St. John's wort treats more than 80 disease - traditional medicine
St. John's wort is one of the world's most famous medicinal plants. It has sedative, antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator and healing properties. But the most popular therapeutic properties of this plant is its ability to treat depression. A huge number of St. John's wort are used annually for making medicines that treat the most common diseases worldwide: depression, heart disease, insomnia, hypertension, obesity, and a tendency to corpulence.
Herbalists (specialists in medicinal plants) in Europe, USA, China and Japan believe that while internal and external use St. John's wort treats more than 80 diseases, from diseases of the liver and stomach to diseases of the respiratory system. St. John's wort – a real natural pharmacy, in which there are more than fifteen active compounds such as valeric acid, saponins, choline, rutin, essential oil, galactose. These substances give the plant many medicinal properties.
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) growing spontaneously in the temperate zones, from the foothills areas to the plains. It is a perennial plant (roots overwinter in the ground, and in the spring, they originate new plants) up to one meter, but more often than not higher than 40-50 cm. Its yellow flowers and reddish-coloured spiky leaves make it easy to distinguish St. John's wort from other plants. Its flowers have a strong healing properties due to several they contained substances that give the water infusion and alcohol tincture characteristic reddish color.
Treats depression and sleep disorders
Infusions and tinctures of St. John's wort is effective in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system with sedative and antidepressant properties of hyperforin, a substance contained in this plant. Water extracts of St. John's wort (two cups a day to drink within two to three months) are very good for people suffering from depression. The effect is visible after the first three weeks of treatment.
Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort treats fatigue, insomnia, restless sleep and sleepwalking. Take 15 drops per day, added to tea or water, three times a day. Treatment lasts a minimum of 21 days and shall also four types of depression: reactive depression caused by unpleasant events, biological depression (inherited depression), mental depression, caused by loss of contact with the surrounding, and the winter depression that occurs in winter, when the reduced duration and intensity of the natural light.
Prevents the body weight gain associated with emotional experiences
Tablespoon of Hypericum
Struggle with the emotional component of weight gain body is with the aim of losing the extra kilos accumulated due to unpleasant events or stresses associated with the problems of promotion. In this case, we recommend taking the combined infusion of St. John's wort. Four tablespoons of Hypericum insist in a liter of water for eight hours, filtered and the filtrate set aside. Remaining on the filter parts of the plant are boiled in half a liter of water for five minutes and after cooling, squeeze. The resulting broth is mixed with the first infusion and this mixture is used as a therapeutic agent is to drink a glass 30 minutes before main meal. Treatment lasts for four weeks, then a month long break and continuation of treatment.
St. John's wort – an ally of the digestive system
Thanks to antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of water extract and alcohol tincture of St. John's wort these funds are used for liver diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, ascites, degeneration of liver cells, biliary dyskinesia). Take ten drops of the tincture three times a day for 21 days. Treatment tincture should also be accompanied by daily drink tea made of St. John's wort, a bath infusion to the legs in the evening and shared a bath with the infusion once a week.
St. John's wort is also struggling with gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, spasms of the stomach, worms and lack of appetite. In such cases it is recommended to drink tea from St. John's wort three times a day.
Treats cardiovascular diseases
St. John's wort has been very effective in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, cardiovascular disease), arthritis, varicose veins and varicose ulcers. Drink half a Cup of tea St. John's wort three times a day for one month.
The most important contraindication to the use of drugs St. John's wort refers to patients taking a synthetic drug depression, insomnia, anxiety, epilepsy and HIV infection. If you take St. John's wort, can appear abdominal pain and skin rash. At the beginning of treatment with infusion or tincture of Hypericum these patients can only use one-tenth the normal dose, gradually increasing acceptance in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.
In addition, there are other side effects, such as excessive sensitivity to sunlight, so people taking St. John's wort should avoid direct sunlight, otherwise there may be redness, itching, swelling of the skin, swelling of the lips and eyelids.
The recipe for the syrup St. John's wort, toning the nervous system and as a means of regulating the secretion of bile 250 ml of concentrated infusion (obtained from two tablespoons of flower, filled with 250 ml of boiling water, infuse for ten minutes) mix with sugar syrup (prepared from 400 g of sugar and 250 ml water). Syrup St. John's wort is used during the week (take a tablespoon of the syrup four times a day).
Preparation of St. John's wort
Tablespoons dried St. John's wort, you need to pour half a glass of vodka, followed by hermetically clogging capacity.
For 1 weeks tincture needs to infuse in a dark, dry place.
After 7 days, strain and dilute the contents cool, but always boiled water.
The secret of such a tincture of St. John's wort is that vegetable oils have antiseptic and drying effect at the same time. It is this exposure and requires skin problems.
Aqueous extract of Hypericum
Water extract of St. John's wort is a proven and very effective tool in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.It also has diuretic, analgesic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity.
There are 2 methods solution preparation:
1.2 tablespoon of herb brewed in two cups of boiling water, infused for two hours! Принимать1/3 cups a day before meals.
2.Fresh herbs chopped, add olive oil (consistency of porridge)and sterilized for 6 hours.Strain, store in a cool place, preferably the fridge! Take 2 tbsp 30 minutes before a meal.The juice from fresh herb St. John's wort provides the greatest concentration of nutrients in it and flavonoids-that are much more effective in the treatment of diseases of the stomach! Good Health To You!
Herbalists (specialists in medicinal plants) in Europe, USA, China and Japan believe that while internal and external use St. John's wort treats more than 80 diseases, from diseases of the liver and stomach to diseases of the respiratory system. St. John's wort – a real natural pharmacy, in which there are more than fifteen active compounds such as valeric acid, saponins, choline, rutin, essential oil, galactose. These substances give the plant many medicinal properties.
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) growing spontaneously in the temperate zones, from the foothills areas to the plains. It is a perennial plant (roots overwinter in the ground, and in the spring, they originate new plants) up to one meter, but more often than not higher than 40-50 cm. Its yellow flowers and reddish-coloured spiky leaves make it easy to distinguish St. John's wort from other plants. Its flowers have a strong healing properties due to several they contained substances that give the water infusion and alcohol tincture characteristic reddish color.
Treats depression and sleep disorders
Infusions and tinctures of St. John's wort is effective in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system with sedative and antidepressant properties of hyperforin, a substance contained in this plant. Water extracts of St. John's wort (two cups a day to drink within two to three months) are very good for people suffering from depression. The effect is visible after the first three weeks of treatment.
Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort treats fatigue, insomnia, restless sleep and sleepwalking. Take 15 drops per day, added to tea or water, three times a day. Treatment lasts a minimum of 21 days and shall also four types of depression: reactive depression caused by unpleasant events, biological depression (inherited depression), mental depression, caused by loss of contact with the surrounding, and the winter depression that occurs in winter, when the reduced duration and intensity of the natural light.
Prevents the body weight gain associated with emotional experiences
Tablespoon of Hypericum
Struggle with the emotional component of weight gain body is with the aim of losing the extra kilos accumulated due to unpleasant events or stresses associated with the problems of promotion. In this case, we recommend taking the combined infusion of St. John's wort. Four tablespoons of Hypericum insist in a liter of water for eight hours, filtered and the filtrate set aside. Remaining on the filter parts of the plant are boiled in half a liter of water for five minutes and after cooling, squeeze. The resulting broth is mixed with the first infusion and this mixture is used as a therapeutic agent is to drink a glass 30 minutes before main meal. Treatment lasts for four weeks, then a month long break and continuation of treatment.
St. John's wort – an ally of the digestive system
Thanks to antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of water extract and alcohol tincture of St. John's wort these funds are used for liver diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, ascites, degeneration of liver cells, biliary dyskinesia). Take ten drops of the tincture three times a day for 21 days. Treatment tincture should also be accompanied by daily drink tea made of St. John's wort, a bath infusion to the legs in the evening and shared a bath with the infusion once a week.
St. John's wort is also struggling with gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, spasms of the stomach, worms and lack of appetite. In such cases it is recommended to drink tea from St. John's wort three times a day.
Treats cardiovascular diseases
St. John's wort has been very effective in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, cardiovascular disease), arthritis, varicose veins and varicose ulcers. Drink half a Cup of tea St. John's wort three times a day for one month.
The most important contraindication to the use of drugs St. John's wort refers to patients taking a synthetic drug depression, insomnia, anxiety, epilepsy and HIV infection. If you take St. John's wort, can appear abdominal pain and skin rash. At the beginning of treatment with infusion or tincture of Hypericum these patients can only use one-tenth the normal dose, gradually increasing acceptance in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.
In addition, there are other side effects, such as excessive sensitivity to sunlight, so people taking St. John's wort should avoid direct sunlight, otherwise there may be redness, itching, swelling of the skin, swelling of the lips and eyelids.
The recipe for the syrup St. John's wort, toning the nervous system and as a means of regulating the secretion of bile 250 ml of concentrated infusion (obtained from two tablespoons of flower, filled with 250 ml of boiling water, infuse for ten minutes) mix with sugar syrup (prepared from 400 g of sugar and 250 ml water). Syrup St. John's wort is used during the week (take a tablespoon of the syrup four times a day).
Preparation of St. John's wort
Tablespoons dried St. John's wort, you need to pour half a glass of vodka, followed by hermetically clogging capacity.
For 1 weeks tincture needs to infuse in a dark, dry place.
After 7 days, strain and dilute the contents cool, but always boiled water.
The secret of such a tincture of St. John's wort is that vegetable oils have antiseptic and drying effect at the same time. It is this exposure and requires skin problems.
Aqueous extract of Hypericum
Water extract of St. John's wort is a proven and very effective tool in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.It also has diuretic, analgesic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity.
There are 2 methods solution preparation:
1.2 tablespoon of herb brewed in two cups of boiling water, infused for two hours! Принимать1/3 cups a day before meals.
2.Fresh herbs chopped, add olive oil (consistency of porridge)and sterilized for 6 hours.Strain, store in a cool place, preferably the fridge! Take 2 tbsp 30 minutes before a meal.The juice from fresh herb St. John's wort provides the greatest concentration of nutrients in it and flavonoids-that are much more effective in the treatment of diseases of the stomach! Good Health To You!
Source: www.7dach.ru
Herbalists (specialists in medicinal plants) in Europe, USA, China and Japan believe that while internal and external use St. John's wort treats more than 80 diseases, from diseases of the liver and stomach to diseases of the respiratory system. St. John's wort – a real natural pharmacy, in which there are more than fifteen active compounds such as valeric acid, saponins, choline, rutin, essential oil, galactose. These substances give the plant many medicinal properties.
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) growing spontaneously in the temperate zones, from the foothills areas to the plains. It is a perennial plant (roots overwinter in the ground, and in the spring, they originate new plants) up to one meter, but more often than not higher than 40-50 cm. Its yellow flowers and reddish-coloured spiky leaves make it easy to distinguish St. John's wort from other plants. Its flowers have a strong healing properties due to several they contained substances that give the water infusion and alcohol tincture characteristic reddish color.
Treats depression and sleep disorders
Infusions and tinctures of St. John's wort is effective in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system with sedative and antidepressant properties of hyperforin, a substance contained in this plant. Water extracts of St. John's wort (two cups a day to drink within two to three months) are very good for people suffering from depression. The effect is visible after the first three weeks of treatment.
Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort treats fatigue, insomnia, restless sleep and sleepwalking. Take 15 drops per day, added to tea or water, three times a day. Treatment lasts a minimum of 21 days and shall also four types of depression: reactive depression caused by unpleasant events, biological depression (inherited depression), mental depression, caused by loss of contact with the surrounding, and the winter depression that occurs in winter, when the reduced duration and intensity of the natural light.
Prevents the body weight gain associated with emotional experiences
Tablespoon of Hypericum
Struggle with the emotional component of weight gain body is with the aim of losing the extra kilos accumulated due to unpleasant events or stresses associated with the problems of promotion. In this case, we recommend taking the combined infusion of St. John's wort. Four tablespoons of Hypericum insist in a liter of water for eight hours, filtered and the filtrate set aside. Remaining on the filter parts of the plant are boiled in half a liter of water for five minutes and after cooling, squeeze. The resulting broth is mixed with the first infusion and this mixture is used as a therapeutic agent is to drink a glass 30 minutes before main meal. Treatment lasts for four weeks, then a month long break and continuation of treatment.
St. John's wort – an ally of the digestive system
Thanks to antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of water extract and alcohol tincture of St. John's wort these funds are used for liver diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, ascites, degeneration of liver cells, biliary dyskinesia). Take ten drops of the tincture three times a day for 21 days. Treatment tincture should also be accompanied by daily drink tea made of St. John's wort, a bath infusion to the legs in the evening and shared a bath with the infusion once a week.

St. John's wort is also struggling with gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, spasms of the stomach, worms and lack of appetite. In such cases it is recommended to drink tea from St. John's wort three times a day.
Treats cardiovascular diseases
St. John's wort has been very effective in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, cardiovascular disease), arthritis, varicose veins and varicose ulcers. Drink half a Cup of tea St. John's wort three times a day for one month.
The most important contraindication to the use of drugs St. John's wort refers to patients taking a synthetic drug depression, insomnia, anxiety, epilepsy and HIV infection. If you take St. John's wort, can appear abdominal pain and skin rash. At the beginning of treatment with infusion or tincture of Hypericum these patients can only use one-tenth the normal dose, gradually increasing acceptance in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.
In addition, there are other side effects, such as excessive sensitivity to sunlight, so people taking St. John's wort should avoid direct sunlight, otherwise there may be redness, itching, swelling of the skin, swelling of the lips and eyelids.
The recipe for the syrup St. John's wort, toning the nervous system and as a means of regulating the secretion of bile 250 ml of concentrated infusion (obtained from two tablespoons of flower, filled with 250 ml of boiling water, infuse for ten minutes) mix with sugar syrup (prepared from 400 g of sugar and 250 ml water). Syrup St. John's wort is used during the week (take a tablespoon of the syrup four times a day).
Preparation of St. John's wort
Tablespoons dried St. John's wort, you need to pour half a glass of vodka, followed by hermetically clogging capacity.
For 1 weeks tincture needs to infuse in a dark, dry place.
After 7 days, strain and dilute the contents cool, but always boiled water.
The secret of such a tincture of St. John's wort is that vegetable oils have antiseptic and drying effect at the same time. It is this exposure and requires skin problems.
Aqueous extract of Hypericum
Water extract of St. John's wort is a proven and very effective tool in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.It also has diuretic, analgesic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity.
There are 2 methods solution preparation:
1.2 tablespoon of herb brewed in two cups of boiling water, infused for two hours! Принимать1/3 cups a day before meals.
2.Fresh herbs chopped, add olive oil (consistency of porridge)and sterilized for 6 hours.Strain, store in a cool place, preferably the fridge! Take 2 tbsp 30 minutes before a meal.The juice from fresh herb St. John's wort provides the greatest concentration of nutrients in it and flavonoids-that are much more effective in the treatment of diseases of the stomach! Good Health To You!

Herbalists (specialists in medicinal plants) in Europe, USA, China and Japan believe that while internal and external use St. John's wort treats more than 80 diseases, from diseases of the liver and stomach to diseases of the respiratory system. St. John's wort – a real natural pharmacy, in which there are more than fifteen active compounds such as valeric acid, saponins, choline, rutin, essential oil, galactose. These substances give the plant many medicinal properties.
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) growing spontaneously in the temperate zones, from the foothills areas to the plains. It is a perennial plant (roots overwinter in the ground, and in the spring, they originate new plants) up to one meter, but more often than not higher than 40-50 cm. Its yellow flowers and reddish-coloured spiky leaves make it easy to distinguish St. John's wort from other plants. Its flowers have a strong healing properties due to several they contained substances that give the water infusion and alcohol tincture characteristic reddish color.
Treats depression and sleep disorders
Infusions and tinctures of St. John's wort is effective in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system with sedative and antidepressant properties of hyperforin, a substance contained in this plant. Water extracts of St. John's wort (two cups a day to drink within two to three months) are very good for people suffering from depression. The effect is visible after the first three weeks of treatment.
Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort treats fatigue, insomnia, restless sleep and sleepwalking. Take 15 drops per day, added to tea or water, three times a day. Treatment lasts a minimum of 21 days and shall also four types of depression: reactive depression caused by unpleasant events, biological depression (inherited depression), mental depression, caused by loss of contact with the surrounding, and the winter depression that occurs in winter, when the reduced duration and intensity of the natural light.
Prevents the body weight gain associated with emotional experiences
Tablespoon of Hypericum
Struggle with the emotional component of weight gain body is with the aim of losing the extra kilos accumulated due to unpleasant events or stresses associated with the problems of promotion. In this case, we recommend taking the combined infusion of St. John's wort. Four tablespoons of Hypericum insist in a liter of water for eight hours, filtered and the filtrate set aside. Remaining on the filter parts of the plant are boiled in half a liter of water for five minutes and after cooling, squeeze. The resulting broth is mixed with the first infusion and this mixture is used as a therapeutic agent is to drink a glass 30 minutes before main meal. Treatment lasts for four weeks, then a month long break and continuation of treatment.
St. John's wort – an ally of the digestive system
Thanks to antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of water extract and alcohol tincture of St. John's wort these funds are used for liver diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, ascites, degeneration of liver cells, biliary dyskinesia). Take ten drops of the tincture three times a day for 21 days. Treatment tincture should also be accompanied by daily drink tea made of St. John's wort, a bath infusion to the legs in the evening and shared a bath with the infusion once a week.
St. John's wort is also struggling with gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, spasms of the stomach, worms and lack of appetite. In such cases it is recommended to drink tea from St. John's wort three times a day.
Treats cardiovascular diseases
St. John's wort has been very effective in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, cardiovascular disease), arthritis, varicose veins and varicose ulcers. Drink half a Cup of tea St. John's wort three times a day for one month.
The most important contraindication to the use of drugs St. John's wort refers to patients taking a synthetic drug depression, insomnia, anxiety, epilepsy and HIV infection. If you take St. John's wort, can appear abdominal pain and skin rash. At the beginning of treatment with infusion or tincture of Hypericum these patients can only use one-tenth the normal dose, gradually increasing acceptance in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.
In addition, there are other side effects, such as excessive sensitivity to sunlight, so people taking St. John's wort should avoid direct sunlight, otherwise there may be redness, itching, swelling of the skin, swelling of the lips and eyelids.
The recipe for the syrup St. John's wort, toning the nervous system and as a means of regulating the secretion of bile 250 ml of concentrated infusion (obtained from two tablespoons of flower, filled with 250 ml of boiling water, infuse for ten minutes) mix with sugar syrup (prepared from 400 g of sugar and 250 ml water). Syrup St. John's wort is used during the week (take a tablespoon of the syrup four times a day).
Preparation of St. John's wort
Tablespoons dried St. John's wort, you need to pour half a glass of vodka, followed by hermetically clogging capacity.
For 1 weeks tincture needs to infuse in a dark, dry place.
After 7 days, strain and dilute the contents cool, but always boiled water.
The secret of such a tincture of St. John's wort is that vegetable oils have antiseptic and drying effect at the same time. It is this exposure and requires skin problems.
Aqueous extract of Hypericum
Water extract of St. John's wort is a proven and very effective tool in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.It also has diuretic, analgesic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity.
There are 2 methods solution preparation:
1.2 tablespoon of herb brewed in two cups of boiling water, infused for two hours! Принимать1/3 cups a day before meals.
2.Fresh herbs chopped, add olive oil (consistency of porridge)and sterilized for 6 hours.Strain, store in a cool place, preferably the fridge! Take 2 tbsp 30 minutes before a meal.The juice from fresh herb St. John's wort provides the greatest concentration of nutrients in it and flavonoids-that are much more effective in the treatment of diseases of the stomach! Good Health To You!
Source: www.7dach.ru
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