For a long time I cook food in the dishwasher, save money and time, this method is used by the best chefs.
Until recently, the dishwasher was a luxury. Today, such a device in the kitchen will not surprise anyone. And indeed, in the modern rhythm of life, it saves time for doing household chores very well. You don’t have to wait long at the sink to wash dishes after a family dinner. Especially, dishwasher modes satisfy the desires of each hostess and cope with pollution on any dishes.
Today we will tell you how to use the dishwasher in a non-trivial way.
There is a category of housewives who consider themselves to be advanced. They decided that the dishwasher could not only wash dishes. Many dishwashers have Sous-vide mode. This mode means washing under very strong steam.
There is such a thing in cooking, too. It means cooking under vacuum, but at relatively low temperatures in a water bath. Here are the hostess and combined these two concepts, starting cooking in the dishwasher.
For the first time this method of cooking was tested in 1970 by a French cook. He used vacuum packaging and cooked meals steamed or in water. This process is quite long, and the preparation takes several hours.
So the hostess decided to use this process to prepare ingredients for dishes in the dishwasher. This method may seem quite strange only at first glance, but the result is surprising. Editorial "Site" I decided to study this cooking technology in detail and share my findings with my readers.
This technology of cooking allows you to save products a delicate texture and beautiful color. Vacuum cooking at low temperatures also preserves useful vitamins and other substances in products.
The main condition for cooking in this way is a dense packaging of products. And, of course, you can not combine cooking and washing dishes at the same time. If the products still leak water with detergent, such products will be unsuitable for consumption.
What products can be prepared in a dishwasher in a vacuum package? First of all, it is fish and seafood, especially good fish of red varieties, such as salmon. The second is meat, especially poultry.
The structure of fibers with this method of processing is not broken, the meat remains very juicy and holistic. You can cook all sorts of porridge, some fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower.
As packaging for cooking, cans with a sealed lid, plastic bags, aluminum foil, food film are suitable. Water should not leak inside the package, so it is better to use several layers of protection.
And another condition - the product must be firmly fixed on the pallet. If the food will eat all over the dishwasher, then the effect of delicious cooking will not work.
Now imagine a simple recipe for eggs in the dishwasher. Take the right number of eggs, place each of them in separate plastic bags. Two grand, preferably. Make sure there is no air in them and they are sealed.
Tie your eggs to the pan. For this, you can use ordinary stationery rubber. Turn the car on sous-vide and wait for the cycle to end. Bon appetit!
Share in the comments how you feel about this method of cooking and whether you use the method of cooking in a vacuum.

Today we will tell you how to use the dishwasher in a non-trivial way.
There is a category of housewives who consider themselves to be advanced. They decided that the dishwasher could not only wash dishes. Many dishwashers have Sous-vide mode. This mode means washing under very strong steam.

There is such a thing in cooking, too. It means cooking under vacuum, but at relatively low temperatures in a water bath. Here are the hostess and combined these two concepts, starting cooking in the dishwasher.
For the first time this method of cooking was tested in 1970 by a French cook. He used vacuum packaging and cooked meals steamed or in water. This process is quite long, and the preparation takes several hours.

So the hostess decided to use this process to prepare ingredients for dishes in the dishwasher. This method may seem quite strange only at first glance, but the result is surprising. Editorial "Site" I decided to study this cooking technology in detail and share my findings with my readers.
This technology of cooking allows you to save products a delicate texture and beautiful color. Vacuum cooking at low temperatures also preserves useful vitamins and other substances in products.
The main condition for cooking in this way is a dense packaging of products. And, of course, you can not combine cooking and washing dishes at the same time. If the products still leak water with detergent, such products will be unsuitable for consumption.

What products can be prepared in a dishwasher in a vacuum package? First of all, it is fish and seafood, especially good fish of red varieties, such as salmon. The second is meat, especially poultry.
The structure of fibers with this method of processing is not broken, the meat remains very juicy and holistic. You can cook all sorts of porridge, some fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower.

As packaging for cooking, cans with a sealed lid, plastic bags, aluminum foil, food film are suitable. Water should not leak inside the package, so it is better to use several layers of protection.
And another condition - the product must be firmly fixed on the pallet. If the food will eat all over the dishwasher, then the effect of delicious cooking will not work.

Now imagine a simple recipe for eggs in the dishwasher. Take the right number of eggs, place each of them in separate plastic bags. Two grand, preferably. Make sure there is no air in them and they are sealed.
Tie your eggs to the pan. For this, you can use ordinary stationery rubber. Turn the car on sous-vide and wait for the cycle to end. Bon appetit!
Share in the comments how you feel about this method of cooking and whether you use the method of cooking in a vacuum.
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