toxic effect of celandine on the body.
With gastritis with high acidity, the following collection can be used.
The ingredients
DepositPhotos Preparation
With constipation Ingredients
With gallstone disease Ingredients
With angina Ingredients
In chronic rhinitis and sinusitis Ingredients
With cystitis, ingredients
From herpes Ingredients
From helminths Ingredients
From papilloma Ingredients
Dandruff mask Ingredients
Due to the fact that celandine alkaloids are characterized by toxic effects, you need to be careful in the treatment. Cases of intoxication with excessive and inept use of this plant are described.
Interesting fact.. During the Middle Ages, alchemists tried to turn base metals into gold using the root of celandine. It is possible that the reason for this idea was the orange color of milky juice, which is contained in special cells (milk) of the grass.
The secret medicine of our grandmothers is chamomile tea. Today. "Site" He will tell you all about the healing properties of chamomile. I assure you, you will drink it every night!
Flowers, leaves and stems of plants are the healthiest alternative to tea, and more diverse. Try replacing regular tea and coffee with herbal drinks. You will be surprised how quickly this will affect your health, appearance and well-being.

Translated into Russian, the Latin name celandine means “swallow grass”: even the ancient Greeks noticed that the plant blooms with the arrival of swallows and withers with their departure.

Our celandine is often called Russian ginseng. And for good reason. If “onions from seven ailments”, and “nine gives nine strength”, then celandine treats more than 250 diseases.
The benefits of celandine Swallow grass has one very interesting feature. She immediately finds the root of the disease. If celandine juice is placed on a biologically active point, then there is an instant transformation, its transfer to the source of the disease.

The popular name of this amazing plant is a wart, since since ancient times the juice of celandine man removes warts and cleanses the skin.
All parts of the plant are considered medicinal raw materials. The grass is harvested during flowering, dried and used to prepare infusions. From fresh grass and celandine root, juice is squeezed and used to remove skin growths - papillomas, warts, calluses.

On the basis of celandine, medicines are developed and produced against malignant neoplasms, creams and ointments, tinctures. Purity has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-tumor, choleretic, diuretic and antispasmodic properties.
Bitter and burning milky juice with a specific smell, contained in all parts of the plant, in the air acquires a red-orange color, and after hitting the skin leaves a brown trace. The coloring properties of celandine completely disappear after drying the plant.

In addition to dyes, alkaloids, vitamin C, provitamin A, essential oils, as well as flavonoids, tannins, saponins and organic acids are found in celandine milk juice: amber, citric, chelidonic and apple. The fruits of the plant contain up to 40% fatty oils.
Particular attention should be paid to helidonin and its derivatives: oxychelidonin, homochelidonin and methoxychelidonin. This alkaloid is a direct relative of morphine, which is not surprising, because celandine is a relative of the poppy.
Folk healers advise to start treatment with weak infusions and eat fermented milk products and milk during treatment to reduce the toxic effect of celandine on the body.
With gastritis with high acidity, the following collection can be used.
The ingredients
- 1 tbsp celandine grass
- 2 tbsp yarrow grass
- 2 tbsp St. John's wort grass
- 2 tbsp chamomile flowers pharmacy
- 2 tables of water

DepositPhotos Preparation
- Stir all the collection components.
- Measure 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, pour boiling water and insist for 20 minutes in closed non-oxidizing dishes.
- Ready infusion of the treatment, share of boiled water to the initial volume and take 3 times a day for half a glass 20-30 minutes before meals.
With constipation Ingredients
- 1 tbsp celandine grass
- 1 tbsp dandelion rhizome
- 1 tbsp rhubarb root
- 1 tbsp water
- Mix the crushed components thoroughly.
- Measure 1 tbsp and pour boiling water. Insist for at least 2 hours.
- Ready infusion strain and take 2-3 times a day for 70-100 g 15-20 minutes before meals.
With gallstone disease Ingredients
- 1 tbsp celandine grass
- 1 tbsp peppermint leaves
- 2 tables of water
- Mix these components, pour boiling water and warm up on a slow heat in a non-oxidizing dish for 15 minutes.
- Then remove the mixture from the fire and insist at least half an hour, after which strain the infusion and take 2 times a day in the morning and evening for 200 ml.
With angina Ingredients
- 1 tbsp celandine grass
- 1 tbsp chamomile flowers pharmacy
- 200 ml of water

- Dry components of the collection put in non-oxidizing dishes, pour steep boiling water and insist for 15-20 minutes.
- Use the finished product in a warm form to gargle.
In chronic rhinitis and sinusitis Ingredients
- 1 part celandine juice
- 1 part aloe juice
- 1 part honey
- Mix these ingredients carefully.
- Put 5-10 drops in the nose in each nostril.
- After the mixture penetrates the nasopharynx, it must be spit out. This tool is especially effective for sinusitis.
With cystitis, ingredients
- 1 tbsp celandine grass
- 1 tbsp St. John's wort grass
- 1 tbsp grass succession
- 1 tbsp of medicinal sage leaves
- 1 tbsp valerian root
- 1 liter of water
- Measure 3 tbsp. l. crushed plant mixture.
- Pour boiled water, put dishes on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil.
- Take the dishes off the fire and let them cool.
- Ready infusion strain and use for a sitting bath.
From herpes Ingredients
- celandine
- vodka

- A bottle of dark glass is filled with one third of freshly harvested celandine grass and filled with vodka in a ratio of 1: 3.
- Tightly close the dishes and put in a dark cool place for 10 days, then strain.
- Ready tincture lubricate areas of the skin affected by herpes.
From helminths Ingredients
- 1 tbsp celandine grass
- 400 ml of water
- Grass celandine pour steep boiling water and insist at least 4 hours.
- Ready infusion strain and take 100 ml in the morning and evening.
From papilloma Ingredients
- celandine
- vaseline
- lanolin

- Dry. fresh, grind to powder, mix with Vaseline and lanolin.
- Remove the papillomas twice a day.
Dandruff mask Ingredients
- 1 tbsp celandine grass
- 100 ml of vegetable oil
- Dry grass celandine brew boiling water and insist under the cover for half an hour. In a separate dish, pour vegetable oil and boil it in a water bath for 3-5 minutes.
- When the oil cools a little, add 2 tbsp. l. water extract of celandine and mix thoroughly.
- The finished product is rubbed into the scalp and hold for at least half an hour. Then wash your head with warm water with shampoo.
- This mask will not only help get rid of dandruff, but also strengthen the hair follicles.
Due to the fact that celandine alkaloids are characterized by toxic effects, you need to be careful in the treatment. Cases of intoxication with excessive and inept use of this plant are described.
Interesting fact.. During the Middle Ages, alchemists tried to turn base metals into gold using the root of celandine. It is possible that the reason for this idea was the orange color of milky juice, which is contained in special cells (milk) of the grass.
The secret medicine of our grandmothers is chamomile tea. Today. "Site" He will tell you all about the healing properties of chamomile. I assure you, you will drink it every night!
Flowers, leaves and stems of plants are the healthiest alternative to tea, and more diverse. Try replacing regular tea and coffee with herbal drinks. You will be surprised how quickly this will affect your health, appearance and well-being.
Compote from gooseberry "Mojito" in consolation to a bored summer resident
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