Insulation — a trend or necessity
Today the insulation is enjoying unprecedented popularity. As owners of apartments and private houses, widely used insulation and other ways in which theoretically takes the heat. But is it necessary? Let us look at this issue.
Heat lossHeat is really dissipated. And this happens both on the way from the boiler to the battery, and after getting him into the room. The main ways through which the desired warm air escapes from you are:
For private or apartment houses loss different but also have common sides. For example, the walls and Windows are the worst absorbers. It can be noticed yourself. In the winter, even interior walls give cold, not to mention those that lead outside. Windows also gets very cold, but is a topic for another article, but today let's talk about insulation for the house.
Winterizing the apartmentso, if you live in the city, in an apartment building, what can you do in order not to freeze in the winter?
In this case, it is possible to follow the majority and book cheap foam, polystyrene foam, or something similar. But you can not rush, and think about this question. The foam and all of its derivatives have one advantage — low cost. But it all ends. Along with it come disadvantages such as: short lifetime, high level of conductivity and the most important — risk of fire. Moreover, for the latter in some cases it will be sufficient only spark proof you are free to watch on the news.
But then what to choose? We can confidently say that the best insulation is mineral wool. Will cost it is more expensive but has many advantages:
Back to the original question: how to insulate the apartment?The first thing you can do is to insulate all the exterior walls. So you have much stabilizarea the temperature in the apartment. If you are doing repairs, then that is the only option. But if you solve the issue of insulation at the stage of repair, you can also insulate interior walls, interior surfaces and natural flooring.
This combination will not only feel comfortable throughout winter, but also significantly save on heating.
Basalt insulation — the need for a private homeWith an apartment sorted out, we now turn to the question of a private home. In this case, the insulation of the facade — is a must. Without it in the house it would be simply impossible to exist. And since You control heating, can save considerably. And if in the case of high-rise building steps to winterizing a little, then in a private house full of them.
Thermal insulation for pipes and tanks is a desirable component, but not all of it is performed due to the fact that the path of these pipes is not that big. But still, what would save the most heat, you should perform this step.
Specifically this was developed for the roller and foil materials.
The internal walls. Without it anywhere, through their leaves, perhaps, a large part of the hot air, and stop it will help basalt wool. Large assortment allows you to use any materials, whether it be plaster or plastic panels.
A large percentage also goes through the floor, and walking on a cold surface is very unpleasant.
The roof insulation is a personal matter, if the attic is uninhabited, it is possible not to do that, but then you need to insulate the ceiling. And if you have a residential attic under the roof you need to lay a layer of basalt wool, otherwise it will not called living. In the winter it will be impossible cold and summer is hot.
After all, insulation is a necessitywe Hope our article has convinced you that the insulation of the dwelling is a necessity. If it is flat, it is not so critical and the choice is left to the discretion of the owner. In the case of a private house — it is really necessary. As without it you will be mad or heating costs, or in the winter it will not be a house. published
Source: www.diy.ru/blog/itera_group/post/8811/
Heat lossHeat is really dissipated. And this happens both on the way from the boiler to the battery, and after getting him into the room. The main ways through which the desired warm air escapes from you are:
- Heat pipes
- Windows
- Wall
- Roof (private homes)
- Ceiling (for apartments)
- Ventilation

For private or apartment houses loss different but also have common sides. For example, the walls and Windows are the worst absorbers. It can be noticed yourself. In the winter, even interior walls give cold, not to mention those that lead outside. Windows also gets very cold, but is a topic for another article, but today let's talk about insulation for the house.
Winterizing the apartmentso, if you live in the city, in an apartment building, what can you do in order not to freeze in the winter?

In this case, it is possible to follow the majority and book cheap foam, polystyrene foam, or something similar. But you can not rush, and think about this question. The foam and all of its derivatives have one advantage — low cost. But it all ends. Along with it come disadvantages such as: short lifetime, high level of conductivity and the most important — risk of fire. Moreover, for the latter in some cases it will be sufficient only spark proof you are free to watch on the news.

But then what to choose? We can confidently say that the best insulation is mineral wool. Will cost it is more expensive but has many advantages:
- It is made from natural material
- Has no harmful fumes
- Not lit
- Serves up to 50 years
- Not afraid of water and small organisms

Back to the original question: how to insulate the apartment?The first thing you can do is to insulate all the exterior walls. So you have much stabilizarea the temperature in the apartment. If you are doing repairs, then that is the only option. But if you solve the issue of insulation at the stage of repair, you can also insulate interior walls, interior surfaces and natural flooring.
This combination will not only feel comfortable throughout winter, but also significantly save on heating.
Basalt insulation — the need for a private homeWith an apartment sorted out, we now turn to the question of a private home. In this case, the insulation of the facade — is a must. Without it in the house it would be simply impossible to exist. And since You control heating, can save considerably. And if in the case of high-rise building steps to winterizing a little, then in a private house full of them.

Thermal insulation for pipes and tanks is a desirable component, but not all of it is performed due to the fact that the path of these pipes is not that big. But still, what would save the most heat, you should perform this step.
Specifically this was developed for the roller and foil materials.
The internal walls. Without it anywhere, through their leaves, perhaps, a large part of the hot air, and stop it will help basalt wool. Large assortment allows you to use any materials, whether it be plaster or plastic panels.

A large percentage also goes through the floor, and walking on a cold surface is very unpleasant.
The roof insulation is a personal matter, if the attic is uninhabited, it is possible not to do that, but then you need to insulate the ceiling. And if you have a residential attic under the roof you need to lay a layer of basalt wool, otherwise it will not called living. In the winter it will be impossible cold and summer is hot.

After all, insulation is a necessitywe Hope our article has convinced you that the insulation of the dwelling is a necessity. If it is flat, it is not so critical and the choice is left to the discretion of the owner. In the case of a private house — it is really necessary. As without it you will be mad or heating costs, or in the winter it will not be a house. published
Source: www.diy.ru/blog/itera_group/post/8811/