How to control your appetite
Scientific research in the field of taste preferences continues to surprise with discoveries. Scientists believe that color affects our mood, health and way of thinking. By knowing the power of color, you can control your appetite when you’re on a diet. Or successfully feed a moody child who turns his nose from food.
Recent research in psychology, science and medicine prove that even the choice of color dishes must be approached with caution.
The color of the dishes
So, we figured out that the “appetite” colors of dishes include: red, orange, yellow, green and white. The first dishes are better served in such dishes. This you will not cause much harm to the figure, you will feel satiety faster, and perhaps it will not reach the second course. But neutral shades of cold gamut make our brain behave restrained in relation to food.
Use the magic of flowers to change your weight. But remember that weight loss is a complex matter, so first review your food preferences.
We offer you to familiarize yourself with the useful tips of Dr. Kovalkov, how to turn your diet into a complete pleasure.
And you know, How to reduce appetite No harm to your health? Tell us in the comments how the color of the dishes affects you, and be sure to share this article on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Recent research in psychology, science and medicine prove that even the choice of color dishes must be approached with caution.
The color of the dishes
- white
Classic white dishes do not go out of fashion. But if you want to reduce appetite, then during the diet it is better not to use white dishes. The fact is that on a white background, all food looks contrasting and attracts attention, which means it stimulates appetite. In white containers, you need to serve only fruits and vegetables, so healthy food will have a more attractive appearance. It is no coincidence that chefs around the world prefer white plates to all others: white reflects light and emphasizes the natural shades of each ingredient on the dish in the best possible way. The brain associates white with sweetness - the food served in white dishes seems sweeter.
DepositPhotos - blue
You don't know, How to reduce appetite? Serve dishes in blue dishes. This noble color has a general calming effect on our mood, thereby “cooling” the reckless desire to overeat. A great way to restrain the desire to eat more food is to use dishes of blue, cornflower, cobalt, ultramarine shades. Aesthetically, dishes on this background look great, but appetite-lowering colors will secretly restrain your hunger impulses.
DepositPhotos - Purple.
It is a strong spiritual color that nourishes the imagination and makes you think high. But this effect has nothing to do with food. In addition to eggplant, red cabbage, plums and grapes, we do not eat other vegetables and fruits of purple color. Thus, our subconscious does not associate purple with anything edible. Therefore, our reaction to food served in purple dishes will not be so violent and overeat will not work.
DepositPhotos - Grey
Would you like to eat something gray? Hardly. Our perception tells us that if the food is grey, it is already spoiled. This color, being neutral in its psychological properties, mutes all the colors that are nearby. Grey dishes kill appetite and reduce the excitement of the meal. Great news for those who are watching the weight!
DepositPhotos - Black.
We subconsciously associate black with rot and decay. When food is not just spoiled (it is gray), but there is a physical process of decomposition, in nature its color is replaced by black. And the brain perceives such a dark substance not only as inedible, but also potentially dangerous. For parties, black dishes are very convenient, the food on it looks attractive. But black plates do not stimulate appetite if used every day. Such dark dishes are the surest solution for those who have entered the path of war with extra pounds. If you are serious about losing weight, cover the table with a black tablecloth.
DepositPhotos - Brown.
Brown color restrains our need for food. Surprisingly, we find appetizing brown shades of chocolate, coffee, bread, fried meat. Experts say this only works with food, not the background on which it is served. Lack of energy in this dark, sluggish hue slows down the rate of eating, which gives the brain enough time to get a feeling of fullness and therefore allows you to curb overeating.
DepositPhotos - Red.
Red is one of the most emotionally colored colors. Everyone knows that it excites the nervous system, speeds up the pulse and provokes hunger. Red colored dishes are undesirable for daily use. This leads to loss of appetite control and eating food in a hurry - in large chunks, chewing it poorly. Which in turn disrupts digestion, and we eat more than we planned.
DepositPhotos - Orange
A close relative of red, with which food seems even more appetizing. Orange stimulates the brain, enhancing mental activity and often causes hunger. Many healthy foods are orange: carrots, oranges, pumpkin, apricots. Orange dishes are useful if you want to give a warm welcome to guests and arrange them to yourself.
DepositPhotos - yellow
Increases appetite and allows you to quickly satiate. If you have completely lost the desire to eat and you just can’t look at food, put something tasty on a yellow or orange plate. The feeling of hunger will certainly wake up! The dishes of this color are best suited if you can not feed a naughty child, who finds porridge tasteless.
DepositPhotos - Green.
The green color prevails in nature. Plates and cups of green color helps to increase vitality and the appearance of vivacity. Such dishes relieve sleepiness, depressed state and even contributes to the fight against depression. We are programmed to see everything green as a source of nourishment, freshness and abundance. When food is served on green plates, this color can make even the most ordinary-looking dishes appetizing.
So, we figured out that the “appetite” colors of dishes include: red, orange, yellow, green and white. The first dishes are better served in such dishes. This you will not cause much harm to the figure, you will feel satiety faster, and perhaps it will not reach the second course. But neutral shades of cold gamut make our brain behave restrained in relation to food.

Use the magic of flowers to change your weight. But remember that weight loss is a complex matter, so first review your food preferences.
We offer you to familiarize yourself with the useful tips of Dr. Kovalkov, how to turn your diet into a complete pleasure.
And you know, How to reduce appetite No harm to your health? Tell us in the comments how the color of the dishes affects you, and be sure to share this article on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.