Secrets and skills of personal efficiency.

All Secrets skills and personal performance can be divided into 10 groups. Knowing these secrets, and possessing the necessary skills of personal effectiveness, you will be able to live on - really full life.
To reach their goals, to be happy and healthy, what could be better!
Secrets and personal effectiveness skills
1.Po really happy can only be an effective person. Want to be happy - increase their personal effectiveness. Know that any person can be highly effective. And also: begin to live effectively at any time. Do not forget about optimism - it secret personal effectiveness.
2. Never stop learning. New knowledge increase personal effectiveness. With new knowledge you gain new skills. A new personal effectiveness skills will enable growth in all areas of your life. Note: If you stop development, then comes stagnation.
3. The person then becomes effective when it is clearly aware of its purpose and the way to achieve it. Such a person all the cases are solved much easier. Efficiency - a consequence of rationality. A man does what he likes, always succeeds. Find your place in life, and you will discover the secret of personal effectiveness, and will become effective person. But reaching high efficiency, you can become a leader.
4. Highly man in one life live lives of dozens of people. Unfortunately, most people are not effective. Do not want to be an effective man - continued to work for "Uncle».
5.Odin of the most important skills of personal effectiveness - it is self-discipline. On the one hand the development of volitional qualities improves. On the other hand increased efficiency helps to form strong character. It can be argued: first one develops its effectiveness, efficiency and then develops it.
6.Kontrol all sides of his life - another skill high personal effectiveness. Focusing on the main have efficiency. Not control itself - are losing their effectiveness. Effective people know how to control their emotions. In addition, to increase personal efficiency helps to get rid of fear, anger and resentment.
7.Neobhodimy Skill personal effectiveness - the daily diary. Planning Affairs and summarizing results in increased efficiency. Do not try to do everything at once, solve problems as they arrive. But do not delay cases indefinitely, so you can lose effectiveness, or drastically reduce it.
8.Znayte that anyone, even a small effect on the achievement of personal performance. In addition, personal effectiveness generates both positive and negative experiences. And the secret of skill and personal effectiveness is the ability to benefit even from negative situations.
9. Another secret personal effectiveness lies in the fact that without a dialogue with successful people your effectiveness will remain at zero. Communicating with successful people, you will find a source of inspiration and an incentive to move forward. Talking to people inefficient selects your strength. Personal effectiveness can also be enhanced by working in a team of efficient people. Responsibility and duty to others will improve efficiency. Learn how to communicate with people and get one of the most important skills of personal effectiveness.
10.Sekret personal effectiveness in the liberation of time, effort and money. Learn to relax, and you get another skill personal effectiveness. Idle life leads to a loss of efficiency. Proper alternation of work and recreation improves. Regular practice of any sports raise efficiency. Refusal of bad habits improves. A clear day regimen has a positive effect on personal performance, and you get another skill. Effectively helps to solve many problems. Health status is directly related to efficiency.
Discovering the secrets of acquiring skills and personal effectiveness, you will navigate your way to a successful and fulfilling life!