Macadamia: structure, benefits and properties, macadamia oil

Macadamia - nut is of Australian origin, which belongs to the genus of the family Proteaceae plants. Macadamia nuts is the most expensive in the world, and it is grown less than the extracted caviar.
The name received from macadamia botanist Ferdinand von Mueller, who first described the plants of this family, which is called the nut in honor of his colleague and friend, the chemist John MacAdam. Australian Aborigines differently called it a unique evergreen walnut tree: mullimbimbi, Kindan-Kindan Boomer, known to us as macadamia. It was his fruits are the most expensive nut delicacy in the world and even in their homeland are not less than 30 US dollars per kilogram. In Australia, most locals Macadamia nut is considered sacred, it's probably related to its healing properties rid of migraines, beriberi, diseases of the skeletal system.
Fruiting macadamia tree only begins in the seventh, and sometimes in the tenth year of life, but can live up to a hundred years. Macadamia nuts are an almost perfect spherical shape and are typically in diameter 1, 5-2 cm. Walnut Kernel is hidden under a very tough and hard to separate shells. These nuts are difficult to separate from the shell, but also very difficult to collect, it is linked to the high cost of such macadamia market.
Today Macadamia is grown in almost all countries where the climate is tropical, in connection with which from year to year, this nut is becoming more popular and less expensive.
The composition of macadamia nut
The composition of macadamia nuts contains not only the necessary human body proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also an essential oil, minerals, proteins, sugars, fiber, vitamins.
A valuable part of vitamins and minerals in this nut represented in B vitamins, vitamins E and PP, monounsaturated palmitic acid, copper, selenium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, niacin, folate.
Useful properties of macadamia nut
Macadamia Nuts high in calories, rich in valuable vitamins, contain a lot of fat and essential oils. It is recommended to consume macadamia arthritis, angina, at the risk of the emergence of neoplastic diseases. The monounsaturated fats has macadamia palmitic acid, which hardly occurs in other plant species, but is contained in the human skin. This feature is similar to macadamia oil composition of mink oil.
Macadamia has unique antioxidant properties, because it contains a substance resembling a vegetable wax, which acts in the world of plants usually only in the form of a waxy coating that can not be collected. This substance macadamia is very much appreciated in cosmetology and is considered the best means of caring for dry, prone to flaking skin. After applying makeup with macadamia skin becomes soft, beautiful and moisturized. Useful properties of macadamia used and paint manufacturers for hair.
Macadamia nut Application
Taste quality macadamia nut is slightly similar to hazelnuts. Macadamia has a valuable nutritional properties, in addition, the use of these nuts helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body and is an excellent source of minerals and calcium. The macadamia small amount of carbohydrates, but high in fat, so that the macadamia oil is a valuable cosmetic product as easily absorbed into the skin, nourishes, softens and moisturizes. It is considered an excellent tool to help with sunburn.
With regular eating macadamia nuts reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease, the formation of cancerous tumors. Macadamia eat migraines, arthritis, bone disease, angina. They are indicated for vitamin deficiency, have antioxidant properties, stimulates blood circulation, used in the treatment of varicose veins, rosacea and cellulite.
Macadamia helps to care for dry skin and hair, making it shiny and elastic, in general, this nut has a rejuvenating effect.
Macadamia slimming
Despite the fact that this nut calorie high enough (702 kcal per 100g of product), macadamia regulating fat metabolism, conducive to weight loss. A unique ability of macadamia nut oil to restore the metabolism in the human body, has made it the main ingredient of the famous Hemptonovskoy diet which is based on the ability of the Australian macadamia oil regulate physiological and metabolic processes in the body, thus leading not only to better health, but also to the natural loss weight.
Macadamia nut oil
Regarded as a royal nut, macadamia nuts are an excellent source of healing oil, the properties of which are comparable only with the properties of spermaceti, extracted from marine animals.
The consistency of a viscous oil, macadamia oil, has a yellowish color and a distinct nutty flavor. It is indicated for actinic keratoses, rosacea, dandruff, cellulitis, allergy, with rough and dehydrated skin. The use of oil helps to eliminate burns and photodermatitis.
Macadamia oil is considered one of the best remedies for skin care for aging, since it contributes to the restoration and softens, tones and moisturises. For mature skin, which ceased sebum, the oil is also very useful. Macadamia oil is used for the care of delicate baby skin. And also used for body toning massage. While attending to hair, this oil helps to eliminate dandruff, strengthening and restoring the hair structure.
Macadamia is ideal for making therapeutic bath. It is especially advantageous effect on the skin in the cold year.
Contraindications to the use macadamia nut
Contraindications include, perhaps, only individual intolerance macadamia nut, as well as the propensity to allergic reactions.
A huge benefit to the human body and the almost complete absence of contraindications does not explain the extremely toxic effect of the nut on the body of our smaller brethren - dogs. They macadamia nut poisoning is accompanied by great weakness. After eating a nut dog for 12 hours, unable even to stand up. Although after poisoning usually occurs quickly restore, and dog gets back into shape within 48 hours.