About chëm say our fears: the 10 most common phobias, and their impact on the character.
Many of our fears from childhood. In some it was impossible to tell the beautiful poem on children's matinee and now, as adults, they avoid public speaking. Others worried that they will steal Babai or other fabulous creatures and still afraid of the dark ... Psychologists said that our fears may tell a lot about ourselves and our character! Close your eyes, imagine their greatest fears, and behold, a chëm he can tell!
1. Fear of the dark or niktofobiya
Description: em>
You - a cheerful person with a positive mind and a vivid imagination. Do you like akterstvovat possess creativity and love to be the center of attention.
The reason for fear: em>
Your fear of the dark - a side effect of a rich imagination. The brain begins to draw a scary scenario where he does not need to process visual information.
Tip: em>
Take a creative project, which had long dreamed of. Maybe you want to write a book? Or enroll drawing? Do not be shy! Allowing the brain to show their creative nature!
2. The fear of public speaking or glossophobia
Description: em>
You - an introvert in the full sense of the word. You prefer solitude, love to indulge in his thoughts and appreciate very real human friendship.
The reason for fear: em>
Psychologists agree that the fear of performance is directly linked to narcissism: if it is not - there is no need for attention itself.
Tip: em>
Do not hide from the world in his invisible armor! If colleagues have offered to spend the evening in an informal atmosphere - try to agree. You definitely will not be the center of attention, but you can get a chance to build a new constructive relationship.
3. Fear of snakes or ofidiofobiya
Description: em>
You - a loving and faithful partner in life, the faithful and a good friend. First of all, you appreciate loved ones can come tearing to help at any time of day or night, if you really appreciate a man in distress.
The reason for fear: em>
Scientific theory is that humans, like other primates, are afraid of snakes at the genetic level, as this factor contributed to the survival of our ancestors.
Tip: em>
Most devote time not only to those you love, but also yourself. For people of your temperament is very important to have a balance in the relationship. Rather than indulge the whims and caprices of the second half, try to find a compromise that would suit both of you. In the long term, this skill can greatly help you in life!
4. Fear of blood or blood phobia
Description: em>
Most likely, you are allocated a special attitude to their appearance and health. For your body - the temple, and you obviously care about more than any other to constantly maintain it in perfect condition: Try to stick to proper diet, moderate exercise love, engaged in self-development and even inspire others!
The reason for fear: em>
Your fear of blood comes from some old injury or terror experienced in childhood. Thus the unconscious is trying to protect you.
Tip: em>
Try to use a calm and reasonable character to help friends and family members to become more powerful, focused and ambitious.
5. Fear of germs or filth-dread
Description: em>
You're a little more anxious and restless than most of your friends. You prefer to vsëm neatness, order, and once you start to get nervous, even if the house is not at least a little removed. This attention to detail is very appreciates the authorities, and you certainly get promoted quickly than envy and respect of colleagues.
The reason for fear: em>
Psychologists believe that this fear is inherent in disgust, emotional and very sensitive people. In other words, if you are constantly concerned about cleanliness and order, it is almost certain afraid and microbes.
Tip: em>
Most relaxing and dipping in an atmosphere of peace and kindness. Yes, it can be difficult (especially if someone's home behind is not removed), but try to experiment and take the emotions under control. Otherwise, your life will be like the story of "The Aviator" with Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role. Remembered? That's right!
6. Fear of spiders or arachnophobia
Description: em>
You are a strong leader. People are drawn to you because of the fact that you can inspire them and send. Through leadership abilities you are successful in your career and in life in general. You - a full head of household (even if you're a woman).
The reason for fear: em>
British researchers interviewed more than 260 people and adults have found that fear of spiders suffer 32% of women and 18% men. It is thought that unpleasant side effects has no fear of spiders.
Tip: em>
Your desire to be perfect vsëm, one can play with you a malicious joke. Try to delegate and share power, for example, by colleagues in an important project, not to burden him over.
7. The fear of clowns or koulrofobiya
Description: em>
You do not need to excesses and proud of the fact that any person can tell the whole truth-womb in the eye. And expects the same from others: the inner circle must be very frank with you.
The reason for fear: em>
Psychologists believe that this fear is related to innate human ability to recognize facial expressions of others. In ancient times it was a key element for survival in the wild community in which there were no courts, no lawyers, no fear of assassination. It is therefore logical that the failure to distinguish between genuine emotion clown automatically calls the human brain distrust of this man.
Tip: em>
Your desire for simplicity, directness and truthfulness - amazing quality, but it often prevents you spend your free time and fun. Not necessarily all in a row to talk honestly and openly about their shortcomings. Do not be afraid to look "like a clown" in the company of friends. On the contrary, it will help you have a great time.
8. Fear of being alone or monofobiya
Description: em>
You are sociable, loves noisy gatherings with friends, love to be the center of attention, spend time with friends and grasping at any chance to have fun. And, of course, your relationship to you is very important. Living alone seems to you the most terrible punishment.
The reason for fear: em>
Many people believe that if they do not have a pair, - means to them that something is wrong. This pattern is imposed on us by society and is highly detrimental to our mental health.
Tip: em>
If you take place in a healthy relationship, maybe it's time a little more attention to yourself and your desires. Try to set aside time on a daily hobby: reading, meditation or just a little time alone with his thoughts.
If you are alone - use this time to enjoy their individuality. Why somewhere hurry and constantly look for new relationships? Working on yourself will bring you more good than an obsession to find a "soul mate».
9. Fear of heights or acrophobia
Description: em>
You - a complicated man. On the one hand - I love to meet new people and get new experience, but on the other - deep down you are afraid of all the unknown. As it vsë can fit in one person? Such a side effect of this phobia!
The causes of fear: em>
Chances are you afraid of, not only the height but also uncertainty. Psychologists recognize that the fear of heights - is a universal fear of man, that is, he more or less common to all.
Tip: em>
If this fear prevents you in life, for example, you are afraid of flying, it will have to overcome. Try to think more often about this fear, to understand its inner nature. Understand - fear will disappear!
10. Fear of crowds or agoraphobia
Description: em>
Do not confuse this fear with claustrophobia: you can not experience the fear of closed spaces, if they have no or little people. You just do not like when someone violates your personal space. You do not love, when to you get too close or too fast, so in every way try to avoid conflict situations. The boards do not need you, too, and prefer to live at their own discretion.
The reason for fear: em>
The magazine Psychology Today describes the fear of crowded places genetic fear: Our ancestors have always tried to maintain a space to escape if things get out of control.
Tip: em>
Try to cope with this fear. To begin start to trust one person. Be closer to him and try not to think of ways to retreat when you are with him.
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1. Fear of the dark or niktofobiya

Description: em>
You - a cheerful person with a positive mind and a vivid imagination. Do you like akterstvovat possess creativity and love to be the center of attention.
The reason for fear: em>
Your fear of the dark - a side effect of a rich imagination. The brain begins to draw a scary scenario where he does not need to process visual information.
Tip: em>
Take a creative project, which had long dreamed of. Maybe you want to write a book? Or enroll drawing? Do not be shy! Allowing the brain to show their creative nature!
2. The fear of public speaking or glossophobia

Description: em>
You - an introvert in the full sense of the word. You prefer solitude, love to indulge in his thoughts and appreciate very real human friendship.
The reason for fear: em>
Psychologists agree that the fear of performance is directly linked to narcissism: if it is not - there is no need for attention itself.
Tip: em>
Do not hide from the world in his invisible armor! If colleagues have offered to spend the evening in an informal atmosphere - try to agree. You definitely will not be the center of attention, but you can get a chance to build a new constructive relationship.
3. Fear of snakes or ofidiofobiya
Description: em>
You - a loving and faithful partner in life, the faithful and a good friend. First of all, you appreciate loved ones can come tearing to help at any time of day or night, if you really appreciate a man in distress.
The reason for fear: em>
Scientific theory is that humans, like other primates, are afraid of snakes at the genetic level, as this factor contributed to the survival of our ancestors.
Tip: em>
Most devote time not only to those you love, but also yourself. For people of your temperament is very important to have a balance in the relationship. Rather than indulge the whims and caprices of the second half, try to find a compromise that would suit both of you. In the long term, this skill can greatly help you in life!
4. Fear of blood or blood phobia
Description: em>
Most likely, you are allocated a special attitude to their appearance and health. For your body - the temple, and you obviously care about more than any other to constantly maintain it in perfect condition: Try to stick to proper diet, moderate exercise love, engaged in self-development and even inspire others!
The reason for fear: em>
Your fear of blood comes from some old injury or terror experienced in childhood. Thus the unconscious is trying to protect you.
Tip: em>
Try to use a calm and reasonable character to help friends and family members to become more powerful, focused and ambitious.
5. Fear of germs or filth-dread

Description: em>
You're a little more anxious and restless than most of your friends. You prefer to vsëm neatness, order, and once you start to get nervous, even if the house is not at least a little removed. This attention to detail is very appreciates the authorities, and you certainly get promoted quickly than envy and respect of colleagues.
The reason for fear: em>
Psychologists believe that this fear is inherent in disgust, emotional and very sensitive people. In other words, if you are constantly concerned about cleanliness and order, it is almost certain afraid and microbes.
Tip: em>
Most relaxing and dipping in an atmosphere of peace and kindness. Yes, it can be difficult (especially if someone's home behind is not removed), but try to experiment and take the emotions under control. Otherwise, your life will be like the story of "The Aviator" with Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role. Remembered? That's right!
6. Fear of spiders or arachnophobia
Description: em>
You are a strong leader. People are drawn to you because of the fact that you can inspire them and send. Through leadership abilities you are successful in your career and in life in general. You - a full head of household (even if you're a woman).
The reason for fear: em>
British researchers interviewed more than 260 people and adults have found that fear of spiders suffer 32% of women and 18% men. It is thought that unpleasant side effects has no fear of spiders.
Tip: em>
Your desire to be perfect vsëm, one can play with you a malicious joke. Try to delegate and share power, for example, by colleagues in an important project, not to burden him over.
7. The fear of clowns or koulrofobiya

Description: em>
You do not need to excesses and proud of the fact that any person can tell the whole truth-womb in the eye. And expects the same from others: the inner circle must be very frank with you.
The reason for fear: em>
Psychologists believe that this fear is related to innate human ability to recognize facial expressions of others. In ancient times it was a key element for survival in the wild community in which there were no courts, no lawyers, no fear of assassination. It is therefore logical that the failure to distinguish between genuine emotion clown automatically calls the human brain distrust of this man.
Tip: em>
Your desire for simplicity, directness and truthfulness - amazing quality, but it often prevents you spend your free time and fun. Not necessarily all in a row to talk honestly and openly about their shortcomings. Do not be afraid to look "like a clown" in the company of friends. On the contrary, it will help you have a great time.
8. Fear of being alone or monofobiya

Description: em>
You are sociable, loves noisy gatherings with friends, love to be the center of attention, spend time with friends and grasping at any chance to have fun. And, of course, your relationship to you is very important. Living alone seems to you the most terrible punishment.
The reason for fear: em>
Many people believe that if they do not have a pair, - means to them that something is wrong. This pattern is imposed on us by society and is highly detrimental to our mental health.
Tip: em>
If you take place in a healthy relationship, maybe it's time a little more attention to yourself and your desires. Try to set aside time on a daily hobby: reading, meditation or just a little time alone with his thoughts.
If you are alone - use this time to enjoy their individuality. Why somewhere hurry and constantly look for new relationships? Working on yourself will bring you more good than an obsession to find a "soul mate».
9. Fear of heights or acrophobia

Description: em>
You - a complicated man. On the one hand - I love to meet new people and get new experience, but on the other - deep down you are afraid of all the unknown. As it vsë can fit in one person? Such a side effect of this phobia!
The causes of fear: em>
Chances are you afraid of, not only the height but also uncertainty. Psychologists recognize that the fear of heights - is a universal fear of man, that is, he more or less common to all.
Tip: em>
If this fear prevents you in life, for example, you are afraid of flying, it will have to overcome. Try to think more often about this fear, to understand its inner nature. Understand - fear will disappear!
10. Fear of crowds or agoraphobia

Description: em>
Do not confuse this fear with claustrophobia: you can not experience the fear of closed spaces, if they have no or little people. You just do not like when someone violates your personal space. You do not love, when to you get too close or too fast, so in every way try to avoid conflict situations. The boards do not need you, too, and prefer to live at their own discretion.
The reason for fear: em>
The magazine Psychology Today describes the fear of crowded places genetic fear: Our ancestors have always tried to maintain a space to escape if things get out of control.
Tip: em>
Try to cope with this fear. To begin start to trust one person. Be closer to him and try not to think of ways to retreat when you are with him.
If you like our mini-test - Invite your friends to pass it! Perhaps they will learn a lot of interesting and new information!
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