100 times more effective than chemotherapy! A herb that removes cancer cells within 48 hours.
Everyone knows the dandelion. It grows in fields, meadows, parks, gardens, near houses, along roads and pleases the eye with its sunny yellowness.
The dandelion has original flowers (florescences). On closer inspection, you can see that these are whole baskets of flowers. In wet weather, the inflorescences close, so the pollen is protected from getting wet. In clear weather, it is a time sign. The flowers open at six in the morning and close at three in the afternoon.
Many people see dandelion as a weed. Is that true? It turns out that the dandelion is literally stuffed with biologically active substances useful for humans. Connoisseurs of traditional medicine and simple healers even call it Russian ginseng, and for good reason.
The roots of dandelion include dozens of useful substances for our health, including calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, C, E, B, carotene, glycosides, flavonoids, polysaccharides, inulin, choline, sucrose, organic acids and much more.
A huge number of people die from cancer every year around the world, and unfortunately, the number of people diagnosed with tumors is steadily increasing. Of course, medicine is constantly evolving and discovering new ways to treat cancer.
But the main problem is that in many people, the body does not respond to various expensive drugs and painful medical procedures, which in the end can not fully help, but only give a temporary delay to the disease itself.
Chemotherapy is often used to fight cancer, but there are alternatives. natural remedieswhich produce good results. It is not recommended to use them instead of the main course of treatment, but you can try to supplement them with the main treatment.
Recently, the simple and most famous dandelion is increasingly used in alternative medicine for the treatment of cancer. And, I must say, it gives excellent results.
Studies have shown that dandelion root works even better than chemotherapy, as the latter kills all cells, while dandelion root kills only those cells that are carcinogenic.
The initial study was conducted at Winsor University (Canada), Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The results have given new hope to people with cancer. Dandelion root has been found to effectively kill carcinogenic cells without causing any harmful side effects in the remaining cells.
In lab tests. dandelion It destroyed 98% of cancer cells in just 48 hours. Further observations revealed that dandelion root extract can have a powerful effect on cancer cells in the colon, prostate cancer, leukemia, breast cancer, liver cancer and all types of lung cancer.
In summer, it is desirable to use the root fresh, and dry for the winter. In 1 cup of boiling water put 2 tablespoons of fresh crushed root, and dried - 1 tablespoon.
To prepare the infusion, mix the dandelion root with boiled and cooled to 40-50 degrees water. After that, cover the lid and leave for a few hours. Strain and take 1/3 cup 15-30 minutes before meals.
The roots of dandelion are harvested either in early spring in April - early May, or in autumn from the end of September. When digging in spring, it is important to do so before flowering. For medicinal raw materials, large roots are suitable, cleaned of lateral small roots.
They are first soaked for several days, after which they are washed, cut into pieces and dried either in special dryers or decomposing them on paper in a ventilated room. The temperature when drying in the oven or in the dryer should not exceed forty degrees.
In the city and its surroundings, medicinal plants cannot be collected. They are poisoned by toxic vehicle exhaust and emissions from industrial enterprises.
Contraindications to the use of dandelion root Despite the benefits of dandelion roots, there are contraindications to the use of infusions from them. Do not take drugs based on the roots of the sun flower with blockage of the bile ducts and peptic ulcer. With an overdose of infusion, nausea and vomiting occur. Possible diarrhea.
During lactation, a decoction from the plant can be used. This remedy enhances lactation and increases the amount of breast milk. In addition, the medicine helps to cope with postpartum depression. But tincture is forbidden to take.
There are people with individual intolerance to the drug. Before taking any medicine, you need to use a dose 3 times less than the recommended one and look at the reaction of the body. If you do not have a rash, dizziness or swelling, you can safely take a decoction and tincture from the roots of dandelion.
I can't believe we walk past this healing plant every day. We wish you good health, and do not forget to tell your friends about the beneficial properties of dandelion!
"Site" He repeatedly told about the treasures of the natural pantry - plants that can suppress cancer cells and help people in the fight against this terrible disease. Learn about the healing properties of black ash and how simple sauerkraut prevents cancer.

The dandelion has original flowers (florescences). On closer inspection, you can see that these are whole baskets of flowers. In wet weather, the inflorescences close, so the pollen is protected from getting wet. In clear weather, it is a time sign. The flowers open at six in the morning and close at three in the afternoon.

Many people see dandelion as a weed. Is that true? It turns out that the dandelion is literally stuffed with biologically active substances useful for humans. Connoisseurs of traditional medicine and simple healers even call it Russian ginseng, and for good reason.
The roots of dandelion include dozens of useful substances for our health, including calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, C, E, B, carotene, glycosides, flavonoids, polysaccharides, inulin, choline, sucrose, organic acids and much more.
A huge number of people die from cancer every year around the world, and unfortunately, the number of people diagnosed with tumors is steadily increasing. Of course, medicine is constantly evolving and discovering new ways to treat cancer.

But the main problem is that in many people, the body does not respond to various expensive drugs and painful medical procedures, which in the end can not fully help, but only give a temporary delay to the disease itself.
Chemotherapy is often used to fight cancer, but there are alternatives. natural remedieswhich produce good results. It is not recommended to use them instead of the main course of treatment, but you can try to supplement them with the main treatment.

Recently, the simple and most famous dandelion is increasingly used in alternative medicine for the treatment of cancer. And, I must say, it gives excellent results.
Studies have shown that dandelion root works even better than chemotherapy, as the latter kills all cells, while dandelion root kills only those cells that are carcinogenic.

The initial study was conducted at Winsor University (Canada), Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The results have given new hope to people with cancer. Dandelion root has been found to effectively kill carcinogenic cells without causing any harmful side effects in the remaining cells.
In lab tests. dandelion It destroyed 98% of cancer cells in just 48 hours. Further observations revealed that dandelion root extract can have a powerful effect on cancer cells in the colon, prostate cancer, leukemia, breast cancer, liver cancer and all types of lung cancer.
In summer, it is desirable to use the root fresh, and dry for the winter. In 1 cup of boiling water put 2 tablespoons of fresh crushed root, and dried - 1 tablespoon.
To prepare the infusion, mix the dandelion root with boiled and cooled to 40-50 degrees water. After that, cover the lid and leave for a few hours. Strain and take 1/3 cup 15-30 minutes before meals.
The roots of dandelion are harvested either in early spring in April - early May, or in autumn from the end of September. When digging in spring, it is important to do so before flowering. For medicinal raw materials, large roots are suitable, cleaned of lateral small roots.

They are first soaked for several days, after which they are washed, cut into pieces and dried either in special dryers or decomposing them on paper in a ventilated room. The temperature when drying in the oven or in the dryer should not exceed forty degrees.
In the city and its surroundings, medicinal plants cannot be collected. They are poisoned by toxic vehicle exhaust and emissions from industrial enterprises.
Contraindications to the use of dandelion root Despite the benefits of dandelion roots, there are contraindications to the use of infusions from them. Do not take drugs based on the roots of the sun flower with blockage of the bile ducts and peptic ulcer. With an overdose of infusion, nausea and vomiting occur. Possible diarrhea.
During lactation, a decoction from the plant can be used. This remedy enhances lactation and increases the amount of breast milk. In addition, the medicine helps to cope with postpartum depression. But tincture is forbidden to take.
There are people with individual intolerance to the drug. Before taking any medicine, you need to use a dose 3 times less than the recommended one and look at the reaction of the body. If you do not have a rash, dizziness or swelling, you can safely take a decoction and tincture from the roots of dandelion.
I can't believe we walk past this healing plant every day. We wish you good health, and do not forget to tell your friends about the beneficial properties of dandelion!
"Site" He repeatedly told about the treasures of the natural pantry - plants that can suppress cancer cells and help people in the fight against this terrible disease. Learn about the healing properties of black ash and how simple sauerkraut prevents cancer.
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