How to insulate the apartment
Everyone wants his house was warm and cozy. But what if the apartment walk the drafts and the room temperature is not much higher than on the street? This problem is especially actual for inhabitants of prefabricated high-rise and old Khrushchev, however, and in brick houses of modern construction because of errors or outright schlock builders the climate conditions can be very unfavorable. The only solution is to insulate the apartment itself.
Eliminate heat loss
First of all, you should understand how the warm air leaves the apartment to locate and fix any leaks heat. The main "culprits" of draughts – gaps in Windows and doors. By eliminating them, you can raise the indoor temperature 4-5 degrees.
The front door to the apartment it is advisable to put double. The inner door should unjam felt or other insulating material. The gap between the door frame and the wall is easy to fix using foam and to seal the junction of the door leaf to the door frame uses tubular sections. You need to pay attention to the front door to the entrance, which should be kept closed. This applies to a special inertial device is "closer". Windows on staircases must also be closed tightly. Otherwise, tenants have the right to apply to his management company and demand the insulation of the entrance.
The next important step to warmth and comfort in the apartment the glazed loggia or balcony. In addition, the loggia can be warm, resting there radiators.
On Windows , the optimal strategy is to put double glazing, in this case, additional insulation will be required. If this is not possible, you must at least replace the glass with cracks, and also to identify and seal all cracks, achieving integrity with external and outer side frames. To detect the cracks is easy, bringing a lighted candle to the frame – fluctuations of the flame will tell you where a leak of heat. For lack of a candle, to feel the cold air flows is possible even hand. Before the insulation of the window you should wash, dry and degreased. You should then putty and paint over all the cracks in the frames. Large gaps between the frame and the wall are filled with foam. In the next stage the glass is removed, the frame apply silicone sealant to the mounting gun. After this window is sealed using special gaskets and seals (foam, silicone, rubber).
Heating system
The radiators in the apartment, it is desirable to replace by more modern and efficient steel or bimetal. If for some reason it is impossible to increase the heat transfer of old batteries, they should be washed thoroughly, to remove excess paint and to hang additional metal shields. You should never close the battery curtains and furniture – they absorb heat and do not allow the radiators as it should to warm up the room. You can also fabricate and install radiator for the special heat-reflecting screen of the heat insulation material is laid or foil. The foil sheet is attached over the battery with tape or pressed against the wooden planks, which are fastened to the wall with screws. Even easier to glue foil to cardboard and put over the radiator or use a ready-made metal sheet. The screen will reflect heat into the room.
Curtains and carpets
In order to keep the heat in the apartment, the curtains should be thick, light shade. They can fill the battery by using as a heat reflective screen. On the floor winter is nice to put a thick carpet. If desired, you can hang rugs on the walls, but now it is out of fashion, but why not do it for salvation from the bitter cold?
The insulation walls of the apartment
The most effective way is to insulate the exterior walls of the building with sheets of foam. Does not shrink the usable area of the apartment, and for the work does not require relocation of tenants. In cases where this is not possible (forbidden by the local authorities, the house is a monument of architecture, etc.), it remains insulated from the inside. This used the same foam boards, mineral and glass wool, cork insulation mats or warm solution of plaster. Using these materials creates an additional insulating layer. Be aware that the internal insulation of apartments, which often leads to the formation of condensation on the walls, which greatly degrades the insulating properties of the material and also contributes to the appearance of indoor mold and mildew. In order to prevent such negative consequences of warming an apartment, you need to make a vapor barrier. Vapor barrier membrane is a thin polymer, plastic film or foil is glued on top of the insulating layer. It does not allow steam to penetrate into the structure. In addition, you should provide good ventilation of the insulated space for the timely removal from the apartment water vapor.
Before laying the insulation layer must first be removed from the walls of the old finish, check the panel joints, cracks, to seal all cracks. Then needs to be leveled and plastered walls, apply waterproofing primer or film. Then fit the insulating layer in the form of foam plates. When used as insulation mineral wool or cork mats, it is necessary to additionally mount a frame made of vertical wooden slats. Then glued the mounting grid on top of it – drywall, Wallpaper, decorative panels or other material for final finishing.
What insulation to choose?
Experts recommend cork Mat, as the most natural, practical, moisture-proof and durable material. It is also the most expensive, but the price matches the high quality.
When choosing insulation foam should pay attention to the mandatory presence in its composition protivovirusnyh substances, since this material is quite flammable, and in case of fire, the fire can spread quickly. The disadvantage of mineral wool and glass wool that this design will occupy a lot of space, reducing the living space of the inhabitants of the apartment. In addition, the insulating layer will be very safely protected from moisture, since wet wool is not capable of performing the function of insulation.
A few warm layers of plaster are also a good, inexpensive way of insulation of the apartment.
Without a doubt, the insulation of the apartment is a time – consuming process that requires certain financial costs, but can save you significant money on additional heating. Besides, warmth, coziness and comfort in your own home will be the best reward for all your efforts.
Source: efamily.ru

Eliminate heat loss
First of all, you should understand how the warm air leaves the apartment to locate and fix any leaks heat. The main "culprits" of draughts – gaps in Windows and doors. By eliminating them, you can raise the indoor temperature 4-5 degrees.
The front door to the apartment it is advisable to put double. The inner door should unjam felt or other insulating material. The gap between the door frame and the wall is easy to fix using foam and to seal the junction of the door leaf to the door frame uses tubular sections. You need to pay attention to the front door to the entrance, which should be kept closed. This applies to a special inertial device is "closer". Windows on staircases must also be closed tightly. Otherwise, tenants have the right to apply to his management company and demand the insulation of the entrance.
The next important step to warmth and comfort in the apartment the glazed loggia or balcony. In addition, the loggia can be warm, resting there radiators.
On Windows , the optimal strategy is to put double glazing, in this case, additional insulation will be required. If this is not possible, you must at least replace the glass with cracks, and also to identify and seal all cracks, achieving integrity with external and outer side frames. To detect the cracks is easy, bringing a lighted candle to the frame – fluctuations of the flame will tell you where a leak of heat. For lack of a candle, to feel the cold air flows is possible even hand. Before the insulation of the window you should wash, dry and degreased. You should then putty and paint over all the cracks in the frames. Large gaps between the frame and the wall are filled with foam. In the next stage the glass is removed, the frame apply silicone sealant to the mounting gun. After this window is sealed using special gaskets and seals (foam, silicone, rubber).
Heating system
The radiators in the apartment, it is desirable to replace by more modern and efficient steel or bimetal. If for some reason it is impossible to increase the heat transfer of old batteries, they should be washed thoroughly, to remove excess paint and to hang additional metal shields. You should never close the battery curtains and furniture – they absorb heat and do not allow the radiators as it should to warm up the room. You can also fabricate and install radiator for the special heat-reflecting screen of the heat insulation material is laid or foil. The foil sheet is attached over the battery with tape or pressed against the wooden planks, which are fastened to the wall with screws. Even easier to glue foil to cardboard and put over the radiator or use a ready-made metal sheet. The screen will reflect heat into the room.
Curtains and carpets
In order to keep the heat in the apartment, the curtains should be thick, light shade. They can fill the battery by using as a heat reflective screen. On the floor winter is nice to put a thick carpet. If desired, you can hang rugs on the walls, but now it is out of fashion, but why not do it for salvation from the bitter cold?
The insulation walls of the apartment
The most effective way is to insulate the exterior walls of the building with sheets of foam. Does not shrink the usable area of the apartment, and for the work does not require relocation of tenants. In cases where this is not possible (forbidden by the local authorities, the house is a monument of architecture, etc.), it remains insulated from the inside. This used the same foam boards, mineral and glass wool, cork insulation mats or warm solution of plaster. Using these materials creates an additional insulating layer. Be aware that the internal insulation of apartments, which often leads to the formation of condensation on the walls, which greatly degrades the insulating properties of the material and also contributes to the appearance of indoor mold and mildew. In order to prevent such negative consequences of warming an apartment, you need to make a vapor barrier. Vapor barrier membrane is a thin polymer, plastic film or foil is glued on top of the insulating layer. It does not allow steam to penetrate into the structure. In addition, you should provide good ventilation of the insulated space for the timely removal from the apartment water vapor.
Before laying the insulation layer must first be removed from the walls of the old finish, check the panel joints, cracks, to seal all cracks. Then needs to be leveled and plastered walls, apply waterproofing primer or film. Then fit the insulating layer in the form of foam plates. When used as insulation mineral wool or cork mats, it is necessary to additionally mount a frame made of vertical wooden slats. Then glued the mounting grid on top of it – drywall, Wallpaper, decorative panels or other material for final finishing.
What insulation to choose?
Experts recommend cork Mat, as the most natural, practical, moisture-proof and durable material. It is also the most expensive, but the price matches the high quality.
When choosing insulation foam should pay attention to the mandatory presence in its composition protivovirusnyh substances, since this material is quite flammable, and in case of fire, the fire can spread quickly. The disadvantage of mineral wool and glass wool that this design will occupy a lot of space, reducing the living space of the inhabitants of the apartment. In addition, the insulating layer will be very safely protected from moisture, since wet wool is not capable of performing the function of insulation.
A few warm layers of plaster are also a good, inexpensive way of insulation of the apartment.
Without a doubt, the insulation of the apartment is a time – consuming process that requires certain financial costs, but can save you significant money on additional heating. Besides, warmth, coziness and comfort in your own home will be the best reward for all your efforts.
Source: efamily.ru