Dandelion a hundred diseases: from personal experience
Tatiana Lesina, radio presenter:
I had a story when I was in a cast, got depressed, gained weight. It was not nice, the mirror approach is not desirable.
And here I was thinking that we should go to the country and a little bit to gain strength, some emotions of spring. Just caught my eye an article in the journal in which it was told about the cleansing of the body with dandelions.
Here are two recipes:
1. The first two weeks you need to use flowersthat are yellow, which all of us pleased. To pick them a little dry that they are wilted. Then take 2 tablespoons of flowers and fill with boiling water (half a liter). Allow to infuse for forty minutes, and then all this strain and drink 100 grams an hour before a meal.
A little bitter, but it is useful. The bitterness of it and as a choleretic and diuretic, and a laxative — just what you need to cleanse the body.
2. The second recipe uses the leaves of a dandelion. First they washed and steeped half an hour in salted water so they are not so bitter was. And then we shred them with a knife and fill with yogurt. A little bit of cumin, pepper to taste and stimulation. Receive and a cocktail of vitamins and cholagogue.
I'm here for two weeks felt finally beginning to come to life.
Gennady Malakhov:
I know a similar salad, but it will be even tastier.
Take dandelion leaves, chop them. But still get a bright red Apple on a coarse grater. Add a little honey, vegetable oil. And taste the spices.
Polina Kobeleva:
I have twenty years of drinking dandelion.
And before that I had pain in the liver. Doctors made the diagnosis "cholecystitis". They had forbidden me to eat salty, fried, fatty, smoked is all that I liked then.
And I went to the village to my grandmother, who lived 85 years. And she drank the juice of the dandelion. And of course recommended it to me.
It was spring and we gathered dandelions, and took all of them along with flowers, leaves, stems, roots. Washed, dried and pressed the juice from them. Mixed the juice with sugar one to one. For preservation added one-tenth of vodka.
This syrup can stand up to three years. Stored in the refrigerator.
He's ready in two weeks. Make the syrup you need 2-4 tablespoons a day. And, preferably, the first spoonful on an empty stomach and the rest before eating during the day.
Very tasty, very aromatic and very useful. We can say that it is "elixir of life". He helped me to cope with the cholecystitis.
Gennady Malakhov:
Juice of dandelion is applied as the most biologically active substance to cleanse the liver, to normalize its function, to normalize the bile. And thus regenerate liver cells.
Natalia Kovaleva, phytotherapist:
Dandelion practically has no contraindications.
There are only two contraindications: individual intolerance and the tendency to diarrhea.
Dandelion can be given at any age. It really is the "elixir of life". It has a powerful positive effect on the liver. And the liver is directly responsible for the condition of the kidneys, heart, brain, lymphatic system, hormonal system.
The use of dandelion prevents the development of the following diseases:
In addition, dandelion juice has a very potent antitumor effect. That is, it is universal as the hips.
I also will talk about a good recipe from a dandelion. It is called "elixir of longevity".
To do this, we collect only the flowers, pick it and immediately put in a jar. Why? Because the pollen of the dandelion contains a lot of vitamins. Such as C, E, A, B vitamins and many other nutrients.
Flowers stacked layers of 3-4 cm, and pour a layer of sugar in 1 cm Filled up to half of the banks and stamps. And so continue until you fill the jar to the brim. Close it with a lid. All.
Besides the fact that this recipe has a multivitamin tonic effect, it also has anti-inflammatory, choleretic, wound healing, immunoregulatory, diuretic effect. Very good to apply it in various hepatic, intestinal and renal colic.
At the time, helped me a lot the oil from the dandelions for the treatment of burns. There is such a famous "healing recipe". It helps in the treatment of abrasions, cuts.
The oil from the dandelions:
200 gr. unrefined sunflower oil take ten dandelion flowers. Cut half of the onions. It's all of ten minutes to boil on low heat. To leave for the night. And in the morning strain through several layers of cheesecloth. All the oil from the dandelions ready. Store in the fridge. This oil also helps hemorrhoids. Valentine Kutlubaev:
I have a recipe already oil from the leaves of the dandelion, and as well in vegetable oil. They can be cured in 24 hours burns.
For preparation you need to take only the leaves. They should not be washed, but rather wiped with a clean cloth. Therefore, the lower part of the leaves, which are always dirty, you need to trim.
Next, the prepared leaves of a dandelion cut and pour unrefined sunflower oil. Leaves must be completely covered with oil, otherwise outstanding, the leaves will turn black. To prevent this I press them on top with sprigs of currants, stacking cross.
Cover to close in any case impossible.
Put jar on a plate, so that the rising heat from the oil smeared on your window sill.
Put on the bright place, where you have the most of the sun. Next put a note on when you cooked the butter.
After two weeks take and pass through 2-3 layers of cheesecloth. Be sure to drain the dishes in a dark and tightly closed.
Store in a cool place. Shelf life is unlimited.
In the treatment of burn is to smear it every hour. Substantial relief is achieved after 24 hours.
Gennady Malakhov:
I think the oil from the dandelions will take us all the time. It turns out that the same oil can be applied inside. One tablespoon of oil can be consumed before meals and it improves digestion.
This oil can moisten a cloth and apply to the affected skin areas of the body for those who suffer from some skin diseases, particularly eczema.
Tatiana Larina L., dermatologist: in severe burns 3-4 degrees this oil will not help. If it's 1-2 degree burn, oil of dandelion are really very good and promotes healing. The fact that dandelions, namely, the leaves, contains a lot of biologically active substances, minerals, trace elements. As for the dandelion flowers, then they need to be very careful, because very often caused them allergic reactions. Rimma Nozdrev:
I was suffering from hypertension, the pressure was raised to 200. My doctor said, "Try the dandelion". And I did.
The recipe is:
This decoction to insist in a thermos. In an hour it is already possible to accept. Add honey.
When it gets so bad, I'm doing this infusion and begin to take half a Cup before meals. Tone is restored, pressure is 120 over 80.
Hope Nozdrev:
Dig dandelion roots. Dried them in the oven to brown them to become hard and brittle. Lightly fry them to have a spicy flavor similar to the taste of the coffee. Then grind the roots into powder. A teaspoon of the resulting powder, pour boiling water and infuse.
If everything is done correctly, the beverage colour will be very similar to coffee. And the taste — chicory.
And this infusion is possible to wean yourself from the habit of drinking coffee. Also have a revitalizing effect.
Besides the fact that dandelion can be a terrific cure, it can be poison. Elena Malenkina, candidate of biological Sciences:
Like all plants, dandelion is also prone to the accumulation of certain trace elements.
And when it grows in the meadow, outdoors, in clean soil, the amount of these trace elements is very small.
But when it grows in a city near industrial enterprises, close to car exhaust fumes, respectively, the dandelion begins to accumulate lead, zinc, and copper. Can you imagine if for six months to take the lead, then such treatment will not benefit, but harm!
To dandelion brought only benefits, to collect it you need at least 30-40 km from large cities, large enterprises and not closer than 200 m from major highways.
Dandelion salad:
Finely chop the dandelions, sorrel, nettles and all that you have growing in the garden. Add hard-boiled egg, and two. And all of this season or oil, or yogurt. The salad is ready.
Gennady Malakhov:
Another recipe: you Need to take 200 gr. dandelion flowers, pour a half liters of boiling water. Day to insist and strain. Next, add half kg sugar and make jam. And add another lemon. It turns out the dandelion honey.
Irina Ortman, the singer:
In adolescence, when the spring was coming, I had freckles. I loved to sunbathe, and all summer in the village with my grandmother. She, seeing my feelings about freckles, said that the dandelion can make the lotion.
A lotion of dandelion: one-to-One, paint the flowers of dandelions vodka and insist 21 days. Then filtered and diluted with water so as not to burn the skin.published
From the TV show "Malakhov +"
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.ozdorovis.ru/systems.php?readmore=5
I had a story when I was in a cast, got depressed, gained weight. It was not nice, the mirror approach is not desirable.
And here I was thinking that we should go to the country and a little bit to gain strength, some emotions of spring. Just caught my eye an article in the journal in which it was told about the cleansing of the body with dandelions.
Here are two recipes:

1. The first two weeks you need to use flowersthat are yellow, which all of us pleased. To pick them a little dry that they are wilted. Then take 2 tablespoons of flowers and fill with boiling water (half a liter). Allow to infuse for forty minutes, and then all this strain and drink 100 grams an hour before a meal.
A little bitter, but it is useful. The bitterness of it and as a choleretic and diuretic, and a laxative — just what you need to cleanse the body.
2. The second recipe uses the leaves of a dandelion. First they washed and steeped half an hour in salted water so they are not so bitter was. And then we shred them with a knife and fill with yogurt. A little bit of cumin, pepper to taste and stimulation. Receive and a cocktail of vitamins and cholagogue.
I'm here for two weeks felt finally beginning to come to life.
Gennady Malakhov:
I know a similar salad, but it will be even tastier.
Take dandelion leaves, chop them. But still get a bright red Apple on a coarse grater. Add a little honey, vegetable oil. And taste the spices.
Polina Kobeleva:
I have twenty years of drinking dandelion.
And before that I had pain in the liver. Doctors made the diagnosis "cholecystitis". They had forbidden me to eat salty, fried, fatty, smoked is all that I liked then.
And I went to the village to my grandmother, who lived 85 years. And she drank the juice of the dandelion. And of course recommended it to me.
It was spring and we gathered dandelions, and took all of them along with flowers, leaves, stems, roots. Washed, dried and pressed the juice from them. Mixed the juice with sugar one to one. For preservation added one-tenth of vodka.
This syrup can stand up to three years. Stored in the refrigerator.
He's ready in two weeks. Make the syrup you need 2-4 tablespoons a day. And, preferably, the first spoonful on an empty stomach and the rest before eating during the day.
Very tasty, very aromatic and very useful. We can say that it is "elixir of life". He helped me to cope with the cholecystitis.

Gennady Malakhov:
Juice of dandelion is applied as the most biologically active substance to cleanse the liver, to normalize its function, to normalize the bile. And thus regenerate liver cells.
Natalia Kovaleva, phytotherapist:
Dandelion practically has no contraindications.
There are only two contraindications: individual intolerance and the tendency to diarrhea.
Dandelion can be given at any age. It really is the "elixir of life". It has a powerful positive effect on the liver. And the liver is directly responsible for the condition of the kidneys, heart, brain, lymphatic system, hormonal system.
The use of dandelion prevents the development of the following diseases:
- atherosclerosis,
- hypertension,
- diseases of the liver, gallbladder,
- violation of metabolism,
- obesity
- diseases of the skin.
In addition, dandelion juice has a very potent antitumor effect. That is, it is universal as the hips.
I also will talk about a good recipe from a dandelion. It is called "elixir of longevity".
To do this, we collect only the flowers, pick it and immediately put in a jar. Why? Because the pollen of the dandelion contains a lot of vitamins. Such as C, E, A, B vitamins and many other nutrients.
Flowers stacked layers of 3-4 cm, and pour a layer of sugar in 1 cm Filled up to half of the banks and stamps. And so continue until you fill the jar to the brim. Close it with a lid. All.
Besides the fact that this recipe has a multivitamin tonic effect, it also has anti-inflammatory, choleretic, wound healing, immunoregulatory, diuretic effect. Very good to apply it in various hepatic, intestinal and renal colic.
- Add to tea or water a tea spoon.
- Just bred and drink to health.
At the time, helped me a lot the oil from the dandelions for the treatment of burns. There is such a famous "healing recipe". It helps in the treatment of abrasions, cuts.
The oil from the dandelions:
200 gr. unrefined sunflower oil take ten dandelion flowers. Cut half of the onions. It's all of ten minutes to boil on low heat. To leave for the night. And in the morning strain through several layers of cheesecloth. All the oil from the dandelions ready. Store in the fridge. This oil also helps hemorrhoids. Valentine Kutlubaev:
I have a recipe already oil from the leaves of the dandelion, and as well in vegetable oil. They can be cured in 24 hours burns.
For preparation you need to take only the leaves. They should not be washed, but rather wiped with a clean cloth. Therefore, the lower part of the leaves, which are always dirty, you need to trim.
Next, the prepared leaves of a dandelion cut and pour unrefined sunflower oil. Leaves must be completely covered with oil, otherwise outstanding, the leaves will turn black. To prevent this I press them on top with sprigs of currants, stacking cross.
Cover to close in any case impossible.
Put jar on a plate, so that the rising heat from the oil smeared on your window sill.
Put on the bright place, where you have the most of the sun. Next put a note on when you cooked the butter.
After two weeks take and pass through 2-3 layers of cheesecloth. Be sure to drain the dishes in a dark and tightly closed.
Store in a cool place. Shelf life is unlimited.
In the treatment of burn is to smear it every hour. Substantial relief is achieved after 24 hours.
Gennady Malakhov:
I think the oil from the dandelions will take us all the time. It turns out that the same oil can be applied inside. One tablespoon of oil can be consumed before meals and it improves digestion.
This oil can moisten a cloth and apply to the affected skin areas of the body for those who suffer from some skin diseases, particularly eczema.
Tatiana Larina L., dermatologist: in severe burns 3-4 degrees this oil will not help. If it's 1-2 degree burn, oil of dandelion are really very good and promotes healing. The fact that dandelions, namely, the leaves, contains a lot of biologically active substances, minerals, trace elements. As for the dandelion flowers, then they need to be very careful, because very often caused them allergic reactions. Rimma Nozdrev:
I was suffering from hypertension, the pressure was raised to 200. My doctor said, "Try the dandelion". And I did.
The recipe is:
- Take three tablespoons of calendula
- Two tablespoons of dandelion root ,
- Rosehip — if ground, 5 tbsp., but if a whole fruit is more.
- Liter of hot water.
This decoction to insist in a thermos. In an hour it is already possible to accept. Add honey.
When it gets so bad, I'm doing this infusion and begin to take half a Cup before meals. Tone is restored, pressure is 120 over 80.

Hope Nozdrev:
Dig dandelion roots. Dried them in the oven to brown them to become hard and brittle. Lightly fry them to have a spicy flavor similar to the taste of the coffee. Then grind the roots into powder. A teaspoon of the resulting powder, pour boiling water and infuse.
If everything is done correctly, the beverage colour will be very similar to coffee. And the taste — chicory.
And this infusion is possible to wean yourself from the habit of drinking coffee. Also have a revitalizing effect.
Besides the fact that dandelion can be a terrific cure, it can be poison. Elena Malenkina, candidate of biological Sciences:
Like all plants, dandelion is also prone to the accumulation of certain trace elements.
And when it grows in the meadow, outdoors, in clean soil, the amount of these trace elements is very small.
But when it grows in a city near industrial enterprises, close to car exhaust fumes, respectively, the dandelion begins to accumulate lead, zinc, and copper. Can you imagine if for six months to take the lead, then such treatment will not benefit, but harm!
To dandelion brought only benefits, to collect it you need at least 30-40 km from large cities, large enterprises and not closer than 200 m from major highways.
Dandelion salad:
Finely chop the dandelions, sorrel, nettles and all that you have growing in the garden. Add hard-boiled egg, and two. And all of this season or oil, or yogurt. The salad is ready.
Gennady Malakhov:
Another recipe: you Need to take 200 gr. dandelion flowers, pour a half liters of boiling water. Day to insist and strain. Next, add half kg sugar and make jam. And add another lemon. It turns out the dandelion honey.
Irina Ortman, the singer:
In adolescence, when the spring was coming, I had freckles. I loved to sunbathe, and all summer in the village with my grandmother. She, seeing my feelings about freckles, said that the dandelion can make the lotion.
A lotion of dandelion: one-to-One, paint the flowers of dandelions vodka and insist 21 days. Then filtered and diluted with water so as not to burn the skin.published
From the TV show "Malakhov +"
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.ozdorovis.ru/systems.php?readmore=5
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