How to create a Moon Garden at the dacha
The idea of everything lunar gardens in the modern landscape design appeared relatively recently.
They are suitable for those who want to enjoy their garden not only during the day in the sun, but also when to replace the riot of colors come dusk and darkness. At this time of day he had a special charm.
A little history
The idea of the moon, or, as it is called, the twilight of the garden is not new. In Japan, in the Middle Ages they were created for meditation in a special atmosphere. Indispensable components were white sand, bright stones, ponds, which are actively reflect the moonlight, and, of course, loved the Japanese white chrysanthemums. Later, these gardens became popular in Europe, in America and in India. "Assortment" plants was diluted with jasmine, white lilies, daffodils of the same hue and tuberose.
I wonder: is considered to be the largest moon garden, opened in 1883 in the US state of Massachusetts. It is a white color of a track width of 3 5 m and 200 m in length, along which to enhance the effect apart animals white sculpture: sheep and other cattle, dogs and pigeons.
How to choose the right place for the moon garden
The extent to which your future lunar garden will look spectacular, depends primarily on the proper choice place for him. Take a walk at night without lights and area lighting fixtures. Well, if the night is clear and the moon. Look carefully and mark the places that are most filled with light of the moon and not covered by the shadow of trees or buildings.
Another factor that will affect the choice of location - is the distance from the light. Pay attention to where and how much light falls from the windows of the house, the porch, from the streetlights. When the night sky covered with clouds, the role of artificial moonlight play. It is important that it only complements the landscape. Filled with bright electric light garden loses its charm. But also "hide" your creation to the heart of the site is not necessary.
Important: If you do not want to conduct experiments on the choice of the place in the dark, and you can orient the day, highlighting the most sunny places. They are best illuminated at night.
As for the moon-sized garden, the opinions of landscape designers and gardeners diverge. Some believe that too much it is not worth doing, because the moonlight visually increases size. Others prefer large gardens, because their area allows you to plant a lot of plants. Which view is held, probably depends on the willingness and the number of acres in the country.
It is better to place the moon garden:
near the gazebo or patio, which will give light in the case of gloomy weather;
in an open area, the illuminated Moon;
next to the pond.
What plants to plant in the moon garden
Once the area is defined, you can proceed to the choice of "night" of plants. Ideal for landing:
suitable for vertical gardening.
plants At night, with a lack of lighting is better to make accent on plants white or silver in color, rather than colored.
"Garden planted with white flowers only, even during the day extremely pleasant and attractive. However, at night it is a great product! "- Writes in his book" Theme Gardens "Barbara Damprosh
. This is true. Although someone plain white colors may seem boring and monotonous. In this case, they can be combined with those on whose petals have colored blotches. In the dark, rich pink, red, or blue part will not be visible and the petals will look like a scattering of stars. White hats flowers with dark green leaves and stems are like a hanging in the air.
This effect will help to achieve the following plants:
white chrysanthemums,
Turkish carnation,
white dogwood or suprotivnolistny,
Stachys byzantine,
Fortune euonymus, and other variegated wood,
Steller wormwood,
quinoa garden and others.
Plant flowers, you can strip that night will look like white wool, and you can use pots of dark color. The unit is not suitable landing: these plants are easy to lose, though will be white. It is best to collect them in small
«islands». Do not rush out and put all in a row. There are different shades of white, and some of them did not look at night. For example, off-white. A worthy company for white - plants with flowers in pastel shades: white, yellow, pale pink, lavender, etc.
. Effectively looks at twilight and at night the plants with silver leaves - ground cover or curly, shrubs or trees. They may be self-colored and variegated.
"Glowing" effect is given golden blotches on leaves - for example, some species of boxwood. If these plants grow in your climate, they significantly diversify the moon garden.
Low-growing plants are best placed on the south side, and the high - on the north or west. This is due to the fact that in the summer moonlight falls on the south side.
Do not be afraid to use plants with lush leaves, they only improve the desired result.
Notice the night flowering plants: the night jasmine, lunotsvet, mirabilis, Datura metel and some types of water lilies that bloom at the end of the day and the night blooming
. Fragrant Plants
At night, not only the color but also the flavors are perceived sharper. The atmosphere of privacy and a certain mystery moon garden will help to strengthen the aromatic plants and herbs. Their choice is wide: from the already named the night before jasmine scented tobacco. Fragrant plants do not necessarily have to be white, their goal - water garden flavor. To avoid a "brute force", simply place the selected items in different parts of the garden. Flavors will not mix and overlap.
For example, sweet tobacco with its sweet aroma tjazhelovatym, drop-down at night, not worth it "podselyat" to the night jasmine with a similar and very active odor. One fragrant bush make the whole garden. Also, they have a strong odor of snapdragons, petunias, alyssum, night violet, fragrant honeysuckle and morning glory lunnotsvetuschaya.
I wonder: Special attention should be zaluzianskiya or night phlox. This plant is not as widely known as it deserves. The scent of his pleasant and stronger than that of the night violets.
Pleasing to the eye, or rather nose it will be almost all summer. Small white flowers bloom in the evening, during the day they are not visible on the background of leaves.
"Sounding" Plants
Do not do without the moon garden "sounding" plant, whose rustling under the breath of the wind will add visual effect sound.
Landed various kinds of grasses, tall grass, pine with long needles, deciduous trees with dense foliage.
Plants for vertical gardening
Moon gardens will become even more original with vertical gardening. Plants, illuminated by moonlight, as if floating in the air:
curly white roses
Morning Glory kvamoklit,
sweet peas.
Elements of landscape design for a lunar garden
Moon Garden can vary decorative elements If you wish: to put the sculpture, vases or boulders, pebbles pour light, equipped with trails and paths, to place an elegant white garden furniture - enjoy the beauty of the garden standing still is not very convenient
To create a finished sculpture must take into account several things:
Reflective effect have a white or silver-colored sculpture with a smooth surface. What style and direction to adhere to - a matter of taste. To send a romantic mood is better to choose a stylized Renaissance and modern times. Lovers of the exotic can choose animalistic or ethnic motives.
Do not choose a large sculpture. This is due to the distortion of the proportions in the moonlight. The already large architectural forms will seem even longer.
Sculptures (if more than one) in the moonlight garden will delineate its boundaries, respectively, it is necessary to arrange them not chaotically, as conceived by observing the composition.
A single sculpture, standing out on the background of the overall plant, becomes the center of the moon garden.
Fragrance can "penetrate" into your garden, not only because plants. Scented candles, especially made in the form of a torch, a small amount of pertinent as decorative elements. Positioning them better in plant leaves, then the candle will flicker softly.
"Soundtrack" is also possible to revitalize and diversify the gentle overflow Handbell garden, hidden in the trees. Or place in a garden landscape speaker system and include entry to the exotic sounds - for example, the singing of the tropical night birds - to the arrival of guests. Without experience, they just will not go.
Another important point in the "non-plant" moon garden design - this coverage. As mentioned above, the light from the windows to be "on call" in case of cloudy nights. But not always the location of objects on the site allows you to achieve perfect results: sometimes too bright light hit, and sometimes does not reach the moon garden. Come to the aid decorative lamps. Choose a model with frosted glass, streamlined, without sharp corners. Best uniform texture, i.e. without additional elements.
In stores you can find lamps, similar to the moon - an exact hit the target at the lowest cost. They are placed directly on the ground. Some models allow you to place a small lamp at the top of pots with flowers.
Question Use garlands controversial. Imitation stars would be too intrusive or cause association with Christmas decoration trees. If you do decide to hang garlands, they must be as light dimmed, and the color - a natural (no yellow, green, and similar colors).
At first glance, it seems that to create such beauty is difficult. But worth a try. Suppose you start with a small "white" beds with well-chosen plants, and more fascinating process simply "will not let go." And finally at the site will be a cozy corner to enjoy the magic of the night nature.
Author: Frolova Ekaterina
They are suitable for those who want to enjoy their garden not only during the day in the sun, but also when to replace the riot of colors come dusk and darkness. At this time of day he had a special charm.

A little history
The idea of the moon, or, as it is called, the twilight of the garden is not new. In Japan, in the Middle Ages they were created for meditation in a special atmosphere. Indispensable components were white sand, bright stones, ponds, which are actively reflect the moonlight, and, of course, loved the Japanese white chrysanthemums. Later, these gardens became popular in Europe, in America and in India. "Assortment" plants was diluted with jasmine, white lilies, daffodils of the same hue and tuberose.
I wonder: is considered to be the largest moon garden, opened in 1883 in the US state of Massachusetts. It is a white color of a track width of 3 5 m and 200 m in length, along which to enhance the effect apart animals white sculpture: sheep and other cattle, dogs and pigeons.
How to choose the right place for the moon garden
The extent to which your future lunar garden will look spectacular, depends primarily on the proper choice place for him. Take a walk at night without lights and area lighting fixtures. Well, if the night is clear and the moon. Look carefully and mark the places that are most filled with light of the moon and not covered by the shadow of trees or buildings.
Another factor that will affect the choice of location - is the distance from the light. Pay attention to where and how much light falls from the windows of the house, the porch, from the streetlights. When the night sky covered with clouds, the role of artificial moonlight play. It is important that it only complements the landscape. Filled with bright electric light garden loses its charm. But also "hide" your creation to the heart of the site is not necessary.

Important: If you do not want to conduct experiments on the choice of the place in the dark, and you can orient the day, highlighting the most sunny places. They are best illuminated at night.
As for the moon-sized garden, the opinions of landscape designers and gardeners diverge. Some believe that too much it is not worth doing, because the moonlight visually increases size. Others prefer large gardens, because their area allows you to plant a lot of plants. Which view is held, probably depends on the willingness and the number of acres in the country.
It is better to place the moon garden:
near the gazebo or patio, which will give light in the case of gloomy weather;
in an open area, the illuminated Moon;
next to the pond.
What plants to plant in the moon garden
Once the area is defined, you can proceed to the choice of "night" of plants. Ideal for landing:
suitable for vertical gardening.
plants At night, with a lack of lighting is better to make accent on plants white or silver in color, rather than colored.
"Garden planted with white flowers only, even during the day extremely pleasant and attractive. However, at night it is a great product! "- Writes in his book" Theme Gardens "Barbara Damprosh
. This is true. Although someone plain white colors may seem boring and monotonous. In this case, they can be combined with those on whose petals have colored blotches. In the dark, rich pink, red, or blue part will not be visible and the petals will look like a scattering of stars. White hats flowers with dark green leaves and stems are like a hanging in the air.

This effect will help to achieve the following plants:
white chrysanthemums,
Turkish carnation,
white dogwood or suprotivnolistny,
Stachys byzantine,
Fortune euonymus, and other variegated wood,
Steller wormwood,
quinoa garden and others.
Plant flowers, you can strip that night will look like white wool, and you can use pots of dark color. The unit is not suitable landing: these plants are easy to lose, though will be white. It is best to collect them in small
«islands». Do not rush out and put all in a row. There are different shades of white, and some of them did not look at night. For example, off-white. A worthy company for white - plants with flowers in pastel shades: white, yellow, pale pink, lavender, etc.
. Effectively looks at twilight and at night the plants with silver leaves - ground cover or curly, shrubs or trees. They may be self-colored and variegated.
"Glowing" effect is given golden blotches on leaves - for example, some species of boxwood. If these plants grow in your climate, they significantly diversify the moon garden.
Low-growing plants are best placed on the south side, and the high - on the north or west. This is due to the fact that in the summer moonlight falls on the south side.
Do not be afraid to use plants with lush leaves, they only improve the desired result.
Notice the night flowering plants: the night jasmine, lunotsvet, mirabilis, Datura metel and some types of water lilies that bloom at the end of the day and the night blooming
. Fragrant Plants
At night, not only the color but also the flavors are perceived sharper. The atmosphere of privacy and a certain mystery moon garden will help to strengthen the aromatic plants and herbs. Their choice is wide: from the already named the night before jasmine scented tobacco. Fragrant plants do not necessarily have to be white, their goal - water garden flavor. To avoid a "brute force", simply place the selected items in different parts of the garden. Flavors will not mix and overlap.

For example, sweet tobacco with its sweet aroma tjazhelovatym, drop-down at night, not worth it "podselyat" to the night jasmine with a similar and very active odor. One fragrant bush make the whole garden. Also, they have a strong odor of snapdragons, petunias, alyssum, night violet, fragrant honeysuckle and morning glory lunnotsvetuschaya.
I wonder: Special attention should be zaluzianskiya or night phlox. This plant is not as widely known as it deserves. The scent of his pleasant and stronger than that of the night violets.
Pleasing to the eye, or rather nose it will be almost all summer. Small white flowers bloom in the evening, during the day they are not visible on the background of leaves.
"Sounding" Plants
Do not do without the moon garden "sounding" plant, whose rustling under the breath of the wind will add visual effect sound.
Landed various kinds of grasses, tall grass, pine with long needles, deciduous trees with dense foliage.
Plants for vertical gardening
Moon gardens will become even more original with vertical gardening. Plants, illuminated by moonlight, as if floating in the air:
curly white roses
Morning Glory kvamoklit,
sweet peas.
Elements of landscape design for a lunar garden
Moon Garden can vary decorative elements If you wish: to put the sculpture, vases or boulders, pebbles pour light, equipped with trails and paths, to place an elegant white garden furniture - enjoy the beauty of the garden standing still is not very convenient

To create a finished sculpture must take into account several things:
Reflective effect have a white or silver-colored sculpture with a smooth surface. What style and direction to adhere to - a matter of taste. To send a romantic mood is better to choose a stylized Renaissance and modern times. Lovers of the exotic can choose animalistic or ethnic motives.
Do not choose a large sculpture. This is due to the distortion of the proportions in the moonlight. The already large architectural forms will seem even longer.
Sculptures (if more than one) in the moonlight garden will delineate its boundaries, respectively, it is necessary to arrange them not chaotically, as conceived by observing the composition.
A single sculpture, standing out on the background of the overall plant, becomes the center of the moon garden.
Fragrance can "penetrate" into your garden, not only because plants. Scented candles, especially made in the form of a torch, a small amount of pertinent as decorative elements. Positioning them better in plant leaves, then the candle will flicker softly.
"Soundtrack" is also possible to revitalize and diversify the gentle overflow Handbell garden, hidden in the trees. Or place in a garden landscape speaker system and include entry to the exotic sounds - for example, the singing of the tropical night birds - to the arrival of guests. Without experience, they just will not go.
Another important point in the "non-plant" moon garden design - this coverage. As mentioned above, the light from the windows to be "on call" in case of cloudy nights. But not always the location of objects on the site allows you to achieve perfect results: sometimes too bright light hit, and sometimes does not reach the moon garden. Come to the aid decorative lamps. Choose a model with frosted glass, streamlined, without sharp corners. Best uniform texture, i.e. without additional elements.
In stores you can find lamps, similar to the moon - an exact hit the target at the lowest cost. They are placed directly on the ground. Some models allow you to place a small lamp at the top of pots with flowers.
Question Use garlands controversial. Imitation stars would be too intrusive or cause association with Christmas decoration trees. If you do decide to hang garlands, they must be as light dimmed, and the color - a natural (no yellow, green, and similar colors).
At first glance, it seems that to create such beauty is difficult. But worth a try. Suppose you start with a small "white" beds with well-chosen plants, and more fascinating process simply "will not let go." And finally at the site will be a cozy corner to enjoy the magic of the night nature.
Author: Frolova Ekaterina