The healing elixir for the liver dandelion
Dandelion heals and cleanse the liver
Dandelion for liver, gall bladder, blood, kidney, spleen and whole body carries a huge favor. Dandelion cleanses the blood, liver, gall bladder. Its bitter taste stimulates the contraction of the bile ducts and is a wonderful tonic for the liver. The plant is a diuretic, invigorating. Also dandelion is useful in the foods people with cardiovascular problems. It perfectly regulates blood pressure and activity heart muscle. Some people argue that after eating a dandelion they do not want to eat junk food (burgers, fries).
Used plant parts: roots, leaves, flowers, stems (all parts).
Use: in salads, the preparation of cold infusion of the leaves and flowers as tea and coffee.
Collection: dandelion roots dug in early spring or late fall. The leaves, flowers and stems are best used from young plants.
Healing properties: diuretic, stimulates the metabolism, cleanses the liver, gallbladder.
Dandelion roots can be brewed as a tea. This clean, dry, fresh roots in an oven at very low temperature, or buy dandelion root at the pharmacy (herbal tea). Also, roasted dandelion roots can be used as a coffee substitute.
Young leaves, flowers, stems can be added to salad, juice, cold snacks. Dandelion for the liver carries only benefits.
Numerous studies have shown that dandelion, milk Thistle and artichoke have a positive effect on the liver, the gallbladder. Vegetable the bitterness of the dandelion, triterpenoids, phytosterols, tannins, essential oil, flavonoids, choline, inulin, as a whole stimulate appetite and flow of bile, pancreatic enzymes and helps to eliminate waste through the urinary tract. However, before cleansing the liver and gallbladder need to cleanse the bowel. When cleaning care must be taken, because the bitter taste of dandelion may cause heartburn (follow the dosage).
Liver detoxification can use a tea from dandelion. To do this, boil 1 teaspoon of dried dandelion roots 0.25 l of boiling water, wait for cool down (10 minutes). Drink this tea 2 – 3 times a day for four to six weeks. Such cleaning is best done in the spring or summer. Also in the spring daily to chew the young stems of the dandelion, to add to the salad, fresh juice. I was a child could eat dandelion summer, it seemed to me very sweet and tasty. I was just drawn to the sugar stems, although many have argued that they are bitter and unpalatable. Now I realized that perhaps my body at the time required by the potassium.Liver cleanse dandelion
Dandelion cleans the liver and blood, strengthens internal organs such as kidney, spleen. It stimulates the metabolism and removes heavy metals from the body. Mary Ritual recommends eating 10 young flowers of a dandelion a day for the treatment of chronic hepatitis, and diabetes.
Elixir for the liver dandelion
Refreshing, purifying elixir will need 200 flowers of a dandelion. Pour the flowers with water (1 l) and simmer for 15 minutes. Leave the broth for 10 hours to infuse, then strain through a sieve. After that, to the infusion add the juice of one lemon, 1 kg of sugar. Stir the composition, boil over low heat for 1 hour and pour in the banks. Sugar this wonderful elixir can be used daily to add to tea, juice. It is similar to honey.
Coffee for the liver
Coffee from dandelion has a beneficial effect on the cells of the liver and digestive organs. Peel young roots, slice into small pieces and dry in the sun or in the oven at 40 ° C. the Dried root pieces lightly fry in a pan without oil. Finally, roasted root parts grind in a coffee grinder, then cook like regular coffee (you can use the coffee maker). Coffee from dandelion get better taste if you add to it a little ground cinnamon. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: izlechimovse.ru/oduvanchik-dlya-pecheni
Dandelion for liver, gall bladder, blood, kidney, spleen and whole body carries a huge favor. Dandelion cleanses the blood, liver, gall bladder. Its bitter taste stimulates the contraction of the bile ducts and is a wonderful tonic for the liver. The plant is a diuretic, invigorating. Also dandelion is useful in the foods people with cardiovascular problems. It perfectly regulates blood pressure and activity heart muscle. Some people argue that after eating a dandelion they do not want to eat junk food (burgers, fries).

Used plant parts: roots, leaves, flowers, stems (all parts).
Use: in salads, the preparation of cold infusion of the leaves and flowers as tea and coffee.
Collection: dandelion roots dug in early spring or late fall. The leaves, flowers and stems are best used from young plants.
Healing properties: diuretic, stimulates the metabolism, cleanses the liver, gallbladder.
Dandelion roots can be brewed as a tea. This clean, dry, fresh roots in an oven at very low temperature, or buy dandelion root at the pharmacy (herbal tea). Also, roasted dandelion roots can be used as a coffee substitute.
Young leaves, flowers, stems can be added to salad, juice, cold snacks. Dandelion for the liver carries only benefits.
Numerous studies have shown that dandelion, milk Thistle and artichoke have a positive effect on the liver, the gallbladder. Vegetable the bitterness of the dandelion, triterpenoids, phytosterols, tannins, essential oil, flavonoids, choline, inulin, as a whole stimulate appetite and flow of bile, pancreatic enzymes and helps to eliminate waste through the urinary tract. However, before cleansing the liver and gallbladder need to cleanse the bowel. When cleaning care must be taken, because the bitter taste of dandelion may cause heartburn (follow the dosage).
Liver detoxification can use a tea from dandelion. To do this, boil 1 teaspoon of dried dandelion roots 0.25 l of boiling water, wait for cool down (10 minutes). Drink this tea 2 – 3 times a day for four to six weeks. Such cleaning is best done in the spring or summer. Also in the spring daily to chew the young stems of the dandelion, to add to the salad, fresh juice. I was a child could eat dandelion summer, it seemed to me very sweet and tasty. I was just drawn to the sugar stems, although many have argued that they are bitter and unpalatable. Now I realized that perhaps my body at the time required by the potassium.Liver cleanse dandelion
Dandelion cleans the liver and blood, strengthens internal organs such as kidney, spleen. It stimulates the metabolism and removes heavy metals from the body. Mary Ritual recommends eating 10 young flowers of a dandelion a day for the treatment of chronic hepatitis, and diabetes.
Elixir for the liver dandelion
Refreshing, purifying elixir will need 200 flowers of a dandelion. Pour the flowers with water (1 l) and simmer for 15 minutes. Leave the broth for 10 hours to infuse, then strain through a sieve. After that, to the infusion add the juice of one lemon, 1 kg of sugar. Stir the composition, boil over low heat for 1 hour and pour in the banks. Sugar this wonderful elixir can be used daily to add to tea, juice. It is similar to honey.
Coffee for the liver
Coffee from dandelion has a beneficial effect on the cells of the liver and digestive organs. Peel young roots, slice into small pieces and dry in the sun or in the oven at 40 ° C. the Dried root pieces lightly fry in a pan without oil. Finally, roasted root parts grind in a coffee grinder, then cook like regular coffee (you can use the coffee maker). Coffee from dandelion get better taste if you add to it a little ground cinnamon. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: izlechimovse.ru/oduvanchik-dlya-pecheni
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