drug plants
Nowadays, people are increasingly beginning to study medicinal plants - an invaluable gift of nature. The use of medicinal plants and herbs to treat a variety of diseases and ailments gives amazing results. Therefore, treatment with herbs (herbal medicine) is widely used in traditional medicine as well as in non-traditional folk medicine.
With improved medical care of the population of our country every year. In this high-quality treatment of the population is only possible with the full satisfaction of human needs in effective medicines.
Up to 40% of all drugs used in the treatment of cardiovascular, nervous system, and gastrointestinal and liver agents comprise vegetable origin, that is created from medicinal plants and herbs. The most important source of medicinal raw materials used by the medical industry, as well as traditional medicine (herbal treatment for) are wild plants and wild herbs.
Medicinal herbs have long attracted the attention of Russian people. In "Izbornik Grand Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich» (XI in.) Have been described, many medicinal plants and their therapeutic use. In 1588 it was published the first Russian "Travnik", where they were instructed on the use of narodnomeditsinskom wild herbs for herbal medicine. Commonly used herbs steel in Russia in the middle of the XVII and beginning of XVIII century. It goes herbalism was practiced in Russia for centuries.
The study of the use of medicinal plants and their medicinal properties, the use of herbs in the treatment of various ailments started since time immemorial. Through the efforts of botanists, pharmacologists, chemists, pharmacists, discovered and put into practice many medicinal plants, previously unknown scientific medicine - thermopsis, plantain, dandelion, burdock, cudweed, motherwort, Helichrysum, sorrel and others, which allowed to replace a number of chemicals. There were drugs of lower plants (fungi and algae). Revealed new remedies from plants - alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, saponins, terpenes, flavones, organic acids, essential oils, vitamins, volatile, lactones, bitterness, tannin and others. All these scientific advances have identified the development of modern methods for the most effective herbs.
Every year growing harvesting of medicinal plants and herbs. However, the scale of billets in general, and in particular for certain types of plants, do not always meet the ever-increasing needs of the pharmacy chain, the medical industry and traditional medicine.
Flora and vegetation of Russian rich and varied. So only in the Volga Federal District of the higher plants, bryophytes no, there are more than 1500 species. And in the flora of the region grows more than 150 species of wild and cultivated medicinal plants and herbs that are used in scientific and folk medicine.
This site is about medicinal plants and medicinal herbs, as well as their application in modern herbal medicine, includes a brief description of the main, the most important and promising species of plants and herbs that are approved for use in medical practice.
It should be noted that the quality and useful information on the distribution, herbs and placing stocks of medicinal plants is still not so much.
In addition, constantly taking place a noticeable change in the medical assessment of a number of medicinal plants: from a single stand new therapeutic agents, and preparing valuable products; others are excluded from medical use.
However, the degree of knowledge of the flora and vegetation in our country significantly increases every year. Numerous expeditions to the Russian variety of areas provide an opportunity to carry out botanical studies spread medicinal plants, herbal medicine to determine the reserves and identify plants used for herbal medicine by the local population.
For the study of medicinal plants and the application properties of plants used for medicinal purposes is a clear classification and taxonomy of plants and herbs. , A detailed and brief descriptions of the plants. The brief descriptions of morphological and biological characteristics of medicinal plants indicating their main features that distinguish this type of plant from the others systematically close.
Location of the plant is indicated for forest growth, botanical and geographical areas.
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