Drinks that will help get rid of the gas in the intestines

What gives a person discomfort excessive quantity of gas in the gut! It's a sharp pain until a cold sweat, intestinal cramps, rumbling, which is so loud that it becomes a shame.
And all this rather offensive if the gas a lot, the diaphragm can be raised, prim heart, change his job to break the circulation. The blood in the pulmonary circulation is stagnant, so do not let any weakness intestines or constipation, and treat them. If to this is added the suffering of another, and flatulence, that such a state of intestinal sores will be more difficult to treat.
- When flatulence when the bowel pressing on the diaphragm and appears palpitations, gastroenterologists recommend love mint tea and drink it continuously throughout the day until not get better
. - If concerned about colic, a pinch of chamomile pour 3 cups boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain and drink ½ cup during the day as long as disappear discomfort in the gut
. - Absolutely no appetite? The intestines bursting with gas? Good help ginger. Take ginger powder on the tip of a teaspoon 2-4 times a day 15 minutes after meal with ½ cup water.
- Everyone knows the properties of dill water, which is given to infants to drink, that they are not bothered by pain in the intestines and well retreated gases. For an adult, you can cook fennel tea: 1 tbsp finely chopped greens pour ½ cup of boiling water and drink throughout the day after a meal.