Forgotten properties of celandine in the treatment of cancer and not only
Eighty eight million four hundred thirty six thousand one hundred sixty eight
Celandine — perennial plant of the poppy family, in all parts of the orange contains a milky juice. Especially healing the root, as in the grass alkaloids to 1.87%, and the root — to 4.4%. Toxic, so working with them should wear gloves. Most effective during flowering with the formation of pods.
For the treatment of eye diseases Avicenna recommended cooking juice of celandine with honey in the ratio 1:1 on low heat, until no further separation of the foam and he will not become like honey. This liquid smeared eyes from trachoma, cataracts.
Ointment of powder celandine, lanolin and vaseline, called "plantatin B", a cure for cutaneous tuberculosis, psoriasis, skin cancer, red lupus, corn:
celandine -10 g vaseline, 10 g lanolin-10g, carbolic acid 0,25% -10 drops.
Celandine has an antitumor effect, resolves scars after heart attacks and strokes. 1 tbsp. teaspoon per Cup of boiling water to insist in a thermos 20 minutes. Take 2 tbsp. spoon 3 times daily before meals.
Infusion of celandine mixed with nettle and calendula prevents the growth of metastases. Herbs taken in equal parts, grind, mix. 1 tbsp. spoon collection pour a glass of boiling water, to insist in a thermos. Drink 0.5 cups in the morning on an empty stomach, in the evening before dinner — the other half of the glass.
Fresh juice of celandine "burn" warts, condylomas, polyps, calluses, periodontal disease, it is used in liver diseases and gallbladder.
When polyps of the rectum do at night an enema of 6-7 drops of juice of celandine 60 g of water. Juice of celandine can prepare for the winter. To do this, cut the flower stems, mince, squeeze the juice. Per litre of the juice — 500 grams of vodka or 250 g of alcohol, well clog. In diseases of the stomach drink the first day and 1 h. spoon 3 times daily before meals in the following days — 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
In abdominal dropsy and shortness of breath 3 tbsp. tablespoons herb celandine pour a glass of vodka, tightly stoppered, and insist in a dark place for 6 days, raw materials squeeze, strain the infusion, pour into a bottle with a tight stopper. Take 1/4 Cup 4 times a day for 10 minutes before eating.
In diseases of the bladder 100 g fresh cleaned chopped roots of celandine be put in a bottle, pour 100 ml of vodka, close tightly, leave for 8 days, shaking occasionally, strain the tincture and store in a bottle with a tight stopper at a cool, dark place (in the lower part of the refrigerator). Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.
In cancer of the skin: dry powdered celandine — 1 g vaseline 4 g, carrot juice 1 g, prepare the cream, mix thoroughly, lubricate sore spots. Or 300 g of fresh roots pour 500 ml of vodka, tightly close the tube, to insist in a dark place for 7 days. To make compresses on the sore spots. This is the same method used for skin tuberculosis, lupus, warts, calluses when, lichen, eczema.
And here is a wonderful recipe of kvass for the treatment and prevention of cancer, Hodgkin's disease, tuberculosis of the lungs. Take 1 Cup of chopped herbs celandine and mix with 1 Cup of sugar. Folded in a gauze bag, where for the weight to put a stone, and drop the bag in a 3 — liter jar of milk serum (remains after making cheese). Serum should not be boiled, if admitted overheating, put into it 1 teaspoon of fresh sour cream to the fermentation process. Close the jar 3 layers of cheesecloth and put the house for 3 weeks for fermentation. Drink half a Cup 3 times a day. Drink this savory brew can be and very helpful to everyone: patients and healthy.
Source: /users/1077
Celandine — perennial plant of the poppy family, in all parts of the orange contains a milky juice. Especially healing the root, as in the grass alkaloids to 1.87%, and the root — to 4.4%. Toxic, so working with them should wear gloves. Most effective during flowering with the formation of pods.
For the treatment of eye diseases Avicenna recommended cooking juice of celandine with honey in the ratio 1:1 on low heat, until no further separation of the foam and he will not become like honey. This liquid smeared eyes from trachoma, cataracts.
Ointment of powder celandine, lanolin and vaseline, called "plantatin B", a cure for cutaneous tuberculosis, psoriasis, skin cancer, red lupus, corn:
celandine -10 g vaseline, 10 g lanolin-10g, carbolic acid 0,25% -10 drops.
Celandine has an antitumor effect, resolves scars after heart attacks and strokes. 1 tbsp. teaspoon per Cup of boiling water to insist in a thermos 20 minutes. Take 2 tbsp. spoon 3 times daily before meals.
Infusion of celandine mixed with nettle and calendula prevents the growth of metastases. Herbs taken in equal parts, grind, mix. 1 tbsp. spoon collection pour a glass of boiling water, to insist in a thermos. Drink 0.5 cups in the morning on an empty stomach, in the evening before dinner — the other half of the glass.
Fresh juice of celandine "burn" warts, condylomas, polyps, calluses, periodontal disease, it is used in liver diseases and gallbladder.
When polyps of the rectum do at night an enema of 6-7 drops of juice of celandine 60 g of water. Juice of celandine can prepare for the winter. To do this, cut the flower stems, mince, squeeze the juice. Per litre of the juice — 500 grams of vodka or 250 g of alcohol, well clog. In diseases of the stomach drink the first day and 1 h. spoon 3 times daily before meals in the following days — 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
In abdominal dropsy and shortness of breath 3 tbsp. tablespoons herb celandine pour a glass of vodka, tightly stoppered, and insist in a dark place for 6 days, raw materials squeeze, strain the infusion, pour into a bottle with a tight stopper. Take 1/4 Cup 4 times a day for 10 minutes before eating.
In diseases of the bladder 100 g fresh cleaned chopped roots of celandine be put in a bottle, pour 100 ml of vodka, close tightly, leave for 8 days, shaking occasionally, strain the tincture and store in a bottle with a tight stopper at a cool, dark place (in the lower part of the refrigerator). Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.
In cancer of the skin: dry powdered celandine — 1 g vaseline 4 g, carrot juice 1 g, prepare the cream, mix thoroughly, lubricate sore spots. Or 300 g of fresh roots pour 500 ml of vodka, tightly close the tube, to insist in a dark place for 7 days. To make compresses on the sore spots. This is the same method used for skin tuberculosis, lupus, warts, calluses when, lichen, eczema.
And here is a wonderful recipe of kvass for the treatment and prevention of cancer, Hodgkin's disease, tuberculosis of the lungs. Take 1 Cup of chopped herbs celandine and mix with 1 Cup of sugar. Folded in a gauze bag, where for the weight to put a stone, and drop the bag in a 3 — liter jar of milk serum (remains after making cheese). Serum should not be boiled, if admitted overheating, put into it 1 teaspoon of fresh sour cream to the fermentation process. Close the jar 3 layers of cheesecloth and put the house for 3 weeks for fermentation. Drink half a Cup 3 times a day. Drink this savory brew can be and very helpful to everyone: patients and healthy.
Source: /users/1077