12 unusual types of tourism

What is the caravanning and jailoo-tourism, where to become a farmer for a week or a star for a hour and as free to fly to Mars. Skyscanner! tells of the adventures and unusual types of travel infinitely far away from package tourism. Choose what you closer, or offers suggestions.Rural tourism
Rural tourism returns to the basics. Instead of an alarm clock — roosters, instead of the coffee machine in the office — the cow you want to milk, instead of rubber vegetables from the supermarket — fresh produce straight from the garden. You can have the rural tour for yourself, find a local guide or trust in the agencies that spetsializiruyutsya on agritourism. Some companies focus on specific regions, others organize adventures for every taste all over the world.
In agriturismo.net know all about the farms of Tuscany for fans of horse riding, and the American Agrotours is ready literally on everything from "Take me there, where there are skyscrapers and cars, I turned off the phone and I'll take care of the flowers" to "I Want to know how a meat farm in Australia". The Indian Agri Tourism slogan States: "in Order to change, need to get back to the roots". Indeed, India is probably the best country in the world for those who want to go back to the very beginnings. And in Israel, the development of agro-tourism already engaged in the Ministry of agriculture, on its website collected 16 ideas of adventure — from fishing to beekeeping.

Jailoo-tourismWith the Kyrgyz", jailoo" is translated as "mountain pasture". Jailoo-travel through untouched parts of the planet — the mountains and steppes of Asia, the forests of Siberia and North America, the Amazon jungle and wildlife of Africa, — to forget for a while about the benefits of civilization. You can start with the Motherland of this kind of tourism — Kyrgyzstan, just do not choose extreme routes, if you have no experience Hiking in the mountains. Safer to find a local guide that the right path will lead you to the high mountain pastures between lake Issyk Kul and son-Kul. The best time to travel is from may to September, although warm clothing will be useful there, even in summer.
Jailoo-tourism can be combined with ethnic — stay the night in a shepherd's Yurt in the Mongolian steppes, to live in a grass hut in a remote Indonesian village or to stay with good-natured tribe barabaig in the North of Tanzania. Traveler, "the adopted family", lives the daily life of the indigenous population, following the local traditions and rituals and adopting skills, for example, graze cattle, to make pottery or to make fire not lighter.

CenturysCinturita crave once in a while become characters in a favorite movie, there are two ways. You can follow in the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes in the UK or rent red Chevrolet Impala and take a ride in the yellow glasses on the route of the heroes of "Fear and hatred in Las Vegas". And you can be right in the scenery of the beloved movie. For example, to explore every corner of tolkienesque of middle-earth in New Zealand, to see the alien landscapes of "Star wars" in Tunisia's Tataouine, Matmata and Tozeur. And fans of woody Allen can make a "ladder tour" of Europe and sit first on the ladder at the Church of Saint-étienne-du-Mont, where the hero of "Midnight in Paris" was transferred in 1920-e years, and then on the Spanish steps of "Roman adventure".

Photo: Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images Entertainment/Thinkstock
Festival tourism
Audiophiles are practicing another form of tourism — festival. And in Europe for a vacation you can visit on several concerts. Many festivals go on for three days, so near the scene equipped with camping and Parking for trailers. Among the iconic musical events of the Spanish — Primavera (end of may — beginning of June), the British Glastonbury (end of June) and the Hungarian Sziget in August. Pick up the festival like you can on the Festicket website.
To some extent, the festival tourism can be attributed to trips to great events like the Brazilian or Venetian carnival, running of the bulls in Pamplona, Oktoberfest and Edinburgh Fringe festival.

Culinary tourismCooking classes and ethnic restaurants are everywhere, but to get acquainted with recipes of national cuisines are interesting in their homeland. Maybe it's the ambience and perception, but anyway, and the massaman curry tastes better in Krabi, and khinkali in Georgia. And the recipe right the pizza should go to the South of Italy and try to persuade the owners of family restaurants to arrange a master class (except basic Italian in this case not do).
Journey to France should definitely diversify familiarity with cheeses and wines. "Cheese" regions are considered to be the birthplace of Camembert of Normandy and Burgundy, which was created by the favorite cheese of Napoleon — epws. The perfect pair of soft, fragrant cheese will be wines of Burgundy, Bordeaux and champagne. And to learn to understand the tea, go to the Chinese province Fujian, is famous for its Oolong and red teas, the home of PU-erh Yunnan or trekking in Sichuan, with its green and yellow teas.

Proponents of this type of tourism are enriched spiritually from communion with nature alone. As a rule, hotel eco-tourists is the hut in the national Park and neighbors — wild animals. The goal is to contemplate from a safe distance and do not hurt. There is even an international community of eco-tourists who want during the holidays to benefit the environment.
However, eco-tourism can be quite extreme. Take the so-called "shark tours" when you are in a special cell immersed in the sea where the predators already carnivorous rocks in all three rows of teeth — entertainment not for the faint of heart!

Caravans are called caravans, and they are very comfortable to be a homebody and a traveler at the same time. This method of organization of life invented by American settlers in the 1930s. Moving from place to place, they carried with a foldable furniture and household utensils in covered wagons. Gradually began to appear in the special campsites for caravanners — like a small commune. And still in the US and Europe, many who are not ready to exchange the trailer for a regular apartment or house.
If you are easy going and always wanted to embark on a road trip without stopping at hotels is what you need. This type of tourism is good because it allows independence from transport timetables, and you can take it with everything you need including bikes, surfboards or skis.

Spiritual tourism
The purpose of spiritual tourism, not so much to change the situation, but to change yourself. This ascetic form of travel for those who want to find inner harmony and to get my thoughts in order. Such tourists go to countries with a mild climate — usually to India, Thailand or Indonesia to the peaceful environment to practice yoga and spiritual practices.

Industrial tourism
Who as a child climbed in polushariya home and a vacant building? To resurrect those tender feelings called urbex (urban exploration) is a type of tourism based on urban studies. Industrial tourists is digory who study the subway and underground utilities, roofers who walk on roofs, and stalkers who sneak into abandoned objects, not only industrial. For example, a Stalker can go to the Ghost town of Kadykchan in the Magadan region, or to the prototype of silent hill — a town Centralia in Pennsylvania, where an underground fire is burning for more than half a century.
His tourist there and those who are interested in the objects of religion, which lost sacred significance: postbalance find and explore forgotten temples. A separate subspecies of industrial tourism — atomic. Fans of the Nuclear age go to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in abandoned Pripyat and slowly begin to penetrate into the Fukushima Prefecture.

Dark tourism
It is also called "dark", "black" or dark tourism. Sense — travelling to places associated with death, destruction, mysticism and tragedy. "Dark tourists" get the impression, walking around the cemeteries and battlefields, they are attracted to anything sinister and supernatural.
Among the attractions of dark tourism — a former death camp in Oswiecim, 60 km from Krakow, the French Ghost town Oradour-sur-Glane, destroyed in the Second world war, a place of mass executions at Choeung Ek and other killing Fields in Cambodia. In the US popular tours in tourmalines, where he was al Capone. While in Romania, the "dark tourists" roam the ruins of the fortress of Poenari: historians believe her, not bran, the real Dracula's castle.

Backpacker-tourismthe Purpose of backpacking — the most economical journey. To identify the backpacker can be far away from the backpack (and often also on the breast) and the Lonely Planet guide in hand. Backpackers hitching rides or public transport and sleeping in hostels, tents or each other — there are special services like couchsurfing. In developed countries, this tourism devoted to the traditional time — gap year, "lost year" between graduation and starting a career. But to become a backpacker's never too late: backpack and go!

Space tourismas opposed To backpacking journey into space — the most expensive kind of tourism, under a name he is just too damn high. The world's first space tourist Dennis Tito in 2001, paid for flight to the ISS is $ 20 million. Now a state monopoly on the space in the past, private companies build their spaceports and spaceships, and some are already selling tickets for future suborbital flights. Virgin offers 2.5 hours in space for 250 000 $, XCOR Aerospace for 95 000 $.
Another interesting initiative is the Mars One project, which participants are free to go to Mars without a return ticket to establish the first Martian settlement. The first crew of four will fly to Mars in 2024, further flights will become a regular — every two years.published

Source: www.skyscanner.ru/news/12-neobychnykh-vidov-turizma
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