The most expensive food in the world (21 photos + description)
The most expensive spice in the world - saffron. This is a saffron stamens plant family krokusovyh (Crocus sativus). Stamens of flowers marigold is also made saffron, called false or Imeritinskaya. The stamens are hand-picked and then dried. For a pound of spices need 225000 stamens. To elevate a dish designed for three-five people enough not more than six stamens of the saffron. Imeritinskaya same saffron is used in large quantities, and substantially prevents such flavor. One kilogram of the saffron costs about 6000 dollars.
World's most expensive nut - a macadamia. Once macadamia was the staple food of the Australian Aborigines, and has now become refined and very useful delicacy. Only two types of nuts are cultivated (plantations are in Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Hawaii and the southern United States). Macadamia tree reaches the height of 40 meters, it bears fruit up to 100 years old, but clean nut from the shell - not an easy task. Because of the ease with breeding and production of the delicacy of his produce no more than 40 tons per year. The cost of one kilogram of macadamia even in its historic homeland more than $ 30.
The most expensive caviar in the world - not black. And not even a rare gray. The most expensive - is "Almas" beluga caviar albino, occasionally exported from Iran. One hundred grams of caviar, packed into an indispensable jar of pure gold, will cost the buyer about 2000 dollars.
As is known, the most expensive mushroom in the world - the white truffle. You can not install some exact price per kilogram of this delicacy, because almost every big mushroom is sold at auction. Sometimes it is not good for either buyers or product. So, in 2004, bought for 28,000 pounds mushroom weighing 850 grams ... just rotten. Inconsolable buyer buried his garden in the hope that in its place will rise a new giant, but was later forced to hand over the remains of the home of the deceased, in Tuscany. In early November 2007, three Hong Kong tycoon chipped purchased 750 grams of mushroom 209,000 dollars (until it the most money that ever gave for truffle). With this instance did not happen nothing wrong: it safely cooked and eaten on the exclusive truffle banquet, attended by family and friends tycoons.
It would seem that something ordinary potatoes can cost thousands of sky-high! Nothing like that. Resourceful peasants living on the island Nurmuate annually collect no more than 100 tons of varieties of «La Bonnotte» per year. Since the divine tuber (and according to legend, this is the sort of brought the supreme god of the Incas) exceptionally gentle, it can only be collected manually. The most expensive potatoes in the world costs about 500 euros per kilo.
World's Most Expensive meat - it's beef. And it is not easy, and marble. And - certainly from Japanese cows Vagiu. For centuries these cows bred in Japan, near the city of Kobe, treated them respectfully and fed only the best herbs, as well as daily rubbed with sake and fed with beer. For a long time the Japanese did not export cattle for breeding, but now bred cows Vagiu and Australia. But the cost of the meat is affected only upwards: to improve product quality Australian farmers began to give the cows red wine (at $ 16 per bottle). 200 grams of fillet in Europe worth more than $ 100. Some, especially delicate pieces and sell for thousands of dollars.
World's most expensive sandwich is the proud name of "Platinum Club Sandwich von Essen» (von Essen Platinum Club Sandwich). Try it by paying 100 pounds (almost $ 200), available at the hotel network "Von Essen." This sandwich is really tasty, because it consists of: Iberian ham, Bresse fowl, white truffles, quail eggs, dried Italian tomatoes and bread cooked on a special leaven.
The most expensive pizza in the world «Luis XIII» offers young Italian chef Renato Viola. It costs 8300 euros. According to the author, "this price is not exaggerated, if we bear in mind the exclusive products and two people who come to the house to prepare it." Pizza, besides the basics, prepared in the presence of the client. The set includes: Buffalo mozzarella, three types of caviar and red lobster, shrimp and lobster (all this, of course, the elite and very expensive). Even the salt in this pizza is not common and not even the sea, and the Australian Pink «Murray River».
The most expensive omelet in the world can be eaten in the restaurant New York hotel «Le Parker Meridien». It costs thousands of dollars. In addition to the actual egg omelet present in whole lobsters. He served on a bed of fried potatoes and decorated - Sevruga caviar ten ounces.
The most expensive dessert in the world are served in the New York restaurant «Serendipity 3". Ice cream for 25 varieties of cocoa, topped with whipped cream, slices of edible gold, as well as a small chocolate «La Madeline au Truffle» from «Knipschildt Chocolatier», served in a glass decorated with gold border and diamonds with gold spoon, also decorated with diamonds. Is it worth the splendor of 25 thousand dollars. The desire to taste the dessert should be warned in advance. By the way, empty cookware customer can take home with them.
World's most expensive chocolate is called «Chocopologie by Knipschildt». It is made in the USA by «Knipschildt Chocolatier». Naturally, this dark chocolate. Naturally, it is not intended for long-term storage: because in order to confectionery longer not spoiled, it is necessary to use cheaper ingredients, which is unacceptable in "shokoladostroenii haute couture". Per pound (453 grams) «Chocopologie by Knipschildt» will have to pay $ 2,600.
The most expensive coffee in the world - «Kopi Luwak» - made from grains is not some sort of unique, but rather a unique way of life. «Kopi» in Indonesian means "coffee" and «Luwak» - a small animal, a species of civet, animal civet family. Luwak is a small predator, but loves to eat ripe fruit of the coffee tree, and choose the best. Coffee, he eats a lot more than it can digest. Undigested grains passing through the intestines of an animal, exposed its enzymes and as lovers swear «Kopi Luwak», gets a unique flavor and aroma. Kilogram of coffee, which helped to be born Luwak, costs from 300 to 400 dollars. Most consumers of the class, as, indeed, is usually the case with all the expensive food, lives in Japan.
World's most expensive tea is called Da Hong Pao, which translated means "Big Red Robe". He refers to the Oolong (fermented teas strong, has an intense flavor and aroma). Get the "Big Red Robe" from sheet total of six shrubs growing near the monastery Tianxin. The age of these unique clusters - 350 years. Each year, collected no more than 500 grams of the legendary tea, the cost of the finished product reached .685 thousand dollars per kilogram. In 2005, 20 grams of tea (four tablespoons) at auction in Fujian sold for 208,000 yuan (about 25,000 US dollars), a week earlier the same amount - 24 thousand dollars. In 2006, the year the entire crop deposited in the National Museum of Chinese tea, for a further fee moratorium was declared. Henceforth tea Dahunpao not be able to enjoy one. However, with the 80-ies mother bushes began to propagate vegetatively. Derived from them tea is also called "Big red robe", but experts believe that it does not go to any comparison with the present Dahunpao.
World's most expensive tea bag to create the English jewelers in honor of the 75th anniversary of the tea company «PG». Hand bag decorated with 280 diamonds. He stands 7 and a half thousand pounds. This bag was part of the prize draw, the money from which will direct the construction of Children's Hospital in Manchester.
The most expensive champagne in the world - «Perrier Jouet Belle Epoque Blanc de Blanc» - made from special grapes that are harvested only from two small areas of the vineyard village of Cotes des Blancs. It creates only the best years of harvest. In 2007, Russia imported only 156 bottles of the drink, hand painted in the style of Art Nouveau. Each bottle capacity of 0.75 liters worth about a thousand euros.
World's most expensive whiskey - «The Macallan Fine & Rare Vintage» 60 years of aging, bottled in 1926 - you can not buy at any price. However, the price it is well known: 38 thousand dollars. Interested persons are offered to buy 10-odd thousand analogue coveted beverage - «Macallan Fine & Rare» 1938 release.
World's most expensive rum was bottled in 1940 by Jamaican «Wray & Nephew». Now there are four tanks, each of which is estimated at US $ 53 thousand. It is with this famous rum cocktail preparing «Mai Tai», which, of course, every day is becoming too expensive.
Despite the fact that the cocktail «Diamonds-Are-Forever» mixed not the rarest ingredients, it is the most expensive at the moment - 11 thousand euros per glass. And the thing is that the traditional olive in it replaces a diamond the size of 1.6 carats. Order this alkoyuvelirnoe miracle can be at the Ritz-Carlton in Tokyo.
The most expensive beer in the world - Belgian «Vieille Bon Secours» - can be purchased in a London bar Bierdrome. Bottle costs about a thousand dollars a pint poured over $ 79.
The most expensive vodka in the world «Diva» cooked Scottish masters with all conceivable rules. It is filtered through charcoal northern birch, and for complete cleaning - through the sand and crushed diamonds and other precious stones. The standard bottle is decorated with cubic zirconia, but on request they can be replaced by any other gems. Depending on the value of jewelery ranges and price of a bottle - from standard 400 to $ 1,000.
The most expensive in the world drinking water is called «Kona Nigari» and not extracted from artesian wells or glaciers, and in the depths of the ocean off the coast of Hawaii. Desalted seawater, cleaned and filled into bottles of 0.06 or 5 liters. Big bottle will cost more than $ 2,000 for a small still have to pay only 33 and a half dollar. The funny thing is that drink it just can not be: before use «Kona Nigari» must be diluted with plain water.
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World's most expensive nut - a macadamia. Once macadamia was the staple food of the Australian Aborigines, and has now become refined and very useful delicacy. Only two types of nuts are cultivated (plantations are in Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Hawaii and the southern United States). Macadamia tree reaches the height of 40 meters, it bears fruit up to 100 years old, but clean nut from the shell - not an easy task. Because of the ease with breeding and production of the delicacy of his produce no more than 40 tons per year. The cost of one kilogram of macadamia even in its historic homeland more than $ 30.

The most expensive caviar in the world - not black. And not even a rare gray. The most expensive - is "Almas" beluga caviar albino, occasionally exported from Iran. One hundred grams of caviar, packed into an indispensable jar of pure gold, will cost the buyer about 2000 dollars.

As is known, the most expensive mushroom in the world - the white truffle. You can not install some exact price per kilogram of this delicacy, because almost every big mushroom is sold at auction. Sometimes it is not good for either buyers or product. So, in 2004, bought for 28,000 pounds mushroom weighing 850 grams ... just rotten. Inconsolable buyer buried his garden in the hope that in its place will rise a new giant, but was later forced to hand over the remains of the home of the deceased, in Tuscany. In early November 2007, three Hong Kong tycoon chipped purchased 750 grams of mushroom 209,000 dollars (until it the most money that ever gave for truffle). With this instance did not happen nothing wrong: it safely cooked and eaten on the exclusive truffle banquet, attended by family and friends tycoons.

It would seem that something ordinary potatoes can cost thousands of sky-high! Nothing like that. Resourceful peasants living on the island Nurmuate annually collect no more than 100 tons of varieties of «La Bonnotte» per year. Since the divine tuber (and according to legend, this is the sort of brought the supreme god of the Incas) exceptionally gentle, it can only be collected manually. The most expensive potatoes in the world costs about 500 euros per kilo.

World's Most Expensive meat - it's beef. And it is not easy, and marble. And - certainly from Japanese cows Vagiu. For centuries these cows bred in Japan, near the city of Kobe, treated them respectfully and fed only the best herbs, as well as daily rubbed with sake and fed with beer. For a long time the Japanese did not export cattle for breeding, but now bred cows Vagiu and Australia. But the cost of the meat is affected only upwards: to improve product quality Australian farmers began to give the cows red wine (at $ 16 per bottle). 200 grams of fillet in Europe worth more than $ 100. Some, especially delicate pieces and sell for thousands of dollars.

World's most expensive sandwich is the proud name of "Platinum Club Sandwich von Essen» (von Essen Platinum Club Sandwich). Try it by paying 100 pounds (almost $ 200), available at the hotel network "Von Essen." This sandwich is really tasty, because it consists of: Iberian ham, Bresse fowl, white truffles, quail eggs, dried Italian tomatoes and bread cooked on a special leaven.

The most expensive pizza in the world «Luis XIII» offers young Italian chef Renato Viola. It costs 8300 euros. According to the author, "this price is not exaggerated, if we bear in mind the exclusive products and two people who come to the house to prepare it." Pizza, besides the basics, prepared in the presence of the client. The set includes: Buffalo mozzarella, three types of caviar and red lobster, shrimp and lobster (all this, of course, the elite and very expensive). Even the salt in this pizza is not common and not even the sea, and the Australian Pink «Murray River».

The most expensive omelet in the world can be eaten in the restaurant New York hotel «Le Parker Meridien». It costs thousands of dollars. In addition to the actual egg omelet present in whole lobsters. He served on a bed of fried potatoes and decorated - Sevruga caviar ten ounces.

The most expensive dessert in the world are served in the New York restaurant «Serendipity 3". Ice cream for 25 varieties of cocoa, topped with whipped cream, slices of edible gold, as well as a small chocolate «La Madeline au Truffle» from «Knipschildt Chocolatier», served in a glass decorated with gold border and diamonds with gold spoon, also decorated with diamonds. Is it worth the splendor of 25 thousand dollars. The desire to taste the dessert should be warned in advance. By the way, empty cookware customer can take home with them.

World's most expensive chocolate is called «Chocopologie by Knipschildt». It is made in the USA by «Knipschildt Chocolatier». Naturally, this dark chocolate. Naturally, it is not intended for long-term storage: because in order to confectionery longer not spoiled, it is necessary to use cheaper ingredients, which is unacceptable in "shokoladostroenii haute couture". Per pound (453 grams) «Chocopologie by Knipschildt» will have to pay $ 2,600.

The most expensive coffee in the world - «Kopi Luwak» - made from grains is not some sort of unique, but rather a unique way of life. «Kopi» in Indonesian means "coffee" and «Luwak» - a small animal, a species of civet, animal civet family. Luwak is a small predator, but loves to eat ripe fruit of the coffee tree, and choose the best. Coffee, he eats a lot more than it can digest. Undigested grains passing through the intestines of an animal, exposed its enzymes and as lovers swear «Kopi Luwak», gets a unique flavor and aroma. Kilogram of coffee, which helped to be born Luwak, costs from 300 to 400 dollars. Most consumers of the class, as, indeed, is usually the case with all the expensive food, lives in Japan.

World's most expensive tea is called Da Hong Pao, which translated means "Big Red Robe". He refers to the Oolong (fermented teas strong, has an intense flavor and aroma). Get the "Big Red Robe" from sheet total of six shrubs growing near the monastery Tianxin. The age of these unique clusters - 350 years. Each year, collected no more than 500 grams of the legendary tea, the cost of the finished product reached .685 thousand dollars per kilogram. In 2005, 20 grams of tea (four tablespoons) at auction in Fujian sold for 208,000 yuan (about 25,000 US dollars), a week earlier the same amount - 24 thousand dollars. In 2006, the year the entire crop deposited in the National Museum of Chinese tea, for a further fee moratorium was declared. Henceforth tea Dahunpao not be able to enjoy one. However, with the 80-ies mother bushes began to propagate vegetatively. Derived from them tea is also called "Big red robe", but experts believe that it does not go to any comparison with the present Dahunpao.

World's most expensive tea bag to create the English jewelers in honor of the 75th anniversary of the tea company «PG». Hand bag decorated with 280 diamonds. He stands 7 and a half thousand pounds. This bag was part of the prize draw, the money from which will direct the construction of Children's Hospital in Manchester.

The most expensive champagne in the world - «Perrier Jouet Belle Epoque Blanc de Blanc» - made from special grapes that are harvested only from two small areas of the vineyard village of Cotes des Blancs. It creates only the best years of harvest. In 2007, Russia imported only 156 bottles of the drink, hand painted in the style of Art Nouveau. Each bottle capacity of 0.75 liters worth about a thousand euros.

World's most expensive whiskey - «The Macallan Fine & Rare Vintage» 60 years of aging, bottled in 1926 - you can not buy at any price. However, the price it is well known: 38 thousand dollars. Interested persons are offered to buy 10-odd thousand analogue coveted beverage - «Macallan Fine & Rare» 1938 release.

World's most expensive rum was bottled in 1940 by Jamaican «Wray & Nephew». Now there are four tanks, each of which is estimated at US $ 53 thousand. It is with this famous rum cocktail preparing «Mai Tai», which, of course, every day is becoming too expensive.

Despite the fact that the cocktail «Diamonds-Are-Forever» mixed not the rarest ingredients, it is the most expensive at the moment - 11 thousand euros per glass. And the thing is that the traditional olive in it replaces a diamond the size of 1.6 carats. Order this alkoyuvelirnoe miracle can be at the Ritz-Carlton in Tokyo.

The most expensive beer in the world - Belgian «Vieille Bon Secours» - can be purchased in a London bar Bierdrome. Bottle costs about a thousand dollars a pint poured over $ 79.

The most expensive vodka in the world «Diva» cooked Scottish masters with all conceivable rules. It is filtered through charcoal northern birch, and for complete cleaning - through the sand and crushed diamonds and other precious stones. The standard bottle is decorated with cubic zirconia, but on request they can be replaced by any other gems. Depending on the value of jewelery ranges and price of a bottle - from standard 400 to $ 1,000.

The most expensive in the world drinking water is called «Kona Nigari» and not extracted from artesian wells or glaciers, and in the depths of the ocean off the coast of Hawaii. Desalted seawater, cleaned and filled into bottles of 0.06 or 5 liters. Big bottle will cost more than $ 2,000 for a small still have to pay only 33 and a half dollar. The funny thing is that drink it just can not be: before use «Kona Nigari» must be diluted with plain water.

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