NECK HURTS? HOW cervical osteochondrosis affects our condition ...

Initially, changes occur in the bones and ligaments. And that our body indicates periodic pain or impaired sensitivity department, affected by osteochondrosis. Then there are cracks and changes the height of the disk state, and the point of attachment of muscles and ligaments, belonging to two adjacent vertebrae closer together.
Therefore, the muscles and ligaments and vertebrae begin to sag easily slip or shift relative to one another. Then added to the pain more severe symptoms: the fact that in the upper part of the spinal column, in addition to nerve tested arteries that nourish the cerebellum, vestibular apparatus and important points lying in the base of the brain.
Deformed vertebrae compress the artery and block the brain of oxygen - begin periodic dizziness, headache, tinnitus, and so on. D. If the disk is on the way nerve arises characteristic pain. It can give to his hand, sometimes in individual fingers. Sometimes they may even lose sensitivity.
If at this stage of development of osteochondrosis not immediately sound the alarm - you automatically become a client of neurosurgeons. Is not it easier just to do the prevention of degenerative disc disease or try to rectify the situation at an early stage changes?
In the photo:
1. In this state, there is pain and stiffness of muscles.
2. There are recurrent headaches and impaired sensitivity in the cervical region.
3. headaches, tinnitus, vertigo.
4. Chronic pain due to irreversible changes in the spine.
CHECK NECK aptitude:
Recognize osteochondrosis of the cervical spine only. In this disease you indicate:
* pain in the neck
* crunching neck when turning
* weakness of the neck muscles
* fatigue when working
* violation of the sensitivity in the hands, chill
* pain radiating to the shoulder blade, shoulder and neck.
Infusions, ointments from osteoarthritis.
First you need to prepare an infusion of the roots of hellebore (it can still be used for washing wounds and compresses), since it is part of ointments: Peremel roots of hellebore in powder, take 10 mg, and pour two cups of boiling water, ten minutes infuse, strain.
1 Ointment
Take 1 st.lojke flowers herb St. John's wort, peppermint leaves, mix. Pour mixture cup boiling water, infuse for ten minutes, strain. Two tablespoons of petroleum jelly, melt in a water bath and mix with the herbal extract, add a teaspoon tincture of hellebore. Lubricate sore spots in osteochondrosis and radiculitis.
Ointment 2
Tablespoons fine dry grass Hypericum perforatum, two tsp herbs yarrow chop, mix. Two tsp petroleum jelly, melt in a water bath and mix with the herbal mixture, add a teaspoon tincture of hellebore. Rub back with radiculitis and osteochondrosis.
Ointment 3
Crush on c.lojke grass, yarrow, grass St. John's wort, a medicinal herb sage. Two tablespoons of petroleum jelly, melt in a water bath and mix with a mixture of herbs, add 2 tsp tincture of hellebore. Use for rubbing with arthritis.
Ointment 4
Mix st.lojke herb St. John's wort, yarrow and herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse for ten minutes, strain and add a teaspoon tincture of hellebore. Melt the lanolin in a water bath, and are connected by a herbal infusion. Rub with radiculitis, osteochondrosis.
Ointment 5
Crush and mix two tablespoons herb St. John's wort, st.lozhku herb sage, yarrow herb st.lozhku, connect to the 1, 5 tablespoons of Vaseline, add 2 tsp tincture of hellebore. Rub the sore spots when arthritis.