Celandine for garden and flower garden instead of pesticides
About the medicinal properties of celandine is known from time immemorial. And everyone knows that the celandine, which grows as a weed in areas of effective in the battle against the disease not only people, but also garden and houseplants?
It turns out that with the help of celandine can protect your garden and flower garden from many pests. It uses a special infusion.
Dig by the roots of four shrub celandine. All parts of the plant are finely chopped and pour a bucket of water. After about 15 minutes the water will become brown color – then the infusion is ready and can be used for watering and spraying. To prepare, you can also use dried herb celandine.
Dry grass celandine can be used as decontamination means for the bulbous crops. After you remove the bulbs of tulips, gladioli and other bulbs, rinse them well in running water and then soak for half an hour in the infusion of dry grass celandine. The infusion is prepared as follows: 150 g of dried celandine pour 10 liters of water and leave to infuse for two days. Treated bulbs dry and send for storage.
Before landing, repeat the procedure, only for the infusion take for 300 g of celandine in 10 liters of water and the bulbs will keep in the infusion for two hours. After this planting material will dry in the shade and planted in the ground.
If the gladiolus is not only decontaminated according to the above scheme, but also regularly sprayed with infusion of celandine, they will be less sick and be affected by pests. In this case, 10 l of water, insist 500 g of dry celandine.
Spray gladioli need four times per season: at the stage of second or third and fifth or sixth leaf, before flowering and after the growing season. Tulips have to be sprayed in the same infusion, but three times.
Will enhance the effect of mulching the soil around the plants with finely chopped herbs celandine.
By the way, celandine is fighting not only plant pests, but also with mice. Enough in the fall to decompose the dry grass celandine among the bushes and mulch it around the hole young trees and planting onion crops and of mice you can forget.
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Remember! Celandine – the plant is very poisonous, and therefore precautions when working with it you need to follow strictly. Hands should always be gloves, and when spraying is necessary to wear a mask.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/rodnaya_dacha?w=wall-92403104_13282
It turns out that with the help of celandine can protect your garden and flower garden from many pests. It uses a special infusion.

Dig by the roots of four shrub celandine. All parts of the plant are finely chopped and pour a bucket of water. After about 15 minutes the water will become brown color – then the infusion is ready and can be used for watering and spraying. To prepare, you can also use dried herb celandine.
Dry grass celandine can be used as decontamination means for the bulbous crops. After you remove the bulbs of tulips, gladioli and other bulbs, rinse them well in running water and then soak for half an hour in the infusion of dry grass celandine. The infusion is prepared as follows: 150 g of dried celandine pour 10 liters of water and leave to infuse for two days. Treated bulbs dry and send for storage.

Before landing, repeat the procedure, only for the infusion take for 300 g of celandine in 10 liters of water and the bulbs will keep in the infusion for two hours. After this planting material will dry in the shade and planted in the ground.
If the gladiolus is not only decontaminated according to the above scheme, but also regularly sprayed with infusion of celandine, they will be less sick and be affected by pests. In this case, 10 l of water, insist 500 g of dry celandine.
Spray gladioli need four times per season: at the stage of second or third and fifth or sixth leaf, before flowering and after the growing season. Tulips have to be sprayed in the same infusion, but three times.
Will enhance the effect of mulching the soil around the plants with finely chopped herbs celandine.
By the way, celandine is fighting not only plant pests, but also with mice. Enough in the fall to decompose the dry grass celandine among the bushes and mulch it around the hole young trees and planting onion crops and of mice you can forget.
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Remember! Celandine – the plant is very poisonous, and therefore precautions when working with it you need to follow strictly. Hands should always be gloves, and when spraying is necessary to wear a mask.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/rodnaya_dacha?w=wall-92403104_13282