What can replace the expensive powder for the dishwasher? Removal of odors dishwasher

Dishwasher, you might think, without their expensive powder will not work! I make my own like this: mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of borax (borax powder). The result will surprise you. By the way, the machine dishwasher from time to time should be treated by the same odors soda - sprinkle on a pallet half cup of baking soda, and then drive out the machine in the rinse cycle.
Refrigerator, microwave, stove stainless steel, coffee makers, juicers, vacuum flasks (tell me what else you need to wash) - all I do is my soda.
Sponges, which we wash the dishes, you have to throw out every week and buy new ones - they are the best breeding ground for germs. This is so they say. Yeah, scattered ... I am flying my lips the same soda and keep the night gubochki in his soda water. Soda very well removes odors. Do not be lazy to put a saucer of baking soda in the refrigerator overnight.
Dumpster in the kitchen cupboard loves times a week with baking soda to make friends.
Yes, it's a fact: our cats and write, and cocoa. And from this tray odor. Pour soda filler and no odor. A perfume is ready hoo!
Sly at home. Struck on the whitewashed and have black stripes? Child wax pencil brushed? Want - soda powertrowel want - chalk Sketch.
Washable wallpaper like soda solution.
A good clean carpets and deprive musty smell of the same soda dry. Only Vacuum properly afterwards.
Piano keys often turn yellow. Continue?
In the bathroom, almost all can be washed with soda: from tile to tile on the floor to the ceiling.
No deodorant? Soda on your armpits!
Do not buy doroguschih washing and bleaching agents. The quality of any of them can be strengthened by the addition of soda. I use Tide, soda and pour a quarter cup. (Remnants I do not throw - grated and there is for the smell. During the last cycle, adding some slop cup vinegar softens the tissue and removes Electrostatic.)
We are treated for burns: a quick soda into the icy water, wet cloth on the burn, and continue to apply until the burning sensation passes.
Sunburn? 4 teaspoons of baking soda per cup of water.
Cut shaving? A teaspoon of baking soda per cup of water and cut vatochkoy undergo treatment
Seduce you whiten your teeth? Or are you threatening periodontal disease? I keep soda and salt together with toothpaste, right in plain sight, so as not to forget. Rub the teeth and gums then soda, then salt. And who wears dentures - keep them in a soda solution at night and clean dry baking soda to whiten.
Dandruff, again: rub dry baking soda into the scalp. Did you know that Lucky latches are not washed out completely with shampoo? Add the baking soda shampoo.
In the bathroom: do not buy into the label fresheners toilets - you soda him, dear.
Do not pay for expensive softener for the meat - it's the same, our soda, but in beautiful wrappers. You need to quickly fry the meat -protushilos, and even that was mild? Guba not fool all want some sort something. What do we do? Rubbed with a piece of soda and a few hours in the refrigerator. Before cooking, I soak the meat in running water, remove the remnants of ash, so that they were not in the spirit. Even the old volovinu in this manner can a young veal mow.
How do I check on the suitability of soda? If you put out soda vinegar, while pop goes vyalenkaya, then it fizzled out soda. (But do not throw out: sprinkle the bottom of the garbage can, and let the rest of the work for the benefit of another.) Sealed pack of soda lived 18 months, open all 6. Do not be lazy replaced by fresh one and read the expiry date on the pack.
Do you want to have fish remained an unpleasant fishy smell? 2 teaspoons baking soda per gallon of water and a towel or cloth in the solution muffle your fish fillets or pieces. In an hour or so in the refrigerator. Rinsed and forward.
Your omelets will be more elaborate, if soda on the tip of a knife give, and to accelerate the cooking beans, beans and soda will help. In addition, when you gobbled up your chili, pea porridge whether or lobio, will not you, pardon ma Fransais, become swollen.
There is no yeast in the house? And it does not matter. Vitamin C or aspirin, then at least there? Mixed one of two fifti- fifty with soda to the extent in which you needed yeast. And you know that amazing? Your dough will not rise until it gets into the oven. But really there ...
And who is like when your hands smell after cooking onions, garlic, fish knives also do not smell better? And we are smart, we hand soda instead of soap swill.
Bought a jar of pickled cucumbers beautiful, and they are vinegar, sour solid. Where is our soda? Only careful - in contact with strong vinegar will foam, so that the jar we put into the sink.
I do not like when the drain in the sink is dirty. What do I do from time to time: a few spoons of soda is poured into the hole in the catchment grill and stub out the matter with vinegar. And if you beat, something else: a pack of salt and boiling water slide it, this salt (but the best way to clean the case and Pepsi Cola).
How to clean the washing machine
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