12 kinds of lies in which NOT BELIEVE PEOPLE stronger than reason.

It is time to forget the lie that we are repeating ourselves - for ourselves and our future!
Let's see, what the types of lies we have to deal more often.
"In the depth of winter I finally learned that within me lies a never-ending summer».
~ Albert Camus
We live in turbulent times. Every day around the less certain and more unknown. Fortunately, this means a rise in the number of options. But that we are able to overcome the obstacles in our path and realize the opportunities available, we need a strong mind.
The power of the mind is, first of all, that you understand how to manage their emotions, to adjust their thoughts on the right way, and always act in a positive direction, regardless of the circumstances. This depth of knowledge that everyone, even the smallest step forward - it is progress. And if you really want something, you will do so despite the mistakes, failures and unequal chances. Yes, every step forward will not be easy, but to reach the goal, you will feel better than ever. And once you realize that the interference - is not an obstacle in your way, they are - this is the way to go. And it's worth it.
A strong mind is needed to volunteer to go on this difficult path. And that's exactly what we ate the dog with my wife, and what we say every day in our articles, and with our customers. Why? Because around 90% of our problems - a by-product purchased outside the weaknesses of the mind. In other words, during the time of our lives, we hear from other people a whole bunch of lies about what we need and what is not, what can we do and what we can not, it is possible for us, and what it is not necessary to think - and subconsciously believe every word.
You know what's worse? When we are not only starting to repeat this lie to themselves and others, and to live in accordance with it.
So, it is time to forget the lie - for ourselves and our future.
What are the types of lies we have to deal more often?
1. Everything had to be completely wrong.
- All of us in my head is spinning a swarm of ideas about how to look our ideal world, and often it brings us much more harm than good. Try to understand this. Less than expected, and know more than the new. Get rid of illusions, and let life teach you - let it test you. Yes, you will not always understand it, but that's okay. When you think that the worse can not be a sudden turn for the worse - but when you consider that it does not become, life negate the worst expectations. Strong reason people appreciate the emerging obstacles in their way, because I know that each of them - one rung of the ladder to the top. So keep going forward, to continue to grow, and one day you will be able to describe his whole life in one sentence: "Everything did not go quite according to plan, well, to hell with it».
2. The frustration and sadness do not obligatory.
- Excessive tuning in happiness and only happiness, you can program yourself in an unhealthy attitude towards negative emotions and events. Strong reason people do not try to avoid negative emotions, instead they take both positive and negative emotions, allowing them to coexist harmoniously. And this is a key element of their resistance. Trying to be happy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week useless - instead better to focus on the integrity of our personality. Disappointment, anger, sadness and mistakes - all of these things have helped you become the person you have become. Happiness, victory, a sense of contentment - all this is certainly good, but they will teach you and not half as valuable life lessons.
3. All bad things are very bad.
- Against such a way of thinking there was medicine in ancient philosophy of stoicism: "There is no good or bad, there is only the way we perceive it." Later, it was Shakespeare paraphrased as: "There is nothing either good or bad, it does all the thinking as such." And they were right - the way we perceive the situation, or can play in our favor, or cause substantial harm. We often react to situations emotionally too, projecting them on our film when to overcome them, we would need to treat them objectively. Ultimately, is not a situation in which you have got, is to our benefit or detriment - to the benefit or detriment to you is your attitude to it, and that we are taking on this issue.
4. No Hope.
- Strong intelligence people know that the opposite is not the defeat of courage and hope. And there is always hope. When you lose something good, think of it not as a loss, but as of valuable experience that will help you a little more progress on the path of life. Ultimately, who you is the sum of your actions on every segment of life. Remember - you always have enough power and capacity to keep going forward. Stay strong, and try to think clearly - even when it seems that everything is falling apart, it probably is not so.
5. You have no other choice.
- Have you ever met a happy and successful person, constantly seeking to evade responsibility for their lives, and for all their failures blame anyone else but yourself? So we have not seen. Because happy and successful people have strong reason. They take responsibility for their lives. They believe and know that their happiness and success - the result of a correct thought, the right attitude towards life, and the right actions.
6. Successful people follow the rules of society.
- Not to obey the rules. Not violate the law, but do not obey the rules. You do not have to justify another's expectations. The root of the unhappiness of many people often lies in their need for external approval, which comes from their attempts to measure self-esteem, based on listening to others' opinions. But in fact, the only opinion, which you really should listen - your own. You, and only you can decide what kind of life to live. And the goals and expectations of others not so much and mean
7. Always have an easier way.
- The path of least resistance is often the path of least and remuneration. If you want to get something decent, for this you need to work hard. If somewhere is the shortest way, think, and you need to do? As Einstein once said, "Genius - is 1% talent and 99% hard work." To learn how to run fast, you need to run more. You can not be a writer, not practicing writing books. If you want to become a successful businessman, you have to start somewhere. In short, the hard work is no substitute. So repeat yourself every day: "I will work. It will not be easy, but it's worth it ».
8. Now is not the time.
- What good is the right thing if it was made at the wrong time? And when it comes to achieving your goals, the wrong time - it is usually "later." Why? Because time does not stand still. And enough to wait for the right time, because it will never come. So make a decision. Take a chance! Life is too short to spend it that the end of thinking "What if ...».
9. Do you lack something in order to be happy.
- Strong intelligence people know that the fastest increases human mood sincere gratitude. The more good you see, the more good you create, the more things around you to be worthy of a smile. Happiness is not the absence of problems. Happiness - is when you appreciate what you have.
10. In order to impress people, you have to be perfection itself.
- If the person that you are demonstrating around the world, no more than a mask, once you realize that there is nothing behind it. For when you spend too much time on how you perceive other people and to create an image of the person, how they wish to see you, sooner or later you forget about who you really are. So do not be afraid of estimates and judgments of other people - in my heart, you know who you are and what you really need to self. And you do not have to be perfect to impress people - let them impressive is how you deal with your imperfections.
11. Do you have a reason to hate someone.
- The sign of a truly adult - that when faced with someone hurt him, he tries to understand why he did it, instead of trying to hurt back. Learn to forgive. This does not mean that you give up what has happened in the past, or forget about what happened. It only means that you give up the scorn and pain, instead of trying to do this on the basis of what happened right conclusions, and then continue to follow his way of life. Remember - the less time you spend on it to hate people who hurt you, the longer you stay out, to love those who love you.
12. Favorite people should always agree with you.
- Strong intelligence people know that even the people who love you will not always agree with you just to make you happy. Rather, they will say that you need to hear in a given situation, no matter how much you want to hear it. Which is good, because when people tell each other the truth, not embellished sweet lies, it just makes the relationship between them is stronger. When you see the way you are, warts and tinsel, and still respect ... this is love. This preference for the adoption of sugary poddakivaniyu and agree with everything you say. And sometimes it is agreed that you do not agree. So what?
I want to throw you something else to ponder ...
In 1914, the great inventor Thomas Edison suffered a great misfortune. His laboratory burned down, along with long-term results. Newspapers have described the situation as the worst, that it ever happened, but it was not true. First of all, because Edison did not think so at all. The inventor chose to consider it as a great opportunity to rebuild and re-learn much of what he was recently working. It is said that immediately after the fire, Edison said, "Thank God, all our mistakes were burned. Now we can start from scratch ».
That's what I call the power of the mind!