How to insulate old Windows

Indeed, it is the window in the house is the main source of cold. If your apartment has modern plastic window, this is not guarantees that you will be forever freed from cold and drafts.
How to insulate window. Method one: ancient
The first step is to "pierce" all the cracks and holes. Tightly to stuff bits of cotton, foam or paper in an open hole. You can fill the cracks with wax. To do this, melt it in a water bath, place in a syringe and inject into the holes.
Then all the materials are closed paper strips. Now they can be found in any hardware store. In my experience, what often gets is not very high quality. They come unstuck, and the end of the winter window looks very messy.
Much more durable option: strips of fabric, for example, old white sheets. They are glued yogurt. Drench a strip of cloth with yogurt and carefully and carefully glue, removing any excess yogurt with a dry cloth. The first time may not work, it requires a certain skill. This "gluing" and it looks great, and is holding up well, with the onset of heat very easy to remove.
Second method: modern
Purchased special seals. Most popular: polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and rubber.
If the apartment is very cold in winter, it is recommended to use the insulation of PVC. If the infernal cold is not observed, it is possible to select rubber seals.
Rubber seals are also self-adhesive, and those that need to be glued with a special silicone sealant. Adhesive to use is much easier, but experts advise to choose the second option. From my own experience I say — self-adhesive really fall off by the end of winter. But I insulated the window in the blink of an eye.
And a couple of tips. If between the window panes to put a thick piece of foam or a folded blanket, it will save you from the lion's share of drafts.
All work on the insulation of Windows is best done while the outside temperature is still above zero: and you are comfortable, and the insulation will last longer.
Source: zhkhacker.ru/2011/10/kak-pravilno-uteplit-starye-derevyannye-okna/
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