Experienced housewives know that in no case can not cook in aluminum dishes

Aluminum utensils appeared in the kitchens of our grandmothers in the 50s of the last century and soon replaced the enameled one. It was more durable and practical. Because it withstands accidental shocks and is resistant to corrosion. Professional cooks and homegrown cooks also noticed that the food in it is less sticky and burnt. They highly appreciated these qualities of aluminum dishes and began to prepare various dishes in it.

Years have passed and scientists have sounded the alarm. Many of the materials from which kitchen utensils are made are not completely safe for us. But the greatest harm to health, according to experts, is caused by aluminum dishes. The fact is that the aluminum ions released by its surface penetrate into food and with it appear in our stomach.

Once in the body, the metal accumulates in the tissues and affects the reproduction of cells, and this negatively affects the metabolism and functioning of the nervous system. Doctors suggest that aluminum can provoke the occurrence of cancer. It is particularly dangerous for women.

As doctors began to convince everyone that aluminum cookware is unsafe for humans, users began to slowly get rid of spoons and forks made of this material. In addition, products made of stainless steel or stainless steel looked much more beautiful, so the hostess willingly exchanged the old dull devices for new and shiny ones. Only reliable aluminum pots, potteries, pans and potters were not completely abandoned, because it is difficult to find an equivalent replacement for them.

It is necessary to learn how to use it correctly to minimize the harmful effects of metal. To do this, you need to know what dishes can not be cooked in aluminum pans and what products are not recommended to cook in them.

What can be cooked in aluminum dishes This dish is suitable for neutral dishes and products.

It advises cooking porridge, non-acid vegetables, pasta, dumplings and dumplings, meat and fish. In such a container it is very good to boil milk or water. Food cooked in an aluminum pot is recommended to eat immediately, because you can not keep food in it for a long time. For further storage, it is necessary to transfer it to an enameled, glass or ceramic bowl.

In such dishes, you should not cook dishes that contain acids, and cook products containing vitamin C.

They are not allowed to prepare sour and sweet or tomato sauce, red or green borscht. You can not cook in such a pot fruit and berry compote or jelly. This dish is not suitable for the preparation of pickled dishes, for pickling or fermenting vegetables. It is also forbidden to cook food for small children. In an aluminum container, it is not recommended to insist on kvass and make okroshka.

The safest is clay, glass, wood and silver, followed by enameled and stainless steel. But every housewife prefers to cook in what she is used to. I threw all the harmful forks and spoons out of the house, but left a large pan and pan. And on the river with us regularly goes plague pot. Can you imagine fishing without an ear?

Do you still use aluminum utensils or have you found a replacement?


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