Useful properties of St. John's wort for the body
Many of us, especially in the autumn, have unexplained anxiety and apathy. It is believed that this is a completely natural state, but there is a physiological explanation for this state of health.
With the onset of inclement pore in our body becomes less “hormone of happiness” serotonin, the synthesis of which requires sunlight. Lack of serotonin causes a person in a bad mood, loss of strength, distraction, depression.
To increase the level of serotonin in the body and protect us from autumn depression will help one of the most popular herbs in folk medicine - hole-wort (Hypericum perforatum).
It is called so because of the presence of glands in the leaves - small points visible to the lumen. It is in the glands that the balsamic secretion, the source of aroma and the medicinal principle of the plant are contained.
Apply St. John's wort for neuralgia began even Hippocrates and Paracelsus. It was first used as an antidepressant in 1652 by Nichols Kulpeper, an herbalist and astrologer.
The biologically active ingredient of St. John's wort - hypericin - suppresses the absorption of serotonin. This allows you to increase its concentration in the blood and relieves us of bad mood and sad thoughts.
Normalization of serotonin levels has another not entirely obvious consequence: it helps to lose weight. When serotonin levels drop, we feel bouts of acute hunger, and when it is normal, we feel full, even if the last time we ate parsley six hours ago.
Studies have shown a good therapeutic effect of St. John's wort in the treatment of depression, chronic fatigue and neurological disorders. At the same time, St. John's wort is reliably superior to synthetic drugs: side effects from it develop much less often and do not have such a severe nature.
A wide range of useful effects of St. John's wort is associated with the unique composition of dried flowers. Among the main active substances are azulene, hypericin, quercetin, tocopherols and flavonoids.
Useful substances in St. John's wort
Due to this composition, the natural antidepressant St. John's wort has become widespread in folk and traditional medicine. On its basis, popular medicines were created: "Gelarium Hypericum", "Doppelhertz Nervotonik", "Neuroplant", "Negrustin", "Deprim Forte".
Medicine for depression and insomnia based on St. John's wort can be prepared at home, using the following recipes.
St. John's wort is also used as an astringent, antiseptic, antibacterial and tonic. It is effective in diseases of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, bladder.
St. John's wort drugs have found application in gynecological practice, in the treatment of gallstone disease. It has a beneficial effect on the heart. Fresh grass is applied to wounds, bruises and when joints are broken.
Despite the harmlessness of St. John's wort, self-medication of depressive disorder is not recommended. Contact a qualified specialist who will prescribe adequate treatment for your condition.
St. John's wort infusion is not recommended for a long time, it is contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension, as well as those who have individual intolerance.
Do not use St. John's wort inside pregnant women and with diseases accompanied by fever. Absolutely not combined with the reception of drugs from St. John's wort alcoholic beverages, chocolate and coffee, as well as smoked and pickled products.
"Site" He'll tell you about stomach herbs you don't have to run to the pharmacy for. They're right next to you in your kitchen.
Ruthlessly removing wheatgrass from the site, many gardeners do not realize that kilograms of ripped grass can fundamentally improve their health. Learn about the amazing healing properties of the most common weed of our gardens.

With the onset of inclement pore in our body becomes less “hormone of happiness” serotonin, the synthesis of which requires sunlight. Lack of serotonin causes a person in a bad mood, loss of strength, distraction, depression.

To increase the level of serotonin in the body and protect us from autumn depression will help one of the most popular herbs in folk medicine - hole-wort (Hypericum perforatum).

It is called so because of the presence of glands in the leaves - small points visible to the lumen. It is in the glands that the balsamic secretion, the source of aroma and the medicinal principle of the plant are contained.
Apply St. John's wort for neuralgia began even Hippocrates and Paracelsus. It was first used as an antidepressant in 1652 by Nichols Kulpeper, an herbalist and astrologer.

The biologically active ingredient of St. John's wort - hypericin - suppresses the absorption of serotonin. This allows you to increase its concentration in the blood and relieves us of bad mood and sad thoughts.

Normalization of serotonin levels has another not entirely obvious consequence: it helps to lose weight. When serotonin levels drop, we feel bouts of acute hunger, and when it is normal, we feel full, even if the last time we ate parsley six hours ago.
Studies have shown a good therapeutic effect of St. John's wort in the treatment of depression, chronic fatigue and neurological disorders. At the same time, St. John's wort is reliably superior to synthetic drugs: side effects from it develop much less often and do not have such a severe nature.
A wide range of useful effects of St. John's wort is associated with the unique composition of dried flowers. Among the main active substances are azulene, hypericin, quercetin, tocopherols and flavonoids.
Useful substances in St. John's wort
- Hypericin
The red pigment contained in the herb of St. John's wort has an anti-stress psychotropic effect on the body. - azoulene
An antioxidant popular in cosmetology due to its anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. - quercetin
Flavonoid, which is able to penetrate the ends of nerve fibers, affecting the regulation of receptors and reducing the release of adrenaline, which causes its calming and analgesic effect. - rutin
Vitamin, which has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them.

Due to this composition, the natural antidepressant St. John's wort has become widespread in folk and traditional medicine. On its basis, popular medicines were created: "Gelarium Hypericum", "Doppelhertz Nervotonik", "Neuroplant", "Negrustin", "Deprim Forte".
Medicine for depression and insomnia based on St. John's wort can be prepared at home, using the following recipes.
- Infusion from depression
Pour 10 grams of dried plant with a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Drink this infusion up to 6 times a day, one tablespoon strictly after meals. The drug prepared according to this recipe helps not only in the treatment of depressive disorders, but also in cystitis, pain in the stomach and intestines, inflammation of the appendages, whites, diseases of the liver and bladder, diarrhea, kidney stone disease, rheumatism, headaches, colitis and involuntary urination in children. - St. John's wort tea for depression
Pour two teaspoons of dry St. John's wort mixture with a glass of boiling water. Drink. St. John's wort Freshly brewed twice a day, in the morning and evening hours. Before use, it should be infused for 10 minutes. To achieve a therapeutic result, you need to drink tea for 2-3 months.
DepositPhotos - Decoction of St. John's wort to get rid of anxiety
Mix the flowers of chamomile and St. John's wort in a ratio of 1: 1, pour them with 500 ml of water, brew on a slow fire, after boiling, hold on the fire for another 10 minutes. Take a decoction of 3 tablespoons half an hour before meals no more than 1 week. - Oil tincture
Mix 10 grams of St. John's wort flowers and half a glass of olive oil. Insist in a dark, cool place for 40 days. Take the obtained oil extract orally for two weeks, 1 teaspoon before meals.
DepositPhotos - St. John's wort powder for insomnia
Quite often, a depressive state is accompanied by sleep disturbance. To get rid of it will help St. John's wort powder, which is sold in pharmacy chains. Take 2-4 grams of powder a day, dividing it into three doses. The effect of treatment with plant powder will appear after a month of daily use.
St. John's wort is also used as an astringent, antiseptic, antibacterial and tonic. It is effective in diseases of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, bladder.
St. John's wort drugs have found application in gynecological practice, in the treatment of gallstone disease. It has a beneficial effect on the heart. Fresh grass is applied to wounds, bruises and when joints are broken.
Despite the harmlessness of St. John's wort, self-medication of depressive disorder is not recommended. Contact a qualified specialist who will prescribe adequate treatment for your condition.
St. John's wort infusion is not recommended for a long time, it is contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension, as well as those who have individual intolerance.
Do not use St. John's wort inside pregnant women and with diseases accompanied by fever. Absolutely not combined with the reception of drugs from St. John's wort alcoholic beverages, chocolate and coffee, as well as smoked and pickled products.
"Site" He'll tell you about stomach herbs you don't have to run to the pharmacy for. They're right next to you in your kitchen.
Ruthlessly removing wheatgrass from the site, many gardeners do not realize that kilograms of ripped grass can fundamentally improve their health. Learn about the amazing healing properties of the most common weed of our gardens.