Memo to the tourist on vacation in Turkey

Now Turkish resorts are the most popular among Russian tourists. And this year the Mediterranean coast expects no less flow of tourists. Beautiful beaches, warm sea and absolutely incredible views – it is very easy to relax and lose your guard. Just be sure that the locals will take advantage of it.


They are not malicious cunning, as you might think, just trying to earn an extra penny. Editorial "Site" Help you save money and talk about the most popular tricks of the locals.

Methods of deception
  1. guides
    These are the first people to deal with. And there are many among them who want to cash in on your tourist illiteracy. Of course, this is not all, there are people who do their job well. They'll walk you around the hotel, tell you a little bit about the country and be happy to help. If a person is unscrupulous, he will immediately begin to impose something on you. He will offer expensive excursions, he will say that your insurance does not work in the place where you are going, and offer to arrange a suitable one with an insane discount. Know that this is all pure deception. Insurance is valid throughout the country for the entire period of stay. The only thing you need to know is about those cases that are not considered insurance.

    Do not rush and buy tour guides. Chances are high that you will overpay about fifty dollars and go on the same bus with those who paid less for the tour.


  2. Discounts from informant
    Another trick. Whistleblowers often give tourists cards and send them to “verified” places where you can get a discount. In first holiday in Turkey This is what almost all tourists do. Without this card, shopping can be much cheaper. In fact, a discount from a guide or informant is not a discount, but data about who the store should pay a percentage of your purchase.

  3. Payment at sea
    Remember, in most countries, including Turkey, the coastline for visitors is free. Asking for money to enter the beach is illegal. Paid can be only sunbeds, mattresses, umbrellas. You can safely take a towel and sit on the beach, but using toilets and sunbeds, of course, for free will not work.


  4. Tipping
    From the first step at the airport, you will be convinced that drivers, maids and porters are poor people who work for free, and their only earnings are tips. But this is another scam, because all the employees of the hotel receive a salary. To give or not to give a tip is only your business. And all this appeal to conscience is just a chance to make more money.
  5. Massage life-giving
    A trick that works just hurriedly. They offer you a free massage. Most often it happens that during the session, another masseur comes in, who, of course, turns out to be a luminary of Turkish medicine, examines your back and says that all your troubles are because of it. Afterwards, he tells you for a long time what is wrong with your spine, and then offers a course of massage that will save you. We recommend that you do not agree to such a miraculous massage, if you did not plan it. You’ll probably like the massage, but it’ll be cheaper at home.

  6. Gifts you have to pay for
    Frequent practice in the markets and streets: you may be offered a gift (some trinket), and then will be required to pay for it. For example, in the middle of the street there is a Turkish woman with her own jewelry. Her cute kids will run up to you or your baby and put a bracelet on their arm. You say thank you and move on, but they won't let you go. Their mom will vote right away to pay for the merchandise. If you persistently return the trinket, then it will eventually be taken back, but it is quite difficult to do this. So try not to accept anything as a gift unless you are willing to pay for it.

  7. Shopping tours
    Know that at the end of any tour you will be dragged to some factory or bazaar. If there is no desire to spend time on all this, it is better to choose an independent holiday or book an individual tour with a proven guide. Or you can completely refuse excursions and organize your leisure on your own. It is very difficult to leave these factories, where tourists are brought in groups, without buying, because sellers are able to convince you that you will not find such a product anywhere else in the world. In addition, the prices for tourist groups there are many times higher.

  8. Hotel and restaurant
    They are often cheated on additional services. For example, there are vouchers that include the cost of drinks, and there are without this service. You have to put everything in place so you don't get into an awkward situation. Lots of cheating options in restaurants where you're just being scammed. Therefore, you need to take small bills with you, because you can not wait for change. Another dangerous thing is cafes and restaurants without menus. They'll drag you out for a beer, and then they'll bill you for all the money in the world. So it is better not to go to places without fixed prices.

    A popular variant of deception is spices and sauces. Before ordering, always ask if the sauce is included in the price of the dish. After all, it may turn out that the sauce is almost more expensive than the entire order.


  9. Trade
    Turkey is a country of fakes. So all the announcements about crazy sales of branded products are a hoax, of course. There are a lot of quality things to buy in markets and shops, especially if they are Turkish products and not Chinese fakes. So look carefully, what else can I say? And most importantly - bargain until you lose your pulse, until the last penny. Sellers love it, and you can save a significant amount. The price tags there are already inflated by half, so there is a chance to buy something at a fair price.


Of course, the list of tricks does not end there, because there are so many people, so many different ways to make money. However, this list will make your summer vacation more comfortable and safe. And remember that Turkey is a beautiful sunny country with its own flavor, and not everyone here is trying to deceive you. Just enjoy your vacation and try to get a full rest!

Which countries do you prefer for vacation? What tricks are there residents to make money on tourists? Tell us in the comments.


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