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The most expensive food in the world


The most expensive spice in the world - saffron. This saffron - not that other, as the stamens plant family krokusovyh (Crocus sativus). There is also a false saffron, which is also called Imereti. It is made of marigold flowers stamens. The price of the kilogram of saffron can be up to $ 6 thousand. This fabulous price of saffron is due to its labor-intensive cultivation and collection technology. To produce 1 kg of dry saffron have to go through about 2,000 flowers. From 1 ha of plantations in the first year can be collected only 6 kg of saffron; during the second year - 20 kg. The preform is carried out during the flowering period in the sun. Bright orange stigmas are cut by hand in the first day of the opening of the flower and dried.


If you think that the most expensive caviar in the world - black, you are deeply mistaken. Most prized beluga caviar albino "Almas". This fish is found in the Caspian Sea off the coast of Iran. The eggs have different shades ranging from pale gray to white. The caviar is lighter, more expensive it is. Caviar "Almas" exported from Iran and is packaged in a jar of pure gold. 100 grams of such eggs cost about $ 2 thousand. This delicacy is very perishable, so it must be consumed immediately after purchase. Connoisseurs differ in assessing the most expensive caviar in the world. Some believe that the pleasure of this rare product with a nutty flavor with nothing comparable, some say that in addition to the beautiful light color, the special merits of beluga caviar is not albino.


Banal, seemingly, potatoes can also be a delicacy, in the case of grade La Bonnotte. It grows on the French island Nurmuate in the Atlantic Ocean. Potato fields fertilized only with seaweed on the technology, which is transmitted from generation to generation. Planted and harvested by hand, this variety, and it costs about 500 euros per kilo. World's most expensive potato varieties La Bonnotte taste very gentle. According to legend, this divine tuber led by none other than the supreme god Viracocha Inca. Every year, going up to 100 tons of potatoes of this variety.


The most expensive meat in the world - marbled beef. Her "suppliers" - the Japanese cow breed Vagiu. The cost of a kilogram of meat comes to $ 1,000. For centuries Vagiu cows bred in Japan, now they are also grown in Australia. They treat them as persons of royal blood: the best fed grass, rubbed sake, give to drink beer. Australian Meat Vagiu more expensive due to the fact that cows give to drink red wine at $ 16 per bottle.


The most expensive coffee in the world is produced from the grain that came from the gut civet - kind of animal civet. Variety called «Kopi Luwak», «Kopi» in Indonesian means "coffee" and «Luwak» - the actual name of the animal. Coffee grows on the islands of Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. The animal civet, to whom we owe the most expensive coffee in the world, is a small predator, but he is very like ripe and fragrant coffee beans. Their civet eats a lot less than the ability to digest. At one time it even considered a threat. But it turned out that the animal digestive enzymes improve the taste of coffee, taking away the bitterness. Local residents collect undigested civet coffee beans, a kilo which is $ 300-400.


World's most expensive tea is called Dahunpao - "The Scarlet Gown" in Chinese. This name tea owes its color - when the buds swell, tea bushes look like they are dressed in red clothes. Dahunpao refers to the Oolong - strong fermented teas with an intense flavor and aroma.

World's most expensive tea Dahunpao obtained from a sheet of six shrubs growing near the monastery Tianxing. Their age is estimated at 350 years. The year is going to not more than 0, 5 kg of this tea, and commercially available, and even less - not more than 20 In 2006, the entire crop was transferred to the Chinese National Museum as an exhibit. Since then operates the official ban on the collection Dahunpao and now taste it nobody can. The price of the most expensive in the world of tea Dahunpao - at a time when there were banned in his collection - reached dizzying heights. In 2005, 20 grams of tea sold at auction for 208 thousand. Yuan (about $ 25 thousand.).


The most expensive in the world of chocolate is chocolate factory Lebanese Patchi released for sales in the British store chain Harrods - £ 5,000 per piece. In the package are 49 chocolates wrapped in Indian silk handmade, decorated with silk roses, Swarovski crystals and even gold. The box is also difficult: it is made of leather and silk, and partitions in it - gold and platinum.


The most expensive cheese was sold at auction at the price of 6, 4 thousand. Euros per half a kilogram. It happened in the north of Spain, in the land of the Basques, while annual competition involving sheep cheese 107 cheese factories. The buyer was the owner of one of the Basque restaurants. The event is truly unique, as is usually the best cheeses were sold at auction at the price from 50 to 80 euros per kilo.


The most expensive pizza in the world is sold in Agropoli in the south of Italy for 8300 euros. On the House to come to the client, and two cooks pizzas (all except the base) in front of him. The toppings include caviar tuna, lobster, lobster, buffalo mozzarella, red lobster, shrimp and lobster. All of this is filled with cognac Louis XIII Remy Martin. Even the salt in the pizza difficult - Australian Pink «Murray River».


World's most expensive dessert is served in the New York restaurant «Serendipity 3" - provided that you have this pleasure of $ 25 thousand. For that amount you get ice cream with 25 varieties of cocoa, topped with whipped cream and slices of edible gold . Warn about the desire to eat a dessert you need to advance. By the way, crockery, glass and spoon with gold border and diamonds - you can take home with them.


World's most expensive sandwich is called "Platinum Club Sandwich Von Essen." It costs about $ 200 and is sold on the network, "Von Essen." The structure consists of Iberian ham sandwich, Bresse fowl, white truffles, quail eggs, dried Italian tomatoes and a special bread.


The restaurant is a New York hotel Le Parker Meridien you can taste the most expensive omelet in the world. It costs thousands of dollars. In addition to eggs in it add whole lobster. Serves on fried potatoes and decorated with stellate sturgeon caviar.


The most expensive salad in the world is called Florette Sea & Earth. It is served in the hotel restaurant Le Manoir aux Quat Saisons in Oxford. Among the ingredients of the salad - white beluga caviar "Almas", lobster, crab and Cornish lobster. There also add grated truffles, asparagus, potatoes and salad young, and all decorated with gold foil. Should author dish chef Raymond Le Blanc 635 pounds.


Several years ago, the Zafferano restaurant in London has acquired the truffle in 54 000 dollars. The acquisition of culinary rarities invested customers of the restaurant. Alas, delicacy suffered a sad fate: the chef had lost the key to the refrigerator, where it was kept, and expensive mushroom rotten.

Truffles - fungi genus marsupial with underground tuberous fleshy fruit bodies of the order of truffle (Tuberales). The most valuable of them are edible - winter truffles. They are called the French black or Perigord. These truffles very fragrant. Outside they are black, and inside a dark gray or reddish-black. Edible also white truffles.

The taste resembles a mushroom with truffle strongly roasted sunflower seeds or walnuts. If the truffle dipped in the water and hold it there for a while, the water will taste similar to soy sauce. The truffle has a fairly strong pleasant aroma, but about 25% of people do not feel the smell at all.


World's most expensive nuts - macadamia. Previously, she was an important part of the diet of Australian Aborigines, and has now become a delicacy. The scientist, the first to describe this kind of nuts named them in honor of his friend, John MacAdam (John Macadam), Doctor of Medicine, a chemist. These nuts are also called mullimbimbi, Boomer, Kindan, Kindan. To taste reminiscent of hazelnut Macadamia.

There are nine types of macadamia, five of which only grow in Australia. Two species are cultivated. The plantations are in Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Hawaii and the southern United States. Tree height is 40 meters, it bears fruit up to 100 years. Since the kernel macadamia barely separated from the shell, these nuts are quite expensive, and grow them less than they produce caviar.

Macadamia nuts are very high in calories and rich in valuable nutrients. He displays good cholesterol from the body. Macadamia oil - a valuable cosmetic. It is easily absorbed into the skin, soothes, nourishes and moisturizes it and helps with sunburn.

Produces more than 40 tons per year delicacy. The cost of a kilogram of macadamia even "historic homeland" nut exceeds $ 30.