How does tourism and recreation affect our lives?

Tourism and recreation is a wonderful journey into the world of new and interesting. Tourism for recreation, because the main thing is to return rested, with impressions, and of course, with gifts and souvenirs. Tourism, what a delightful word. It seems to whisper about new impressions and unprecedented countries, about the fact that there are people who live differently.
At the word tourism, immediately there is a dusty long road in the middle of the field. Here on its edge you notice a female figure in denim shorts and a checkered shirt, dullly wandering under the strong sun. The cowboy hat does not save from the sun, and the heavy suitcase in the hand is clearly tired. I don’t know why this is an association. Many of us love to travel with pleasure. As much as we haven't seen, as much as we don't know, and as much as we want to know everything, life won't be enough. There are many types of tourism and every year their number increases: medical, automobile, active, extreme and even tourism to the moon. Well, of course, most of us will never fly to the moon, but everyone can afford to rest “savages” at least once in their lives.
It is not necessary to choose another country for a trip, it is quite possible to modestly manage your small homeland and go with friends to the sea. You can go to rest in the Primorsky Territory, which is glad to guests at any time of the year, even in winter, even in summer you can enjoy a wonderful holiday. Holidays in Primorye in winter will please ski slopes and beautiful nature, and in summer you can get a job at tourist recreation centers and enjoy nature, the sea and the sun.
Some prefer to rest “savages”, taking with them a tent, guitar and good company. This type of tourism is quite dangerous and unpredictable. Why do people go to rest "savages"? After all, now there are so many boarding houses, a hotel and private houses, take and live in what suits you most. People really want freedom and privacy. Do not meet with other guests, do not go in groups, at certain times to see the sights, and do it when convenient. Resting with savages gives complete freedom over the situation. Sometimes it can be scary, like at night. Someone outside the tent is moving, the trees are swaying and all sorts of thoughts get into your head. And good friends before going to bed can tell all sorts of horror stories and walk at night, scare, giggling at your fear. But all this gives its charm to rest of this kind.