Three-day military diet: a week takes 4.5 kilograms of fat! A solid meal plan.
It's warm! It only means that very soon shorts, skirts, air dresses and, of course, swimsuits will be used. It is always necessary to maintain the body in good shape, but the closer to summer, the more urgent the issue of losing weight becomes. I know a lot of people. dietBut they are all pretty radical. And often extra pounds go away, and health problems come.
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you about the military diet. It was developed by nutrition specialists in the military to quickly get the military in shape. The diet is designed in such a way as to burn excess body fat and speed up metabolism to quickly become slim.
This is a popular low-calorie diet plan, with which you can lose an average of 0.5 kilograms of fat in 3 days plus 2-3 kilograms of excess fluid. Calculate the duration of the diet depending on the goals. With this diet, you do not need to buy expensive supplements or organic products. All ingredients are available and can be found in any store.
After three days, the diet is followed by 4 days, when you eat as usual, and then the cycle is repeated until you lose weight to the desired volumes.
DepositPhotos Day 1 (1,400 calories)
Day 2 (1,200 calories)
Day 3 (1,100 calories)
The menu is designed in such a way that you do not have time to get hungry, and sufficient caloric content will provide you with energy for the whole day. Snacks are not allowed between meals, but you can drink as much water as you like. The remaining 4 days of the diet you can adhere to the usual diet, but experts advise to consume no more than 1,500 calories a day. Following a diet, take care of regular physical activity.
A great diet to lose weight without stress for the body. Don’t forget to tell your friends about it on social media!

Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you about the military diet. It was developed by nutrition specialists in the military to quickly get the military in shape. The diet is designed in such a way as to burn excess body fat and speed up metabolism to quickly become slim.
This is a popular low-calorie diet plan, with which you can lose an average of 0.5 kilograms of fat in 3 days plus 2-3 kilograms of excess fluid. Calculate the duration of the diet depending on the goals. With this diet, you do not need to buy expensive supplements or organic products. All ingredients are available and can be found in any store.
After three days, the diet is followed by 4 days, when you eat as usual, and then the cycle is repeated until you lose weight to the desired volumes.

DepositPhotos Day 1 (1,400 calories)
- Breakfast: A cup of hot tea or coffee without sugar. A slice of whole grain bread with nut (peanut) butter and one grapefruit.
DepositPhotos - Lunch: A slice of bread with 200g of tuna steamed. You can have a cup of tea or coffee.
DepositPhotos - Dinner: 100-120 g of any boiled meat with 200 g of asparagus. Also eat an apple and half a banana. As a bonus for exposure, please yourself 150 g of filling.
Day 2 (1,200 calories)
- Breakfast: a slice of whole grain bread, 1 boiled egg and a small banana. You can also drink any hot drink without sugar.
DepositPhotos - Lunch: skim cottage cheese, 6 crackers, 1 boiled egg.
DepositPhotos - Dinner: 2 chicken sausages, a couple of broccoli inflorescences steamed or baked, 150 grams of ice cream, an apple.
Day 3 (1,100 calories)
- Breakfast: 5-6 crackers, apple, 2 pieces of cheddar. A cup of tea or coffee to choose from.
DepositPhotos - Lunch: toast, boiled egg.
DepositPhotos - Dinner: 200g boiled tuna, half banana, 150g ice cream.
The menu is designed in such a way that you do not have time to get hungry, and sufficient caloric content will provide you with energy for the whole day. Snacks are not allowed between meals, but you can drink as much water as you like. The remaining 4 days of the diet you can adhere to the usual diet, but experts advise to consume no more than 1,500 calories a day. Following a diet, take care of regular physical activity.
A great diet to lose weight without stress for the body. Don’t forget to tell your friends about it on social media!
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