Amazing properties of dandelion root, which you did not know

Dandelion root is a valuable and affordable medicinal raw material that literally anyone can prepare. Useful properties of this plant are such that it is not for nothing called “Russian ginseng”.

During the growing season, the dandelion accumulates a lot of useful substances in its root - primarily inulin (up to 24%), sucrose (up to 20%), organic acids, flavonoids, many vitamins and trace elements. Among other things, the roots contain taraxacin (up to 10%), triterpene compounds, sterols, carbohydrates, fatty oil, rubber, proteins (15%), mucus, carotene, resins. Dandelion roots accumulate zinc, copper and selenium. All this allows you to use its root for the treatment of numerous diseases.


In order to fully feel the benefits of this plant, you need to properly collect the roots of the dandelion. In order to get the root of the dandelion, you need to dig a shovel to a depth of 20-25 cm, poke and get the plant. Clean the roots from the ground, cut off the above-ground part, remove the processes. After that, the roots should be washed in cold water, laid out on the fabric and kept in the air (in the shade) for several days. When the roots stop releasing juice, transfer them to a ventilated room. Thick parts can be cut. It is necessary to dry for 10-15 days, periodically stirring. You can dry the root in the oven or dryer at 40 ̊. I prefer to dry on the stove. Properly prepared root breaks well.

Curative properties

• An amazing remedy for gallstone disease, various types of hepatitis, cholecystitis.
• It is used for gastritis with secretory insufficiency. If you use drugs based on dandelion root, the secretion of gastric juice will increase.
• Very useful in the treatment of malignant breast formations in women and mastopathy, as well as in chronic constipation, in the treatment of gout and as a diuretic.
• The root system of dandelion is used to stimulate appetite, to improve metabolism, to treat diabetes.
• The use of drugs from the root of dandelion will accelerate the healing process of patients, helps to improve memory, remove cholesterol.
• It affects the increase in appetite, reducing spasms, purifying the blood, increases the amount of milk in nursing mothers.

1 tbsp. l. roots pour 2 tbsp. boiling water and boil 5-7 minutes., 2 hours insist, strain and drink half a glass 3 times a day necessarily before meals.

Eczema ointment: Honey mixed with dandelion flour. Wash the ointment from the body with warm milk whey.

Applications in cooking

Useful and delicious dishes are obtained from the roots of dandelions.
1. Salad helps with the noise in the head. If throughout the summer to use grated dandelion root mixed with carrots and other greens and seasoned with oil, the problem will be solved.
2. Boil the roots of dandelion 2-3 cm long in salted water, then moisten in egg mixture, sprinkle breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil. The pleasant and delicate taste of this dish resembles chicken meat.
3. Boil small pieces of dandelion roots in salt water for 10 minutes, skip through the badge. Then mix with rice porridge, pour milk-egg mixture on top, bake in the oven. Oddly enough, but this plant makes delicious and extremely healthy drinks.
4. Coffee from the roots of dandelion strengthens bones, invigorates, saturates the body with vitamin C no worse than lemon. At the same time, it relieves the body of harmful caffeine, tones and gives the feeling of real coffee. Washed and cleaned roots should be roasted until browning in the oven or oven, then crushed in a coffee grinder or mortar and brewed like regular coffee. For greater effect, you can add cinnamon.

For hair.

Dandelion root for hair is very useful. It is part of many hair care products. Shampoos and balms with this composition moisturize the hair and scalp, refresh, vitaminize and restore. The plant tones and soothes the scalp, relieves irritation and dryness, prevents the formation of fungi, as well as hair section.

! However, there are contraindications for those who suffer from gastritis and ulcers, as well as blockage of the bile tract. If you overdo it with its use, diarrhea and vomiting are possible.
It has been proven for centuries that dandelion root is really strong, so be sure to use its amazing properties and be healthy. published

Author: Olga Shelyuk



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