«The kitchen should be only one mistress».
It is important to remember that the energy in the food must be only one woman. When you cook in the kitchen, and sitting with you girlfriend, she also impregnates the food with his consciousness, his thoughts. Look - this is also the energy, feminine look is powerful. Therefore, if you do not want that to her husband in the head besides you it was also your friend - do not need to invite her to help prepare the food. Cooked food carries the power of women, and with the help of her woman can not only improve the position of her husband, but also to appease and positive attitude of colleagues, to give the necessary energy to children and unite families.
«Ware sends karma».
Gold, silver, copper utensils, as well as stainless steel does not transmit karma and energy of other people. The rest of the dishes absorb the karma of the person who eats of it. Therefore, if you have a house pottery, or glass, or some other - separate part for his family, and some for the guests to come people did not take your piety, and you did not take their negative karma. Drink one cup and eat from the same plate favorably only with her husband (or better even after her husband), and pure spiritual people whose consciousness will exalt you. After the food is transmitted human consciousness, and part remains on the dishes. Be sensitive to this.
«kitchen interior colors should be warm and clean».
Red, yellow, orange color - one of the most favorable for the kitchen, the energy of the colors enhances digestion, promotes good digestion, as well as the positive mood. Blue, green, purple and other cool colors contribute to the accumulation of slag, impair digestion and cause lethargy and depression, and also can cause loss of appetite. Black color is very unfavorable for the kitchen, it blocks the auspicious energy. So choose carefully the tablecloth, napkins, and the color of the dishes.
«Woman in the kitchen must be perfectly clean».
Well, if you have the clothes in which you are cooking, or it may simply be clean clothes. It is believed that the woman, like the Earth, absorbs everything it comes in, and therefore before the women were forbidden to work. After leaving the street, talking to people, listening to their problems, she absorbs it and then bring into the house. And then a woman preparing food, and all of these emotions, all this negative part of the meal. Therefore, before you start to cook - take a shower, clean from all that has accumulated during the day. If you do not have time or opportunity to take a shower - cleanse face, hands and feet, they are going to the most energy. And sprinkle a few drops of water your head. You can visualize the white stream of energy coming from the sky, purifying you on the higher plane, all your emotions and feelings. Filled with goodness, love, peace, before approach to the plate. After all, the kitchen You create destiny, mood and happiness of her family.
«The way he prepares a woman can understand what life in the family».
We have already talked about how strong and important thought and the mood of women in the process of cooking. If the food in the house is very sharp and excessive use of spices, so the emotions in the family will be at the limit if too much salty food, you will accumulate the energy of passion and sometimes anger if the food is very fresh, even in the family is setting fresh, if the family It eats fast food - it will be superficial relationships in the family. Fresh food brings freshness in relationships, various bright and beautiful food nourishes the energy of joy and positive the whole family.
«Save on food - means programming yourself on poverty»
. Choose quality products for your family, create the energy of abundance, that the spirit of fresh and good products forever lodged in your house. If you buy the latest "on the cheap" - it brings a corresponding energy in the house, if you do not have enough money. And this mood will be soaked and cooked food and minds households. So it is better to buy quality products less than a lot of little spoiled at a discount.
«Before you buy a product, look for the person who sells it».
It is important that the energy seller was blissful that he sold you the product with fun and excitement, then this product will benefit both the health of the family.
«Cookware should always be clean».
Clean utensils shows how pure the heart of the hostess how much she cares about the purity of family relationships. Washing dishes cleans the woman's heart from selfishness, bad emotions. Surely, in the life of each of you it is such that you come home in a bad mood, wash your dishes for all household and somehow it becomes easier inside. This is because a woman cleanses your consciousness through the care and cleaning for others. Important note: never let your girlfriends or even other women wash the dishes in your home. They are, therefore, take your good karma and your piety. But his piety and devotion of the family must be protected!
«Knives and forks are considered unfavorable devices on the table».
Sharp objects have the ability to cut the human energy field and therefore is considered to be unfavorable, we aim to "trident" plug in one of the most sensitive areas of your body, in your mouth. Particularly unfavorable is for children. It can be used without blades peaks with blunt ends.
«Carefully store legumes»
. The fact that legumes were collected all environmental karma and absorb it into himself. Corn - a Sun product, product strength, but the quality of this force depends on where this grain was lying. Let's say you keep it in a transparent bag in the closet, and nearby trash or near cursing people, the grain absorbs all this energy. Therefore, legumes should be stored in tight tin containers would be good to have more to put any prayer or beneficial divine image, then they will bring the greatest benefit to your family ... And, of course, remember that every 11th lunar day Ekadasi day, the whole family it is important to refrain from receiving the leguminous food, because on that day in the grain includes all unfavorable energy.
«Eat only need the right hand».
From the esoteric point of view of the left hand is considered unclean woman, through it goes all the negative energy. Therefore, if we eat with the left hand, we again take this energy in themselves, from which must be cleaned and rid of. Children also can not feed with the left hand, then we spoil their health also. The left hand can not light a fire in the kitchen, cut and interfere with food.
«Cooked food needs to be closed».
If immediately after cooking you will not eat cooked meal, be sure to cover it with a cloth or something else. In this world we live not just us, the people, in addition we are still living different subtle entities that can not eat coarse food, but they can eat fine food energy if it is not closed. And then you and your family will eat leftovers for them. Under no circumstances do not allow this, because at the essence of consciousness is much lower than that of men.
«Pure food cleanses the mind».
The food that you're cooking should be clean, not only physically but also in the higher plane. Do not bring in your home violence foods (meat, fish, eggs), if you do not want this energy moved into your house. The cleaner and blissful product - the purer consciousness Kushan it.
«Favored to cook without a trace».
Most good food - freshly prepared and eaten immediately. When we leave the food for the next day - it loses its fine component, and it is more important than gross physical elements. That's fine food component gives us the strength and energy, which is why home food cooked with love always store tasty salads and dishes from the cafe. Fresh food is considered to be up to 3 hours after its preparation. If you have left something after the meal - very well give it to animals or birds. Throwing food adversely, as it can be thrown away, and their wealth.