What people are afraid. Top 10 Phobias
About whatever area of human activity or natural phenomenon has not gone speech is almost always a suitable case to a medical term that describes the fear, even in the most unlikely scenarios. According to various sources, about 9% of the world's population over 18 years old suffer from phobias, some of which are difficult to call and disease - so characteristic of perception of the world - while others cause considerable
1. Dentofobiya, odontofobiya
Few will be jumping for joy after learning about the need to visit the dentist. Thus, according to the assessment of the organization WebMD, from 9% to 20% of Americans admitted that they avoided under different pretexts visit to the dentist because of the accompanying thoughts about this feeling of fear. However, a stable phobia - a more serious condition. Man is not cross the threshold of doctor's office, regardless of the consequences, and lead to a specialist may be only one - the unbearable pain. Among the causes of the disorder are called unsuccessful last operation on the teeth, fear of injections, the feeling of helplessness when driven outsider tools like drill bits are in the mouth.
2. cynophobia
From funny little puppy to the German Shepherd - any member of the animal-human friends can cause sufferers of panic attack cynophobia. Basically, the fear appears after dog bite or seeing how a quadruped being bitten someone. In some cases, fear follows simply from the finding that the dog could theoretically bite.
3. aerophobia
There is no concept of a "safe heaven" for millions of people on Earth. Relevant fears range from small to very strong concern, called aerophobia when a person does not admit the slightest thought of flying in the air vehicle. People with this disorder are divided into two groups: those who fear the crash, suffering and fear of confined spaces (claustrophobia) or heights (acrophobia). About 15% of the adult population can not bring himself to take the place in the liner. According to statistics dating back to 2001 likely to die during the flight is 1 in 20,000 - much lower than from traffic accidents (1 in 100) or heart attack (1 to 5). However, these statistics alone do not convince a man so used therapy using virtual reality and other forms of cognitive-behavioral correction.
4. keraunophobia
The roar of thunder and flashes of lightning can cause heart palpitations and nervous behavior in people suffering from keraunophobia. It happens that people are forced to move due to a phobia for permanent residence in the regions with the best possible calm weather. As noted by Professor John Westfield from the University of Iowa (University of Iowa), living with this disorder is much more than one would assume. In 2006, 76% of students in them to varying degrees experienced discomfort during the hectic weather. Some were so embarrassed by this fact that no one spoke, and sometimes even spouses were not aware. Westfield recommends "a combination of social support and accurate information, as well as relaxation training and coping with panic».
5. Niktofobiya
In the case of children, they experience a reasonable fear of the dark is not considered a violation, since it is much common. "What always amazes us, so this is what they believe the children - says psychology professor Thomas Ollendik (Thomas Ollendick). - They believe in all conceivable and inconceivable, which may emerge from the darkness. " Typically, such fears grow, but if they reach a high level, turning in niktofobiyu, they can remain without treatment with the man and after puberty.
6. acrophobia
Fear of heights - is also one of the most common phobias: According to various estimates ranging from 3% to 5% of the population suffers from acrophobia. Previously, it was customary to assume that the reason for its occurrence lies in the irrational fear of the usual stimuli from the environment, but new studies show the different mechanism. In the published edition of the Proceedings of the Royal Society paper describes an experiment in which participants were required to estimate the height of the building from the ground and its roof. Compared with having no symptoms of acrophobia group of people suffering from the disorder in the first case was called about 3 meters higher altitude, in the second - 12 meters.
7. Social phobia
If a speech before an audience causes redness of the skin and sweating, then we can talk about the symptoms of social phobia. Moreover, it is not limited to situations with the public attention to the person. Discomfort even bring such actions as the process of eating or drinking in front of anyone's casual look. Usually seen this kind of fear since 13 years. This type of disorder can be attributed demofobiyu - no reasoned fear of crowds of people, the crowd.
8. Agoraphobia
Millions of people are afraid of any place or situation, if possible from the related events will not be able to escape quickly. This includes elevators, sporting events, public transport, participation in traffic, shops and airplanes. Agoraphobia can cause a person to refuse to leave the house to travel by car or go to a public space (squares, parks). The reason is considered to be a fear disgrace before others, helplessness, lack of control over the situation. Disease begins not in early childhood, as many phobias, and with 20 years.
9. Arachnophobia
Fear of spiders is deservedly among the top ten phobias. It is interesting to note that some studies among women arachnophobia occurs 4 times more often. Rekison David (David Rakison) of Carnegie Mellon University (Carnegie Mellon University) found that the fairer sex at the age of 11 months to quickly memorize the association between images of spiders and snakes, indicating fear expression. At the same time boys such effect is observed. From the point of view of evolution, says Rekison, it makes sense, because in ancient times, women often had to deal with poisonous spiders in the search for food. On the other hand, men had to take risks during the hunt, so the spiders to view them not as awesome.
10. Ofidiofobiya
Fear of snakes may also be due to evolution. Spotting a snake or a spider the same time and take action to protect or run away means to increase the chances of survival. According to one study, in which children and adults viewed pictures with a variety of objects, including the class of reptiles, the last to recognize more quickly than, for example frogs or flowers. Scientists believe that it is possible to ancestors survive in the wild.
1. Dentofobiya, odontofobiya
Few will be jumping for joy after learning about the need to visit the dentist. Thus, according to the assessment of the organization WebMD, from 9% to 20% of Americans admitted that they avoided under different pretexts visit to the dentist because of the accompanying thoughts about this feeling of fear. However, a stable phobia - a more serious condition. Man is not cross the threshold of doctor's office, regardless of the consequences, and lead to a specialist may be only one - the unbearable pain. Among the causes of the disorder are called unsuccessful last operation on the teeth, fear of injections, the feeling of helplessness when driven outsider tools like drill bits are in the mouth.

2. cynophobia
From funny little puppy to the German Shepherd - any member of the animal-human friends can cause sufferers of panic attack cynophobia. Basically, the fear appears after dog bite or seeing how a quadruped being bitten someone. In some cases, fear follows simply from the finding that the dog could theoretically bite.

3. aerophobia
There is no concept of a "safe heaven" for millions of people on Earth. Relevant fears range from small to very strong concern, called aerophobia when a person does not admit the slightest thought of flying in the air vehicle. People with this disorder are divided into two groups: those who fear the crash, suffering and fear of confined spaces (claustrophobia) or heights (acrophobia). About 15% of the adult population can not bring himself to take the place in the liner. According to statistics dating back to 2001 likely to die during the flight is 1 in 20,000 - much lower than from traffic accidents (1 in 100) or heart attack (1 to 5). However, these statistics alone do not convince a man so used therapy using virtual reality and other forms of cognitive-behavioral correction.

4. keraunophobia
The roar of thunder and flashes of lightning can cause heart palpitations and nervous behavior in people suffering from keraunophobia. It happens that people are forced to move due to a phobia for permanent residence in the regions with the best possible calm weather. As noted by Professor John Westfield from the University of Iowa (University of Iowa), living with this disorder is much more than one would assume. In 2006, 76% of students in them to varying degrees experienced discomfort during the hectic weather. Some were so embarrassed by this fact that no one spoke, and sometimes even spouses were not aware. Westfield recommends "a combination of social support and accurate information, as well as relaxation training and coping with panic».

5. Niktofobiya
In the case of children, they experience a reasonable fear of the dark is not considered a violation, since it is much common. "What always amazes us, so this is what they believe the children - says psychology professor Thomas Ollendik (Thomas Ollendick). - They believe in all conceivable and inconceivable, which may emerge from the darkness. " Typically, such fears grow, but if they reach a high level, turning in niktofobiyu, they can remain without treatment with the man and after puberty.

6. acrophobia
Fear of heights - is also one of the most common phobias: According to various estimates ranging from 3% to 5% of the population suffers from acrophobia. Previously, it was customary to assume that the reason for its occurrence lies in the irrational fear of the usual stimuli from the environment, but new studies show the different mechanism. In the published edition of the Proceedings of the Royal Society paper describes an experiment in which participants were required to estimate the height of the building from the ground and its roof. Compared with having no symptoms of acrophobia group of people suffering from the disorder in the first case was called about 3 meters higher altitude, in the second - 12 meters.

7. Social phobia
If a speech before an audience causes redness of the skin and sweating, then we can talk about the symptoms of social phobia. Moreover, it is not limited to situations with the public attention to the person. Discomfort even bring such actions as the process of eating or drinking in front of anyone's casual look. Usually seen this kind of fear since 13 years. This type of disorder can be attributed demofobiyu - no reasoned fear of crowds of people, the crowd.

8. Agoraphobia
Millions of people are afraid of any place or situation, if possible from the related events will not be able to escape quickly. This includes elevators, sporting events, public transport, participation in traffic, shops and airplanes. Agoraphobia can cause a person to refuse to leave the house to travel by car or go to a public space (squares, parks). The reason is considered to be a fear disgrace before others, helplessness, lack of control over the situation. Disease begins not in early childhood, as many phobias, and with 20 years.

9. Arachnophobia
Fear of spiders is deservedly among the top ten phobias. It is interesting to note that some studies among women arachnophobia occurs 4 times more often. Rekison David (David Rakison) of Carnegie Mellon University (Carnegie Mellon University) found that the fairer sex at the age of 11 months to quickly memorize the association between images of spiders and snakes, indicating fear expression. At the same time boys such effect is observed. From the point of view of evolution, says Rekison, it makes sense, because in ancient times, women often had to deal with poisonous spiders in the search for food. On the other hand, men had to take risks during the hunt, so the spiders to view them not as awesome.

10. Ofidiofobiya
Fear of snakes may also be due to evolution. Spotting a snake or a spider the same time and take action to protect or run away means to increase the chances of survival. According to one study, in which children and adults viewed pictures with a variety of objects, including the class of reptiles, the last to recognize more quickly than, for example frogs or flowers. Scientists believe that it is possible to ancestors survive in the wild.
