The most useful and healthy food

In 1958, Academician Ugolev revealed previously unknown membrane digestion - a universal mechanism of splitting of nutrients to the cells that are suitable for absorption
. After the works of IP Pavlova (Nobel Prize 1904) and works II Mechnikov (Nobel Prize 1908) discovery AM Ugolev considered the most important contribution to the study of digestive problems. Alexander Ugolev first developed the theory of the species, or adequate nutrition, as well as fundamentally studied the physiology of digestion, that his participation was transformed into a new science - gastroenterology
. Based on the physiological characteristics of the digestive system of the human body, AM Ugolev found that a person is neither a herbivore or a carnivore: it - frugivorous, ie the types of food for man are fruits: berries, fruits, vegetables, seeds, roots, herbs, nuts and cereals
. The theory of adequate nutrition was a new step in the theory of power, significantly adding to the classical theory of 'balanced' power taking into account ecological and evolutionary features of the functioning of the digestive system.
According to this discovery, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and total calorie intake is not the main indicators of its value.
The present value of the food seems to its ability to self-digestion (autolysis) in the human stomach and still be food for the microbes that inhabit the intestine and supply our body the necessary substances.
The essence of the open academician Ugolev autolysis is that the process of digestion by 50% is determined by enzymes contained in the product. Gastric juice as a "turns on" the mechanism of self-digestion of food.
The scientist compared the digestion of various tissues of the body, retained their natural characteristics, and tissue subjected to heat treatment. In the first case, the tissue is completely cleaved in the second case, their structure is partially preserved, making it difficult for food digestibility and created the conditions for the slagging of the organism. Moreover, the principle of "raw food diet" was equally applicable not only to man but also to the predators of the digestive system: when the predator was placed gastric juice and boiled frogs crude, crude dissolved completely, and cooked just slightly deformed surface, because enzymes necessary for its autolysis, were dead.
Not only gastric enzymes, but also the entire intestinal microflora is designed strictly for the assimilation of a certain type of food, and to play down the importance of the microflora is simply unacceptable.
Here are just some of its functions: stimulation of immunity, suppression of alien bacteria; improved iron absorption, calcium and vitamin D; improved motility and synthesis of vitamins, including cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12); activation of the thyroid gland, to ensure 100% of the body with biotin, thiamine and folic acid.
A healthy microflora metabolizes nitrogen directly from the air, so that synthesizes the whole spectrum of essential amino acids and a variety of proteins.
In addition, it contributes to the formation of leukocytes and amplified renewal of intestinal mucosa cells; synthesizes and converts cholesterol components (stercobilin, koprosterin, deoxycholic and lithocholic acid), depending on the needs of the body; enhances intestinal absorption of water.
All of this suggests that we should be more attentive to the needs of the microflora. its weight is 2, 5-3 kg. Ugolev Academician proposed to consider the microflora of a separate body of man and emphasized that food should fully meet the needs of the intestinal microflora. So what is the food for human microflora?
Food for our microflora - crude vegetable fibers. Excellent health and well-being raw foodists, apparently, this explains: their food contains the maximum amount of fiber than any other food
. Those who go to food products not subjected to the high-temperature heat treatment, immediately begin to sleep less than a half to two hours, and in the afternoon they are not sleepy. They have increased efficiency, improved mood and appears stable, inexhaustible enthusiasm.
In the Gospel of the Essenes mentioned that healing people, Jesus encouraged them to continue to eat only the food that is not touched by the fire, and even taught them the oven cakes on the stones, red hot midday sun.
Ayurveda recommends practicing a raw food diet in the cold season, but to maintain the intestinal flora in a healthy condition, the human diet in any case by 50-70% consist of coarse crude fiber: fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, herbs, roots
Delivering our microflora crude vegetable fiber and is a means to "take care" of her. Then microflora, in turn, protect us from pathogens and will provide us with all the vitamins and essential amino acids in the required amount for us.
Now we need to consider the process of digestion of meat products by the human body. Since the human gastric juice has ten times less acidic than that of carnivores, the meat in our stomach to digest 8 hours; patients this requires more time.
Vegetables digested four hours fruit - for two hours, and in a state of strong acidity carbohydrates such as bread and potatoes, digested for one hour. When eating meat, along with other products of the body adjusted to the most complex program and allocates the maximum acidity gastric juice to digest meat - to the detriment of other, simpler programs
. Upotreblёnnye potatoes with meat and bread already digested for an hour, and the fermentation process begins and gas formation in the stomach. Form a gas under pressure to the gatekeeper and call it premature opening, resulting in a thin (duodenum), colon, together with fermented bread and meat nedoperevarennym gets highly acidic gastric juice, thereby neutralizing its slightly alkaline balance, causing burns and destroying intestinal microflora.
In addition to the pylorus, duodenum and pancreas open duct gall bladder, which can only function properly in a slightly alkaline environment of the duodenum.
If, however, "thanks" to escape from the norms of specific power and gross violations of basic norms of food hygiene in the duodenum, this situation is maintained periodically or continuously, all valve dysfunction and bowel ducts becomes chronic, disrupting the work of the organs of internal secretion.
The result of this is extremely inefficient and unmanageable work of the gastrointestinal tract is rotting and the decomposition products from the inside of the body, with the release of unpleasant body odor.
At the same time, we know that we lived not so long ago the famous Queen Cleopatra, who had not eaten even fish skin fragrant smell of roses and the breath was always fresh.
Another feature of the species is the power-to-use products that have retained their biological and enzymatic properties, in an effort to preserve the energy contained in them inherent in all living things.
At the end of the XIX century, German doctors have suggested to determine the necessary amount of food a person on its caloric content. So the basics caloric theory were laid.
At the same time the tissue of living organisms contain another form of energy, which Academician Vernadsky called biological. In this regard, the Swiss doctor Biher-Benner proposed to consider the value of foods not on the calorific value of combustion, and for their ability to accumulate the vital energy, called prana in the East, that is, their energy consumption. So he divided the food into three groups.
1. The first, most valuable, he carried the products that are used in its natural form. This fruit, berries and fruit bushes, roots, salads, nuts, sweet almonds, seeds of cereals, chestnuts.
2. The second group is characterized by a moderate weakening of the energy, he included vegetables, tubers of plants (potatoes, etc.), Cooked cereal grains, bread and flour products, cooked fruit trees and shrubs.
3. The third group includes products with a strong attenuation of energy caused by necrosis, heat or both at the same time: mushrooms, as unable to independently collect solar energy and existing at the expense of the final energy of other organisms, long aging cheese, raw, boiled or roasted meat, fish, poultry, smoked and salted meat products.
If the power is not the species (ie if the gastric enzymes do not correspond to structures coming into the body of food and if it relates to the products of the third category), the amount of energy it takes to digest, it may be greater than the body gets from the product itself (especially refers to mushrooms).
In this connection it is useful to exclude from your diet is not only non-vegetarian, but also artificially concentrated foods, as well as sugar, canned food, shopping flour and products from it (useful for the organism only live, freshly ground flour).
It should also be borne in mind that long-term storage products gradually lose they contain biological energy.
Until recently, in Russia food prepared mainly by longing: in of melted morning Russian stove placed Kazanka with the situation in their products, and for dinner porridge and steamed so that vegetables have taken the necessary consistency, retaining the nutrients and necessary for their digestion enzymes .
Ugolev Akademik found that the gastrointestinal tract is the largest endocrine organ duplicate many of the functions of the pituitary and hypothalamic hormones and synthesizing depending on food contact with the intestinal wall. The result is that the body's hormonal balance and, consequently, the state of our psyche and our mood is largely dependent on the quality of the food that we eat with you.